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SQLServer2008 R1 Express Editionを対象としてます。


第1部 分析関数の使用例
 1. 分析関数とは
 2. select文の件数取得
 3. exceptとcount(*) over()
 4. 最大値の行の取得
 5. 順位を付ける
 6. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)
 7. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定
 8. 最頻値(モード)
 9. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (2人旅人算)
10. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)
11. update文で分析関数の値に更新

第2部 Oracle11gR2の分析関数をSQLServer2008で模倣
12. order byを指定したsum関数
13. Rowsを指定したsum関数
14. Rangeを指定したsum関数
15. First_Value関数,Last_Value関数,nth_Value関数
16. Lag関数,Lead関数 (1行前と1行後)
17. Lag関数,Lead関数 (2行前と2行後)
18. 直近との差が10以上なグループでまとめる
19. count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID)
20. sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID)
21. ListAgg関数とwmsys.wm_concat
22. Median関数

第3部 SQLServer2012のTransact-SQLの新機能

第4部 分析関数の参考リソース

1. 分析関数とは

select句とorder by句で使うことができる。order by句で使うことは、ほとんどない。






最頻出  count  max   min    Row_Number
頻出    Rank   dense_rank   sum
たまに  avg    NTile

2. select文の件数取得


create table TestTable(ID int,Val int);
insert into TestTable values(1,10),

-- OLAPSample1
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable;

-- OLAPSample1のサブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(*) from TestTable b) as recordCount
  from TestTable a;

ID  Val  recordCount
--  ---  -----------
 1   10            5
 1   20            5
 2   10            5
 2   30            5
 2   50            5


where句や、group by句や、having句があっても、select文の結果の件数が求まります。

-- OLAPSample2
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
 where Val in(10,20);

ID  Val  recordCount
--  ---  -----------
 1   10            3
 1   20            3
 2   10            3

-- OLAPSample3
select ID,max(Val) as maxVal,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
group by ID
having max(Val) = 20;

ID  maxVal  recordCount
--  ------  -----------
 1      20            1


インラインビューを使うか、count(*) over()の代わりにdense_rank関数と逆ソートを使う必要があります。

SELECT (Transact-SQL)に書いてあるように、SQLServerのselect文は、
1 from句
2 where句
3 group by句
4 having句
5 select句
6 distinct
7 order by句
8 Top句

-- OLAPSample4
select Top (2) ID,count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
order by ID;

ID  recordCount
--  -----------
 1            5
 1            5

-- OLAPSample5
select Top (2) ID,
case when 2 < count(*) over()
     then 2 else count(*) over() end as recordCount
  from TestTable
order by ID;

ID  recordCount
--  -----------
 1            2
 1            2

create table disT(ColA int,ColB int);
insert into disT values(1,null),
                       (1,   3),
                       (1,   3),

-- OLAPSample6
select distinct ColA,ColB,
-1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
  +dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc) as recordCount
  from disT
order by ColA,ColB;

ColA  ColB  recordCount
----  ----  -----------
   1  NULL            3
   1     3            3
   2  NULL            3

-- OLAPSample7
select distinct Top (2) ColA,ColB,
case when 2 < -1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
                +dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc)
     then 2 else -1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
                   +dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc) end as recordCount
 from disT
order by ColA,ColB;

ColA  ColB  recordCount
----  ----  -----------
   1  NULL            2
   1     3            2


-- OLAPSample8
select ColA,ColB,count(*) over() as recordCount
from (select distinct Top (2) ColA,ColB
        from disT
      order by ColA,ColB) a
order by ColA,ColB;

ColA  ColB  recordCount
----  ----  -----------
   1  NULL            2
   1     3            2

3. exceptとcount(*) over()

exceptとcount(*) over() の組み合わせです。

create table tableA(ColA int,ColB int);
create table tableB(ColA int,ColB int);
insert into tableA values(1,2),

-- case1
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2);

-- case2
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2),

-- case3
truncate table tableB;

-- case4
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(2,2),

-- case5
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2),

-- tableAとtableBのデータが同じか確認するselect文
select *,count(*) over() from tableA
select *,count(*) over() from tableB;




(A ⊆ B ) かつ (A ⊇ B) ⇔ (A = B)

(集合Aと集合Bの要素数が等しい) かつ (A ⊆ B) ⇔ (A = B)


4. 最大値の行の取得


create table TestTable2(ID int,Val int,extraCol char(1));
insert into TestTable2 values(1,10,'A'),

