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10-129 オプション指定のgroup_concat関数を模倣



mysql> select ID,sum(Val) as SumVal,
    -> group_concat(distinct Str order by Str desc) as ConcatStr
    ->   from (select 1 as ID,100 as Val,'aaa' as Str
    -> union all select 1,150,'bbb'
    -> union all select 1,200,'aaa'
    -> union all select 2,300,'ccc'
    -> union all select 2,400,'ddd'
    -> union all select 2,450,'ddd'
    -> union all select 2,450,'ddd'
    -> union all select 2,550,'eee') dummy
    -> group by ID;
| ID | SumVal | ConcatStr   |
|  1 |    450 | bbb,aaa     |
|  2 |   2150 | eee,ddd,ccc |


col ConcatStr for a20

with WorkView as (select 1 as ID,100 as Val,'aaa' as Str from dual
union all select 1,150,'bbb' from dual
union all select 1,200,'aaa' from dual
union all select 2,300,'ccc' from dual
union all select 2,400,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,450,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,450,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,550,'eee' from dual)
select ID,SumVal,SubStr(sys_connect_by_path(Str,','),2) as ConcatStr
from (select ID,Str,
      sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as SumVal,
      count(distinct Str) over(partition by ID) as MaxLevel,
      Dense_Rank() over(partition by ID order by Str desc) as Rank1,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID,Str order by 1) as Rank2
        from WorkView)
where Level = MaxLevel
Start With 1 = all(Rank1,Rank2)
connect by prior ID = ID
       and prior Rank1 = Rank1 - 1
       and Rank2 = 1;

with WorkView as (select 1 as ID,100 as Val,'aaa' as Str from dual
union all select 1,150,'bbb' from dual
union all select 1,200,'aaa' from dual
union all select 2,300,'ccc' from dual
union all select 2,400,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,450,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,450,'ddd' from dual
union all select 2,550,'eee' from dual)
select ID,SumVal,max(ConcatStr) as ConcatStr
from (select ID,SumVal,ConcatStr
        from WorkView
       partition by (ID)
       dimension by (Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn)
       measures(Val,9999 as SumVal,cast(Str as varchar2(200)) as ConcatStr)
       ConcatStr[any] order by rn=
       case when cv(rn) = 1 then ConcatStr[cv()]
            when instr(',' || ConcatStr[cv()-1] || ',',',' || ConcatStr[cv()] || ',') > 0
            then ConcatStr[cv()-1]
            else ConcatStr[cv()-1] || ',' || ConcatStr[cv()] end,
       SumVal[any] = sum(Val)[any]))
group by ID,SumVal;


where Level = MaxLevel