willOut varchar2(200);
function comb(hikiN in pls_Integer,hikiR in pls_Integer) return pls_Integer is
willReturn pls_Integer := 1;
if hikiN = 0 or hikiR = 0 then
return 1;
end if;
for N in hikiN-hikiR+1..hikiN Loop
willReturn := willReturn * N;
end Loop;
for R in 1..hikiR Loop
willReturn := willReturn / R;
end Loop;
return willReturn;
for N in 0..10 Loop
for R in 0..N Loop
willOut := willOut || to_char(comb(N,R)) || ',';
end Loop;
willOut := null;
end Loop;
col パスカルの三角形 for a40
with Renban as (
select RowNum-1 as Val
from dual connect by Level <= 11),
WorkView as (
select Ra.Val as n,Rb.Val as r
from Renban Ra,Renban Rb
where Ra.Val >= Rb.Val),
RowList as (
select n,r,
case when r=0 then 1
else (select round(exp(sum(Ln(a.N-b.R+1)))) from WorkView b
where b.N=a.N
and b.R > 0
and b.R<=a.R) end as NPR,
case when r=0 then 1
else (select round(exp(sum(Ln(b.R)))) from WorkView b
where b.N=a.N
and b.R > 0
and b.R<=a.R) end as "R!"
from WorkView a),
PascalTriangle as (
select N,SubStr(sys_connect_by_path(Val,' '),2) as Pascal
from (select N,R,NPR / "R!" as Val from RowList)
where Connect_by_IsLeaf = 1
start with R=0
connect by prior N=N
and prior R=R-1)
select Lpad(' ',(MaxLength-Length(Pascal))/2-1) || Pascal as パスカルの三角形
from PascalTriangle,(select max(Length(Pascal)) as MaxLength from PascalTriangle);