-- 単純に、IDごとのValの最大値が欲しいなら、これで可
select ID,max(Val)
  from TestTable2
group by ID;

-- OLAPSample9
select ID,Val,extraCol
from (select ID,Val,extraCol,
      max(Val) over(partition by ID) as maxVal
        from TestTable2) a
 where Val = maxVal;

-- OLAPSample9の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,extraCol
  from TestTable2 a
 where Val = (select max(b.Val)
                from TestTable2 b
               where b.ID = a.ID);

ID  Val  extraCol
--  ---  --------
 1   20  B
 2   50  E
 3   70  F
 3   70  G

分析関数が使えるのは、select句かorder by句です。

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

5. 順位を付ける


create table TestTable3(ID int,score int);
insert into TestTable3 values(1,100),
                             (1, 90),
                             (1, 80),
                             (2, 70),
                             (2, 70);

-- OLAPSample10
select ID,score,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "Row_Number",
      rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "rank",
dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "dense_rank"
  from TestTable3
order by ID,score desc;

ID  score  Row_Number  rank  dense_rank
--  -----  ----------  ----  ----------
 1    100           1     1           1
 1    100           2     1           1
 1     90           3     3           2
 1     80           4     4           3
 2    100           1     1           1
 2     70           2     2           2
 2     70           3     2           2


-- OLAPSample10の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法 (Row_Number関数以外)
select ID,score,
(select count(*)+1 from TestTable3 b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "rank",
(select count(distinct b.score)+1 from TestTable3 b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "dense_rank"
from TestTable3 a
order by ID,"rank";

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

6. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)

4. 最大値の行の取得では、


create table multiSortKey(ID int,sortKey1 int,sortKey2 int,extraCol char(3));
insert into multiSortKey values(1,10, 2,'AAA'),
                               (1,10, 3,'BBB'),
                               (1,30, 1,'CCC'),
                               (2,20, 1,'DDD'),
                               (2,50, 2,'EEE'),
                               (2,50, 2,'FFF'),
                               (3,60, 1,'GGG'),
                               (3,60, 2,'HHH'),
                               (3,60, 3,'III'),
-- OLAPSample11
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol,
      rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
        from multiSortKey) a
 where rn = 1
order by ID,extraCol;

ID  sortKey1  sortKey2  extraCol
--  --------  --------  --------
 1        30         1  CCC
 2        50         2  EEE
 2        50         2  FFF
 3        60         3  III
 4        10        20  JJJ

-- OLAPSample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKey a
 where not exists(select 1 from multiSortKey b
                   where b.ID = a.ID
                     and (b.sortKey1 > a.sortKey1
                       or b.sortKey1 = a.sortKey1 and b.sortKey2 > a.sortKey2))
order by ID,extraCol;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

7. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定




create table boolCheckT(ID char(2),Val int);
insert into boolCheckT values('AA',10),

・check1 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check2 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たさないか?
・check3 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check4 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たさないか?
・check5 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val=10 を満たし、
             かつ、少なくとも1つの行が Val=50 を満たすか?


-- OLAPSample12
select ID,Val,
min(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk1,
min(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk2,
max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk3,
max(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk4,
 max(case when Val=10 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID)
*max(case when Val=50 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk5
  from boolCheckT
order by ID,Val;

ID Val  chk1  chk2  chk3  chk4  chk5
-- ---  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
AA  10     1     0     1     0     0
AA  20     1     0     1     0     0
BB  10     0     0     1     1     1
BB  30     0     0     1     1     1
BB  50     0     0     1     1     1
CC  80     0     1     0     1     0
CC  90     0     1     0     1     0
DD  20     0     0     1     1     0
DD  70     0     0     1     1     0


脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。


全称 → min
存在 → max

肯定 → (case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end)
否定 → (case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end)

全称肯定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
全称否定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1
存在肯定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
存在否定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1
存在肯定命題の論理積なら max(case when 条件A then 1 else 0 end)
                       *max(case when 条件B then 1 else 0 end) = 1



-- 集約関数での全称肯定命題など
select ID,
(select cast(b.Val as char(2)) + ','
   from boolCheckT b
  where b.ID=a.ID
for xml path('')) as ListVal,
min(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) as chk1,
min(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) as chk2,
max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) as chk3,
max(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) as chk4,
 max(case when Val=10 then 1 else 0 end)
*max(case when Val=50 then 1 else 0 end) as chk5
  from boolCheckT a
group by ID
order by ID;

