10-281 集合関数的なLast_Value関数を代用
Key Val2 Val3 Val4
----- ---- ---- ----
1 null null null
12 1 null null
123 null null null
13 null 2 null
134 null 3 3
1345 null null null
13456 null null null
19 null 4 4
191 null null null
1912 1 null null
19123 null 9 null
20 null 1 9
25 1 2 null
251 null null null
2513 null null null
Last_Value(値 ignore nulls)
Key Val2 Val3 Val4
----- ---- ---- ----
123 1 null null
13456 null 3 3
19123 1 9 4
20 null 1 9
2513 1 2 null
create table TreeTbl(
Key varchar2(5),
Val2 number(1),
Val3 number(1),
Val4 number(1));
insert into TreeTbl values('1' ,null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('12' , 1,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('123' ,null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('13' ,null, 2,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('134' ,null, 3, 3);
insert into TreeTbl values('1345' ,null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('13456',null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('19' ,null, 4, 4);
insert into TreeTbl values('191' ,null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('1912' , 1,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('19123',null, 9,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('20' ,null, 1, 9);
insert into TreeTbl values('25' , 1, 2,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('251' ,null,null,null);
insert into TreeTbl values('2513' ,null,null,null);
col Key for a10
select Key,
max(Val2) Keep(Dense_Rank First order by nvl2(Val2,0,1),LV) as C2,
max(Val3) Keep(Dense_Rank First order by nvl2(Val3,0,1),LV) as C3,
max(Val4) Keep(Dense_Rank First order by nvl2(Val4,0,1),LV) as C4
from (select connect_by_root Key as Key,Val2,Val3, Val4,Level as LV
from TreeTbl a
Start With not exists(select 1 from TreeTbl b
where a.Key = substr(b.Key,1,length(b.Key)-1))
connect by prior substr(Key,1,length(Key)-1) = Key)
group by Key;
集合関数的な、Last_Value(取得値 ignore nulls)
over(order by SortKey Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following)
max(取得値) Keep(Dense_Rank First order by nvl2(取得値,0,1),SortKey desc)
create table LastTes(GID,SortKey,Val) as
select 'AAA',10, 200 from dual union all
select 'AAA',20,null from dual union all
select 'AAA',30, 300 from dual union all
select 'AAA',40,null from dual union all
select 'AAA',50, 100 from dual union all
select 'AAA',60,null from dual union all
select 'BBB',10,null from dual union all
select 'BBB',20,null from dual union all
select 'BBB',30,null from dual union all
select 'CCC',10, 500 from dual union all
select 'CCC',20,null from dual union all
select 'CCC',30,null from dual;
select distinct GID,
Last_Value(Val ignore nulls) over(partition by GID order by SortKey
Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as LastVal
from LastTes
order by GID;
select GID,
max(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank First order by nvl2(Val,0,1),SortKey desc) as LastVal
from LastTes
group by GID
order by GID;
GID LastVal
--- -------
AAA 100
BBB null
CCC 500
8-12 Last_Value関数を模倣(ignore nullsあり)