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10-246 優先順位を持った多対1の外部結合


TEST_A              TEST_B
ID  Key1  Key2      ID  NO  Key1  Key2
--  ----  ----      --  --  ----  ----
 1  A     1          1   1  A     1
 2  B     null       1   2  A     2
 3  C     null       2   3  B     null
 4  D     1          3   4  C     1
 5  D     1          4   5  D     1
 6  E     1          5   6  D     1
 7  F     1          6   7  E     1
 8  F     2          6   8  E     1
                     7   1  F     null
                     8   2  F     1




ID    NO  KEY1  KEY2
--  ----  ----  ------
 1     1  A     1
 2     3  B     null
 3  null  C     null
 4     5  D     1
 5     6  D     1
 6     7  E     1
 7     2  F     1
 8  null  F     2


create table TEST_A(
ID     char primary key,
Key1   char,
Key2   char);

insert into TEST_A
select '1','A','1'  from dual union
select '2','B',null from dual union
select '3','C',null from dual union
select '4','D','1'  from dual union
select '5','D','1'  from dual union
select '6','E','1'  from dual union
select '7','F','1'  from dual union
select '8','F','2'  from dual;

create table TEST_B(
ID     char,
NO     number(1),
Key1   char,
Key2   char,
primary key(ID,NO));

insert into TEST_B
select '1',1,'A','1'  from dual union
select '1',2,'A','2'  from dual union
select '2',3,'B',null from dual union
select '3',4,'C','1'  from dual union
select '4',5,'D','1'  from dual union
select '5',6,'D','1'  from dual union
select '6',7,'E','1'  from dual union
select '6',8,'E','1'  from dual union
select '7',1,'F',null from dual union
select '8',2,'F','1'  from dual;


col ID   for a8
col No   for 9999
col Key1 for a8
col Key2 for a8

select ID,No,Key1,Key2
  from (select ID,Key1,Key2,priority,
        Row_Number() over(partition by Row_ID order by priority,No) as Rn,
        case priority when 999 then to_number(null) else No end as No
        from (select a.ID,b.No,a.Key1,a.Key2,a.RowID as Row_ID,
              case when a.ID = b.ID and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and a.Key2 = b.key2 then 1
                   when a.Key1 = b.Key1 and a.Key2 = b.key2 then 2
                   when a.Key2 is null and a.ID   = b.ID
                    and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and b.Key2 is null then 3
                   when a.Key2 is null and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and b.Key2 is null then 4
                   else 999 end as priority
                from TEST_A a Left join TEST_B b
                  on 1=1))
 where Rn = 1
order by ID;

select ID,No,Key1,Key2
  from (select ID,Key1,Key2,priority,
        Row_Number() over(partition by Row_ID order by priority,No) as Rn,
        case priority when 999 then to_number(null) else No end as No
        from (select a.ID,b.No,a.Key1,a.Key2,a.RowID as Row_ID,
              case when a.ID = b.ID and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and a.Key2 = b.key2 then 1
                   when a.Key1 = b.Key1 and a.Key2 = b.key2 then 2
                   when a.Key2 is null and a.ID   = b.ID
                    and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and b.Key2 is null then 3
                   when a.Key2 is null and a.Key1 = b.Key1 and b.Key2 is null then 4
                   else 999 end as priority
                from TEST_A a,TEST_B b))
 where Rn = 1
order by ID;

select ID,No,Key1,Key2
  from (select ID,Key1,Key2,
        Row_Number() over(partition by Row_ID order by priority,No) as Rn,
        case priority when 999 then to_number(null) else No end as No
        from (select a.ID,b.No,a.Key1,a.Key2,a.RowID as Row_ID,
              case when a.ID = b.ID and a.Key1 = b.Key1
                    and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 1
                   when a.Key1 = b.Key1
                    and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 2
                   else 999 end as priority
                from TEST_A a,TEST_B b))
 where Rn = 1
order by ID;

select ID,No,Key1,Key2
from (select a.ID,b.No,a.Key1,a.Key2,
      Row_Number() over(partition by a.ID
      order by case when a.ID = b.ID and a.Key1 = b.Key1
                     and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 1
                    when a.Key1 = b.Key1
                     and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 2 end,No) as Rn
        from TEST_A a Left Join TEST_B b
          on a.Key1 = b.Key1 and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1)
 where Rn = 1
order by ID;

select distinct a.ID,
over(partition by a.ID
order by case when a.ID = b.ID and a.Key1 = b.Key1
               and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 1
              when a.Key1 = b.Key1
               and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1 then 2 end,No) as No,
  from TEST_A a Left Join TEST_B b
    on a.Key1 = b.Key1 and decode(a.Key2,b.key2,1)=1
order by ID;





a.ID   = b.ID をX
a.Key1 = b.Key1 をY
decode(a.key2,b.key2,1)=1 をZ
X*Y*Z + Y*Z
  X*Y*Z + Y*Z
= (Y*Z)*(X+1) = Y*Z

A+A*B = A


7-77 優先順位のあるデータ取得