ID  ListVal    chk1  chk2  chk3  chk4  chk5
--  ---------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
AA  10,20,        1     0     1     0     0
BB  10,30,50,     0     0     1     1     1
CC  80,90,        0     1     0     1     0
DD  20,70,        0     0     1     1     0


-- having句での存在肯定命題
select ID,
(select cast(b.Val as char(2)) + ','
   from boolCheckT b
  where b.ID=a.ID
for xml path('')) as ListVal
from boolCheckT a
group by ID
having max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
order by ID;

ID  ListVal
--  ---------
AA  10,20,
BB  10,30,50,
DD  20,70,

8. 最頻値(モード)

create table DayWeather(day1 date,weather char(6));
insert into DayWeather values(convert(date,'2008-01-02'),'sunny' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-01-15'),'snowy' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-01-30'),'snowy' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-06-24'),'rainy' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-06-30'),'rainy' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-07-02'),'sunny' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-07-14'),'sunny' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-07-23'),'sunny' ),
                             (convert(date,'2008-07-31'),'sunny' ),


-- 最頻値が必ず1つだけなら、これでも可
select Top (1) weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather
group by weather
order by count(*) desc;

-- OLAPSample13
select weather,cnt
from (select weather,count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over() as maxCnt
        from DayWeather
      group by weather) a
 where cnt = maxCnt;

weather  cnt
-------  ---
sunny      5

-- OLAPSample13のサブクエリを使った代替方法(all述語を使用)
select weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather
group by weather
having count(*) >= all(select count(*)
                         from DayWeather
                       group by weather);

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。group by weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。



-- OLAPSample14
select month1,weather,cnt
from (select month(day1) as month1,weather,
      count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over(partition by month(day1)) as maxCnt
        from DayWeather
      group by month(day1),weather) a
 where cnt = maxCnt
order by month1,weather;

month1  weather  cnt
------  -------  ---
     1  snowy      2
     6  cloudy     2
     6  rainy      2
     7  sunny      4
    11  cloudy     1

-- OLAPSample14の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法(Top句を使用)
select month(day1) as month1,weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather a
group by month(day1),weather
having count(*) = (select Top (1) count(*)
                     from DayWeather b
                    where month(b.day1) = month(a.day1)
                   group by weather
                   order by count(*) desc)
order by month1,weather;

group by month(day1),weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。

partition by month(day1)に対応する超極太赤線を引いてます。

9. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (2人旅人算)


create table NumTable(NumVal integer not null primary key);
insert into NumTable values( 1),
                           ( 2),
                           ( 3),
                           ( 5),
                           ( 6),
                           ( 7),

-- OLAPSample15 旅人算の感覚を使う
select min(NumVal) as StaVal,
max(NumVal) as EndVal,count(*) as cnt
from (select NumVal,
      NumVal-Row_Number() over(order by NumVal) as distance
        from NumTable) a
group by distance
order by StaVal;

StaVal  EndVal  cnt
------  ------  ---
     1       3    3
     5       7    3
    10      12    3
    20      21    2

旅人Xは、速度が1です。(Row_Number() over(order by NumVal))

そして、旅人Xと旅人Aの距離でグループ化してます。 (group by distance)


今月は旅人算 - 学びの場.com

10. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)

前問の応用であり、US-OTNでよく見かけて、SQLパズル 第2版にも掲載されている問題。
第63問 連続的なグルーピングを旅人算の感覚を使って解いてみましょう。

create table Tabibito(
sortKey integer not null,
Val char(3),
primary key(sortKey));
insert into Tabibito values( 1,'aaa'),
                           ( 2,'aaa'),
                           ( 3,'bbb'),
                           ( 6,'bbb'),
                           ( 8,'aaa'),

-- OLAPSample16
select min(sortKey) as low,max(sortKey) as high,Val
from (select sortKey,Val,
       Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)
      -Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey) as distance
      from Tabibito) a
group by Val,distance
order by min(sortKey);

low  high  Val
---  ----  ---
  1     2  aaa
  3     6  bbb
  8     8  aaa
 20    20  bbb
 22    23  ccc
 31    33  ddd

旅人Xは、必ず1進みます。(Row_Number() over(order by sortKey))
旅人Aは、Val='aaa'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Bは、Val='bbb'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Cは、Val='ccc'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Dは、Val='ddd'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))

そして、旅人の種類と、旅人Xとの距離でグループ化してます。 (group by Val,distance)


Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)に対応する1人の旅人と、
Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey)に対応する4人の旅人をイメージし、
group by Val,distanceに対応する赤線を引いてます。

11. update文で分析関数の値に更新


create table updTes(
ID  int not null,
Val int not null,
seq int,
primary key(ID,Val));

insert into updTes values(1,   1,null),
                         (1,   2,null),
                         (1,   4,null),
                         (1,   8,null),
                         (2,  16,null),
                         (2,  32,null),
                         (2,  64,null),
                         (2, 128,null),
                         (3,   1,null),
                         (3,  20,null),
                         (3,  30,null),
                         (4, 100,null),
                         (4, 123,null),
                         (4, 150,null);

-- OLAPSample17
update updTes
set seq = b.rn
from (select ID,Val,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
        from updtes) b
where updTes.ID=b.ID
  and updTes.Val=b.Val;

MSDNライブラリ --- UPDATE (Transact-SQL)

-- OLAPSample17の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
update updtes
set seq = (select count(*)+1
             from updtes b
            where b.ID = updtes.ID
              and b.Val < updtes.Val);

partition byで脳内で赤線を引いて、Row_Number関数で青線と黄緑線をイメージしてます。

MSDNライブラリ --- TOP (Transact-SQL)
SQLServer2008のupdate文では、Top句の指定は可能で、Order by句の指定は不可です。


-- OLAPSample18
update updTes
set seq = 200
from (select ID,Val,
      Row_Number() over(order by Val) as rn
        from updtes) b
where updTes.ID=b.ID
  and updTes.Val=b.Val
  and b.rn <= 2;

-- OLAPSample18の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
update updtes
set seq = 200
where exists(select 1
               from (select top (2) ID,Val
                       from updtes
                     order by Val) b
               where updTes.ID=b.ID
                 and updTes.Val=b.Val);

-- OLAPSample18の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法2
update updtes
set seq = 200
from (select top (2) ID,Val
        from updtes
      order by Val) b
where updTes.ID=b.ID
  and updTes.Val=b.Val;


-- マルチカラムin述語
update updtes
set seq = 200
where (ID,Val) in (select top (2) ID,Val
                     from updtes
                   order by Val)

with句で分析関数を使った更新可能なビュー(UpdatableView)を使うupdate文を使ってもいいでしょう。 create table updT(ID int,Val int,seq int); insert into updT values(1, 5,null), (1,12,null), (1,55,null), (2,20,null), (2,43,null), (2,85,null); seqをIDごとのValの昇順な連番にupdateしてみます。 -- 更新可能なビュー(UpdatableView)を使うupdate文 with updView as( select seq, Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn from updT) update updView set seq=rn; 更新結果 ID Val seq -- --- --- 1 5 1 1 12 2 1 55 3 2 20 1 2 43 2 2 85 3 脳内のイメージは、下記となります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてから、 Row_Number関数で付与する連番に対応する青線と黄緑線を引いてます。 UPDATE TABLE using ROW_NUMBER() OVER... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ちなみに、with句で分析関数を使った削除可能なビュー(DeletableView)を使うdelete文というのもあります。 create table dupT(Val1 int,Val2 int); insert into dupT values(1, 5), (1,10), (1,10), (2,20), (2,20), (3,30), (3,40); delete文で重複行を1行にしてみます。 -- 削除可能なビュー(DeletableView)を使うdelete文 with delView as( select Row_Number() over(partition by Val1,Val2 order by Val1) as rn from dupT) delete from delView where rn > 1; 削除結果 Val1 Val2 ---- ---- 1 5 1 10 2 20 3 30 3 40 脳内のイメージは、下記となります。partition by Val1,Val2に対応する赤線を引いてから、 Row_Number関数で付与する連番に対応する黄緑線を引いてます。 Forum FAQ: How do I remove duplicate rows from a table in SQL Server?

