トップページに戻る    次のSQLパズルへ    前のSQLパズルへ

5-30 特定レコードの、前のデータを取得


ID   name    page        created
--   ----   ------   -------------------
 1   田中   1.html   2004-08-10 10:00:00
 2   田中   2.html   2004-08-10 10:10:00
 3   田中   4.html   2004-08-10 10:20:00
 4   加藤   0.html   2004-08-10 10:00:00
 5   加藤   2.html   2004-08-10 10:15:00
 6   加藤   3.html   2004-08-10 10:20:00
 7   村上   1.html   2004-08-10 10:00:00
 8   村上   2.html   2004-08-10 10:10:00
 9   村上   3.html   2004-08-10 10:30:00


ID   name    page        created
--   ----   ------   ------------------
 1   田中   1.html   2004/8/10 10:00:00
 4   加藤   0.html   2004/8/10 10:00:00
 7   村上   1.html   2004/8/10 10:00:00


create Table htmlTable(
ID      number(1),
name    char(4),
page    char(6),
created date);

insert into htmlTable values(1,'田中','1.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(2,'田中','2.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:10:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(3,'田中','4.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:20:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(4,'加藤','0.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(5,'加藤','2.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:15:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(6,'加藤','3.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:20:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(7,'村上','1.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(8,'村上','2.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:10:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into htmlTable values(9,'村上','3.html',to_date('2004-08-10 10:30:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));


select ID,name,page,to_char(created,'FMYYYY/MM/DD FMHH24:MI:SS') as created
from htmlTable a
where created = (select max(b.created) from htmlTable b
                  where b.name=a.name
                    and b.created < (select c.created from htmlTable c
                                      where c.name= b.name
                                        and c.page= '2.html' ))
order by ID;

select ID,name,page,to_char(created,'FMYYYY/MM/DD FMHH24:MI:SS') as created
from htmlTable a
where (select b.page from htmlTable b
        where b.name = a.name
          and b.created = (select min(c.created) from htmlTable c
                            where c.name= b.name
                              and c.created > a.created)) = '2.html';

select a.ID,a.name,a.page,to_char(a.created,'FMYYYY/MM/DD FMHH24:MI:SS') as created
from htmlTable a,
(select name,page,
        Lag(created) over (partition by name order by created) as LagDate
        from htmlTable) b
where a.name=b.name
  and b.page='2.html'
  and a.created = b.LagDate
order by ID;

select ID,name,page,to_char(created,'FMYYYY/MM/DD FMHH24:MI:SS') as created
from (select ID,name,page,created,
      Lead(page) over (partition by name order by created) as LeadPage
      from htmlTable)
where LeadPage = '2.html'
order by ID;


