col Path for a20
select C1,C2,min(Path) as Path
from (select sys_connect_by_path(C1,'/') AS Path,C1,C2,
connect_by_root RowID as treeID,RowID as nodeID
from EmuNocyT
connect by C1 = prior C2
and Level <=50
and prior dbms_random.value != 1)
group by treeID,nodeID,C1,C2
order by C1,C2,Path;
create or replace Package Pack10_288 Is
type PrintType is record(
C1 EmuNocyT.C1%type,
C2 EmuNocyT.C1%type,
Path varchar2(30));
type PrintTypeSet is table of PrintType;
create or replace function PrintR return Pack10_288.PrintTypeSet PipeLined IS
outR Pack10_288.PrintType;
cursor cur is select C1,C2,to_char(RowNum,'fm0009') as Row_ID from EmuNocyT;
type saveDataDef is table of cur%rowType index by binary_integer;
saveData saveDataDef;
type InfoDef is record(
RowData cur%rowType,
RootData cur%rowType, --Is_root用
LV pls_Integer,
RowIDList varchar2(1000),
sysConn varchar2(1000), -- sys_connect_by_path用
IsLeaf boolean, -- Isleaf用
IsCycle boolean -- IsCycle用
stackP binary_integer := 0;
type StackClass is table of InfoDef index by binary_integer;
st StackClass;
priInfo InfoDef;
willPush InfoDef;
LoopChk pls_Integer :=0;
procedure push(pInfoDef InfoDef) is
st(stackP) := pInfoDef;
stackP := stackP+1;
function pop return InfoDef is
stackP := stackP-1;
return st(stackP);
function IsEmpty return boolean is
return stackP = 0;
open cur;
fetch cur bulk collect into saveData;
close cur;
-- for rec in cur Loop
-- saveData(cur%rowCount) := rec;
-- end Loop;
--Start With句
for i in 1..saveData.Count Loop
willPush.RowData.C1 := saveData(i).C1;
willPush.RowData.C2 := saveData(i).C2;
willPush.RowIDList := saveData(i).Row_ID;
willPush.sysConn := saveData(i).C1;
willPush.LV := 1;
end Loop;
while (IsEmpty = false) Loop
priInfo := pop();
-- connect by句
for i in 1..saveData.Count Loop
if (priInfo.RowData.C2 = saveData(i).C1) then
-- 未訪問ノードならpush (nocycle)
if instr(priInfo.RowIDList,saveData(i).Row_ID) = 0 then
willPush.RowData.C1 := saveData(i).C1;
willPush.RowData.C2 := saveData(i).C2;
willPush.RowIDList := priInfo.RowIDList || ',' || saveData(i).Row_ID;
willPush.LV := priInfo.LV+1;
willPush.sysConn := priInfo.sysConn || '/' || saveData(i).C1;
end if;
end if;
end Loop;
outR.C1 := priInfo.RowData.C1;
outR.C2 := priInfo.RowData.C2;
outR.Path := priInfo.sysConn;
pipe row(outR);
end Loop;
sho err
select C1,C2,Path from table(PrintR)
order by C1,C2,Path;