第2部 Oracle11gR2の分析関数をSQLServer2008で模倣

12. order byを指定したsum関数

create table ValT(ID char(2),sortKey int,Val int);
insert into ValT values('AA',1,10);
insert into ValT values('AA',5,20);
insert into ValT values('AA',7,40);
insert into ValT values('AA',9,80);
insert into ValT values('BB',1,10);
insert into ValT values('BB',2,30);
insert into ValT values('BB',6,90);
insert into ValT values('CC',1,30);
insert into ValT values('CC',2,70);
insert into ValT values('CC',9,60);

Oracleでは、分析関数でorder byを指定して累計を取得することができます。

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as runSum
  from ValT
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey  Val  runSum
--  -------  ---  ------
AA        1   10      10
AA        5   20      30
AA        7   40      70
AA        9   80     150
BB        1   10      10
BB        2   30      40
BB        6   90     130
CC        1   30      30
CC        2   70     100
CC        9   60     160


-- 相関サブクエリを使う方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from ValT b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey) as runSum
from ValT a
order by ID,sortKey;

-- 再帰SQLを使う方法
with tmp(ID,sortKey,Val,rn) as(
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by sortKey)
  from ValT),
rec(ID,sortKey,Val,rn,runSum) as(
select ID,sortKey,Val,rn,Val
  from tmp
 where rn=1
union all
select a.ID,b.sortKey,b.Val,b.rn,a.runSum+b.Val
  from rec a,tmp b
 where a.ID=b.ID
   and a.rn+1=b.rn)
select * from rec
order by ID,sortKey;


13. Rowsを指定したsum関数

create table Rows2Preceding(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,1, 10);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,2, 60);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,3, 90);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,4,600);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,7,300);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,8,100);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,3, 40);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,4, 50);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,6,600);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,8,200);

Oracleでは、分析関数でorder byを指定して、かつrowsを指定し、

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Rows 2 Preceding) as moveSum
  from Rows2Preceding
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey  Val  moveSum
--  -------  ---  -------
 1        1   10       10
 1        2   60       70
 1        3   90      160
 1        4  600      750
 1        7  300      990
 1        8  100     1000
 2        3   40       40
 2        4   50       90
 2        6  600      690
 2        8  200      850


-- 相関サブクエリを使う方法1
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(c.Val)
   from (select Top (2+1) Val
           from Rows2Preceding b
          where b.ID=a.ID
            and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey
         order by b.sortKey desc) c) as moveSum
from Rows2Preceding a
order by ID,sortKey;

-- 相関サブクエリを使う方法2
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from Rows2Preceding b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and (select count(*) from Rows2Preceding c
          where c.ID=a.ID
            and c.sortKey between b.sortKey and a.sortKey)
         between 1 and 2+1) as moveSum
  from Rows2Preceding a
order by ID,sortKey;


14. Rangeを指定したsum関数

create table Range2Preceding(
ID      int,
sortKey int,
Val     int);

insert into Range2Preceding values(1,1,10);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,2,50);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,2,60);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,3,70);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,4,80);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,5,20);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,1, 0);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,1,50);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,4,30);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,4,90);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,8,20);

Oracleでは、分析関数でorder byを指定して、かつrangeを指定し、

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val)   over(partition by ID order by sortKey range 2 Preceding) as moveSum,
count(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey range 2 Preceding) as moveCnt
  from Range2Preceding
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey  Val  moveSum  moveCnt
--  -------  ---  -------  ------
 1        1   10       10        1
 1        2   50      120        3
 1        2   60      120        3
 1        3   70      190        4
 1        4   80      260        4
 1        5   20      170        3
 2        1    0       50        2
 2        1   50       50        2
 2        4   30      120        2
 2        4   90      120        2
 2        8   20       20        1


-- 相関サブクエリを使う方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from Range2Preceding b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                      and a.sortKey) as moveSum,
(select count(*)
   from Range2Preceding b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                      and a.sortKey) as moveCnt
  from Range2Preceding a
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

-- 自己結合を使う方法
select a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val,sum(b.Val) as moveSum,count(*) as moveCnt
  from Range2Preceding a Join Range2Preceding b
    on a.ID=b.ID
   and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                     and a.sortKey
group by a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val
order by a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val;


15. First_Value関数,Last_Value関数,nth_Value関数

create table nthT(ID int,SortKey int,Val int);
insert into nthT values(1,10,666);
insert into nthT values(1,30,333);
insert into nthT values(1,40,222);
insert into nthT values(1,50,444);
insert into nthT values(2,20,777);
insert into nthT values(2,25,111);
insert into nthT values(2,27,555);
insert into nthT values(3,60,999);
insert into nthT values(3,61,888);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,SortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as FirVal,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as LastVal,
nth_Value(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal,
nth_Value(Val,3) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as thirdVal
  from nthT
order by ID,SortKey;

