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10-234 クロスジョインとPartitioned Outer Joinその1


Code1  Code2  Val
-----  -----  ---
  111    123  AAA
  111    123  BBB
  111    123  CCC
  222    123  AAA
  222    123  DDD
  222    789  BBB
  333    789  CCC


Code1  Code2  Val
-----  -----  ----
  111    123  AAA
  111    123  BBB
  111    123  CCC
  222    123  AAA
  222    123  DDD
  222    123  null
  222    789  BBB
  222    789  null
  222    789  null
  333    789  CCC
  333    789  null
  333    789  null


create table testTable(Code1,Code2,Val) as
select 111,123,'AAA' from dual union
select 111,123,'BBB' from dual union
select 111,123,'CCC' from dual union
select 222,123,'AAA' from dual union
select 222,123,'DDD' from dual union
select 222,789,'BBB' from dual union
select 333,789,'CCC' from dual;


col Val for a10

--■■■Partitioned Outer Joinを使う方法(onで結合)(10g以降)■■■
select b.Code1,b.Code2,b.Val
  from (select 1 as Counter from dual union all
        select 2 from dual union all
        select 3 from dual) a
  Left outer Join (select Code1,Code2,Val,
                   Row_Number() over(partition by Code1,Code2 order by Val) as Rn
                     from testTable) b
  partition by (b.Code1,b.Code2)
    on (a.Counter = b.Rn)
order by b.Code1,b.Code2,b.Val;

--■■■Partitioned Outer Joinを使う方法(usingで結合)(10g以降)■■■
select b.Code1,b.Code2,b.Val
  from (select 1 as JoinKey from dual union all
        select 2 from dual union all
        select 3 from dual) a
  Left outer Join (select Code1,Code2,Val,
                   Row_Number() over(partition by Code1,Code2 order by Val) as JoinKey
                     from testTable) b
  partition by (b.Code1,b.Code2)
order by b.Code1,b.Code2,b.Val;

select code1,code2,Val
from (select b.code1,b.code2,decode(a.Counter,1,b.Val) as Val,
      Row_Number() over(partition by b.code1,b.code2 order by Counter) as Rn
        from (select 1 as Counter from dual union all
              select 2 from dual union all
              select 3 from dual) a,testTable b)
where rn <= 3
order by code1,code2,Val;

select Code1,Code2,Val
  from testTable
 partition by (Code1,Code2)
 dimension by (Row_Number() over(partition by Code1,Code2 order by Val) as Rn)
 rules(Val[for Rn from 1 to 3 INCREMENT 1] = Val[cv()])
order by Code1,Code2,Rn;

--model句でのpartition byとは別なのです。
select Code1,Code2,Val
  from testTable
 partition by (Code1,Code2)
 dimension by (Row_Number() over(/*partition by Code1,Code2*/ order by Val) as Rn)
 rules(Val[for Rn from 1 to 3 INCREMENT 1] = Val[cv()])
order by Code1,Code2,Rn;



10g以降なら、Partitioned Outer Joinが使えますが、

3-34 Partitioned Outer Join