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10-226 OverLaps述語





SQL> select count(*),
  2  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS2")) as OL2,
  3  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS3")) as OL3,
  4  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS4")) as OL4,
  5  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS5")) as OL5,
  6  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS6")) as OL6,
  7  count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS7")) as OL7
  8  from (select d1,d2,d3,d4,
  9        case when (d1,d2) OVERLAPS (d3,d4) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS1",
 10        case when d3 <  d2 and d1 <  d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS2",
 11        case when d3 <  d2 and d1 <= d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS3",
 12        case when d3 <= d2 and d1 <  d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS4",
 13        case when d3 <= d2 and d1 <= d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS5",
 14        case when d3 <  d2 and d1 <  d4
 15               or d1=all(d3,d4) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS6",
 16        case when d3 <  d2 and d1 <  d4
 17               or d1=all(d3,d4)
 18               or d3=all(d1,d2) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS7"
 19        from (select Least(d1,d2) as d1,
 20              greatest(d1,d2) as d2,
 21              Least(d3,d4) as d3,
 22              greatest(d3,d4) as d4
 23              from(select
 24                   trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),50)) as D1,
 25                   trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),50)) as D2,
 26                   trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),50)) as D3,
 27                   trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),50)) as D4
 28                   from all_catalog,all_catalog where RowNum <=200000)));

 COUNT(*)        OL2        OL3        OL4        OL5        OL6        OL7
---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   200000         23       1354       1414       2745          0         22

SQL> /

 COUNT(*)        OL2        OL3        OL4        OL5        OL6        OL7
---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   200000         18       1432       1406       2820          0         23

SQL> /

 COUNT(*)        OL2        OL3        OL4        OL5        OL6        OL7
---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   200000         31       1358       1429       2756          0         24


(d1,d2) OVERLAPS (d3,d4)
d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 or d1=all(d3,d4)


using analytical function to calculate concurrency between date range


d3 <= d2 and d1 <= d4
今日のコアタイム終了前に、出社して (d3 <= d2)
今日のコアタイム開始後に、退社した (d1 <= d4)

なお、 出勤開始 <= フレックス終了 and 出勤終了 >= フレックス開始 と greatest(出勤開始,フレックス開始) <= Least(出勤終了,フレックス終了) は、同じ意味となります。 select count(*), count(nullif("OVERLAPS0","OVERLAPS1")) as test from (select d1,d2,d3,d4, case when greatest(d1,d3) <= Least(d2,d4) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS0", case when d3 <= d2 and d1 <= d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS1" from (select Least(d1,d2) as d1,greatest(d1,d2) as d2, Least(d3,d4) as d3,greatest(d3,d4) as d4 from(select trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D1, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D2, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D3, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D4 from all_catalog,all_catalog where RowNum <=90000))); COUNT(*) TEST -------- ---- 90000 0 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 出勤開始 <= フレックス終了 and 出勤終了 >= フレックス開始 と greatest(出勤開始,フレックス開始) <= Least(出勤終了,フレックス終了) は、同じ意味の証明 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出勤開始を KS 出勤終了を KE フレックス開始 FS フレックス終了 FE とおくと greatest(出勤開始,フレックス開始) <= Least(出勤終了,フレックス終了) は以下に変形できる。 KS <= FS and KE <= FE and FS <= KE or (KS <= FS and KE > FE and FS <= FE) or (KS > FS and KE <= FE and KS <= KE) or (KS > FS and KE > FE and KS <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FS <= FE と KS <= KE は明らかなので KS <= FS and KE <= FE and FS <= KE or (KS <= FS and KE > FE) or (KS > FS and KE <= FE) or (KS > FS and KE > FE and KS <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ブール代数の分配法則より KS <= FS and (KE <= FE and FS <= KE or KE > FE) or KS > FS and (KE > FE and KS <= FE or KE <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ブール代数の公式 _ A+A*B = A+B KS <= FS and (FS <= KE or KE > FE) or KS > FS and (KS <= FE or KE <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- KE > FE ⇒ FS <= KE KE <= FE ⇒ KS <= FE なので 命題が成立した状態での、論理和より KS <= FS and FS <= KE or KS > FS and KS <= FE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 命題が成立した状態での、論理積より KS <= FS and FS <= KE or KS > FS and KS <= FE and FS <= KE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ブール代数の分配法則より FS <= KE and (KS <= FS or KS > FS and KS <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ブール代数の公式 _ A+A*B = A+B FS <= KE and (KS <= FS and KS <= FE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- KS <= FS ⇒ KS <= FE なので FS <= KE and KS <= FE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- よって 出勤開始 <= フレックス終了 and 出勤終了 >= フレックス開始 と greatest(出勤開始,フレックス開始) <= Least(出勤終了,フレックス終了) は、同じ意味 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-142 命題成立時のブール代数の同値変形 でよく似た同値変形をしてますね。 select case when lnnvl(greatest(sysdate,sysdate) <= Least(sysdate,sysdate)) then 1 else 0 end aa from dual; lnnvl述語と組み合わせて使う用途があるかもしれませんね。
Oracle11gの新機能 WM_OVERLAPSの実験結果 select count(*), count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS2")) as OL2, count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS3")) as OL3, count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS4")) as OL4, count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS5")) as OL5, count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS6")) as OL6 from (select d1,d2,d3,d4, --case when (d1,d2) OVERLAPS (d3,d4) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS1", WM_OVERLAPS(WM_PERIOD(d1,d2),WM_PERIOD(d3,d4)) as "OVERLAPS1", case when d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS2", case when d3 < d2 and d1 <= d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS3", case when d3 <= d2 and d1 < d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS4", case when d3 <= d2 and d1 <= d4 then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS5", case when d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 or d1=all(d3,d4) then 1 else 0 end as "OVERLAPS6" from (select Least(d1,d2) as d1, greatest(d1,d2) as d2, Least(d3,d4) as d3, greatest(d3,d4) as d4 from(select trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D1, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D2, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D3, trunc(SYSDATE+mod(dbms_random.random(),100)) as D4 from (select 1 from all_catalog union all select 1 from all_catalog union all select 1 from all_catalog union all select 1 from all_catalog)))); COUNT(*) OL2 OL3 OL4 OL5 OL6 --------- --- --- --- --- --- 114484 0 336 379 715 3 WM_OVERLAPS関数とOVERLAPS述語の仕様は微妙に違うようですねぇ

9-6 行事の間に宿泊した客を取得その1
9-7 行事の間に宿泊した客を取得その2