ID  SortKey  Val  FirVal  LastVal  SecondVal  thirdVal
--  -------  ---  ------  -------  ---------  --------
 1       10  666     666      444        333       222
 1       30  333     666      444        333       222
 1       40  222     666      444        333       222
 1       50  444     666      444        333       222
 2       20  777     777      555        111       555
 2       25  111     777      555        111       555
 2       27  555     777      555        111       555
 3       60  999     999      888        888      null
 3       61  888     999      888        888      null


-- OLAPSample19
select ID,SortKey,Val,
max(case rn when 1 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as FirVal,
max(case RevRn when 1 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as LastVal,
max(case rn when 2 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as SecondVal,
max(case rn when 3 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as thirdVal
from (select ID,SortKey,Val,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as rn,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by SortKey desc) as RevRn
      from nthT) a
order by ID,SortKey;

partition byで脳内で赤線を引いて、Row_Number関数を黄緑線でイメージしてます。


-- OLAPSample19の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select top(1) b.Val
   from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
order by SortKey) as FirVal,
(select top(1) b.Val
   from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
order by SortKey desc) as LastVal
from nthT a
order by ID,SortKey;

16. Lag関数,Lead関数 (1行前と1行後)

create table LeadLagT(ID char(2),sortKey int,Val int);
insert into LeadLagT values('AA',1,10);
insert into LeadLagT values('AA',3,20);
insert into LeadLagT values('AA',5,60);
insert into LeadLagT values('AA',7,30);
insert into LeadLagT values('BB',2,40);
insert into LeadLagT values('BB',4,80);
insert into LeadLagT values('BB',6,50);
insert into LeadLagT values('CC',9,90);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag(Val)  over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Prev,
Lead(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Next
  from LeadLagT
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey  Val  Prev  Next
--  -------  ---  ----  ----
AA        1   10  null    20
AA        3   20    10    60
AA        5   60    20    30
AA        7   30    60  null
BB        2   40  null    80
BB        4   80    40    50
BB        6   50    80  null
CC        9   90  null  null


-- 相関サブクエリでTop句を使う方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select Top (1) b.Val
   from LeadLagT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey < a.sortKey
 order by b.sortKey desc) as Prev,
(select Top (1) b.Val
   from LeadLagT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey > a.sortKey
 order by b.sortKey) as Next
from LeadLagT a
order by ID,sortKey;

-- with句でRow_Number関数で連番を付与してから自己結合する方法
with tmp(ID,sortKey,Val,rn) as(
select ID,sortKey,Val,Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by sortKey)
  from LeadLagT)
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from tmp b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and b.rn=a.rn-1) as Prev,
(select b.Val
   from tmp b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and b.rn=a.rn+1) as Next
from tmp a
order by ID,sortKey;


17. Lag関数,Lead関数 (2行前と2行後)


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag(Val,2)  over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Prev,
Lead(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Next
  from LeadLagT
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey  Val  Prev  Next
--  -------  ---  ----  ----
AA        1   10  null    60
AA        3   20  null    30
AA        5   60    10  null
AA        7   30    20  null
BB        2   40  null    50
BB        4   80  null  null
BB        6   50    40  null
CC        9   90  null  null


-- with句でRow_Number関数で連番を付与してから自己結合する方法
with tmp(ID,sortKey,Val,rn) as(
select ID,sortKey,Val,Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by sortKey)
  from LeadLagT)
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from tmp b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and b.rn=a.rn-2) as Prev,
(select b.Val
   from tmp b
  where b.ID=a.ID
    and b.rn=a.rn+2) as Next
from tmp a
order by ID,sortKey;


18. 直近との差が10以上なグループでまとめる

create table streamT(ID char(2),Val int);
insert into streamT values('AA',10);
insert into streamT values('AA',13);
insert into streamT values('AA',16);
insert into streamT values('AA',26);
insert into streamT values('AA',27);
insert into streamT values('AA',28);
insert into streamT values('AA',29);
insert into streamT values('AA',40);
insert into streamT values('AA',60);
insert into streamT values('BB',10);
insert into streamT values('BB',15);
insert into streamT values('BB',20);
insert into streamT values('BB',30);
insert into streamT values('BB',35);

9. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (2人旅人算)10.連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)の類似問題で、


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,min(Val) as staV,max(Val) as endV,count(*) as cnt
from (select ID,Val,sum(willSum) over(partition by ID order by Val) as GID
      from (select ID,Val,
            case when Val < 10+Lag(Val) over(partition by ID order by Val)
                 then 0 else 1 end as willSum
            from streamT))
group by ID,GID
order by ID,GID;

ID  staV  endV  cnt
--  ----  ----  ---
AA    10    16    3
AA    26    29    4
AA    40    40    1
AA    60    60    1
BB    10    20    3
BB    30    35    2


with tmp(ID,Val,rn) as(
select ID,Val,Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val)
  from streamT),
rec(ID,Val,rn,GID) as(
select ID,Val,rn,1
  from tmp where rn=1
union all
select b.ID,b.Val,b.rn,
case when b.Val < 10+a.Val
     then a.GID else a.GID+1 end
  from rec a,tmp b
 where a.ID=b.ID
   and a.rn+1=b.rn)
select ID,min(Val) as staV,max(Val) as endV,count(*) as cnt
  from rec
group by ID,GID
order by ID,GID;

Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val)のpartition by IDに対する赤線と
order by Valに対する青線と黄緑線を引いて、

group by ID,GIDに対する赤線を引いてます。

19. count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID)

create table OracleDistinct(
ID  int,
Val int not null);

insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,333);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(4,333);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct;

ID  Val  disCnt
--  ---  ------
 1  111       3
 1  111       3
 1  222       3
 1  222       3
 1  333       3
 2  111       1
 2  111       1
 3  111       2
 3  222       2
 4  333       1

-- OLAPSample20
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
  +dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;

-- OLAPSample20の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(distinct b.Val)
   from OracleDistinct b where b.ID = a.ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct a
order by ID,Val;

正順位 + 逆順位 = 件数 + 1 を移項すると
件数 = -1 + 正順位 + 逆順位 になることをふまえてます。

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDで赤線を引いてます。


-- OLAPSample21
select ID,Val,max(rn) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from (select ID,Val,dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
      from OracleDistinct) a
order by ID,Val;

ちなみに、count(distinct Val) は、Valがnullだとカウントしませんので、

-- OLAPSample21
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
  +dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc)
  -max(case when Val is null then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;

20. sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID)


create table OracleKeepDense1(
ID      int,
sortKey int,
Val     int);

insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,1, 100);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,2, 200);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 400);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 500);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 600);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,5, 700);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,8, 800);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9, 900);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9,1000);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(4,6,1100);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID) as sum2
  from OracleKeepDense1
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

ID  sortKey   Val  sum1  sum2
--  -------  ----  ----  ----
 1        1   100  1800  1500  ←400+500+600
 1        2   200  1800  1500
 1        3   400  1800  1500
 1        3   500  1800  1500
 1        3   600  1800  1500
 2        5   700  1500   800
 2        8   800  1500   800
 3        9   900  1900  1900  ←900+1000
 3        9  1000  1900  1900
 4        6  1100  1100  1100

-- OLAPSample22
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(case when sortKey = maxSortKey
         then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum2
from (select ID,sortKey,Val,
      max(sortKey) over(partition by ID) as maxSortKey
        from OracleKeepDense1) a
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。


create table OracleKeepDense2(
ID       int,
sortKey1 int,
sortKey2 int,
Val      int);

insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,1,10,100);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,2,20,200);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,30,300);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,400);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,500);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,1,60,600);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,2,80,700);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,800);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,900);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(3,1,20,100);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey1,sortKey2) over(partition by ID) as sum3
  from OracleKeepDense2
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;

ID  sortKey1  sortKey2  Val  sum3
--  --------  --------  ---  ----
 1         1        10  100   900  ←400+500
 1         2        20  200   900
 1         3        30  300   900
 1         3        40  400   900
 1         3        40  500   900
 2         1        60  600  1700  ←800+900
 2         2        80  700  1700
 2         3        50  800  1700
 2         3        50  900  1700
 3         1        20  100   100

-- OLAPSample23
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(case when rn=1 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum3
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
      dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
        from OracleKeepDense2) a
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;

order by sortKey1 asc ,sortKey2 asc  の逆ソートである
order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc を使ってます。

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。

21. ListAgg関数とwmsys.wm_concat

create table ListAggT(
ID  int,
Val char(3));
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'aaa');
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'bbb');
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'ccc');
insert into ListAggT Values(2,'ddd');
insert into ListAggT Values(2,'eee');


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL(order by指定)
select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(order by Val) as strAgg1
  from ListAggT;

ID  Val  strAgg1
--  ---  -------------------
 1  aaa  aaa
 1  bbb  aaa,bbb
 1  ccc  aaa,bbb,ccc
 2  ddd  aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd
 2  eee  aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd,eee

FOR XML PATHを相関サブクエリで使う方法が、代用案となります。

-- 再帰SQLを使う方法
with tmp(ID,Val,rn) as(
select ID,Val,Row_Number() over(order by Val)
  from ListAggT),
rec(ID,Val,strAgg1,rn) as(
select ID,Val,cast(Val as varchar(20)),rn
  from tmp
 where rn=1
union all
select b.ID,b.Val,
cast(a.strAgg1 + ',' + b.Val as varchar(20)),b.Rn
  from rec a,tmp b
 where b.rn = a.rn+1)
select ID,Val,strAgg1 from rec
order by ID,Val;

-- FOR XML PATHを使う方法
select ID,Val,
(select ',' + b.Val
  from ListAggT b
 where b.Val <= a.Val
FOR XML PATH('')) as strAgg1
from ListAggT a
order by ID,Val;


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL(partition by指定)
select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(partition by ID) as strAgg2
  from ListAggT;

ID  Val  strAgg2
--  ---  -----------
 1  aaa  aaa,bbb,ccc
 1  bbb  aaa,bbb,ccc
 1  ccc  aaa,bbb,ccc
 2  ddd  ddd,eee
 2  eee  ddd,eee

-- FOR XML PATHを使う方法
select ID,Val,
(select ',' + b.Val
  from ListAggT b
 where b.ID <= a.ID
FOR XML PATH('')) as strAgg2
from ListAggT a
order by ID,Val;

なお、FOR XML PATHを使う方法で、連結する文字列の連結順序を指定したい場合は、
下記のように、order byを指定します。

select ID,
(select ',' + b.Val
  from ListAggT b
 where b.ID=a.ID
ORDER BY Val desc
FOR XML PATH('')) as strAgg3
from ListAggT a
group by ID
order by ID;

ID  strAgg3
--  ------------
 1  ,ccc,bbb,aaa
 2  ,eee,ddd

22. Median関数

create table MedianT(ID int,Val int);
insert into MedianT values(1, 10);
insert into MedianT values(1, 30);
insert into MedianT values(1,300);
insert into MedianT values(2,100);
insert into MedianT values(2,350);
insert into MedianT values(2,400);
insert into MedianT values(2,900);
insert into MedianT values(2,900);
insert into MedianT values(3,200);
insert into MedianT values(3,800);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,
Median(Val) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
  from MedianT
order by ID,Val;

ID  Val  MedianVal
--  ---  ---------
 1   10         30
 1   30         30
 1  300         30
 2  100        400
 2  350        400
 2  400        400
 2  900        400
 2  900        400
 3  200        500
 3  800        500

-- OLAPSample24
select ID,Val,
avg(case when RecCnt%2 = 0 and Rn in(RecCnt/2,RecCnt/2+1)
           or RecCnt%2 = 1 and Rn = CeilIng(RecCnt/2.0)
         then Val end) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
from (select ID,Val,
      count(*) over(partition by ID) as RecCnt,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as Rn
        from MedianT) a
order by ID,Val;



正順位   1 2 3 4 5
逆順位   5 4 3 2 1
差       4 2 0 2 4

正順位   1 2 3 4
逆順位   4 3 2 1
差       3 1 1 3

-- OLAPSample25
select ID,Val,
avg(case when Rn-RevRn in(-1,0,1)
         then Val end) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
from (select ID,Val,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as Rn,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val desc) as RevRn
        from MedianT) a
order by ID,Val;

第3部 SQLServer2012のTransact-SQLの新機能

■■■その1 分析関数の追加■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
MSDN --- Lead関数
MSDN --- Lag関数
MSDN --- First_Value関数
MSDN --- Last_Value関数
残念ながら、Ignore nullsはサポートされないようです・・・

■■■その2 分析関数でorder byを指定可能に■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
分析関数のsum関数などでのorder by指定がサポートされます。
RANGE を <unsigned value specification> PRECEDING
または <unsigned value specification> FOLLOWING と共に使用することはできません。

■■■その3 関数の追加■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Excelにある、月末の日を求めるMSDN --- EoMonth関数
VB6にある、MSDN --- IIF関数MSDN --- Choose関数などが追加。

■■■その4 OffSetとかFetchのサポート■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

select *
  from テーブル名
order by ソートキー
OffSet オフしたい行数
Fetch First 取得したい行数

第4部 分析関数の参考リソース

達人に学ぶ SQL徹底指南書

MSDNライブラリ --- 分析関数 (Transact-SQL)