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10-311 紐づく集合の一致を調べる


products            specifications
ID  Name            ID  spec_type  spec_detail
--  ----------      --  ---------  -----------
 1  TV               1  Color      Blue
 2  Cellphone        1  Weight     20
 3  Laptop           2  Color      Blue
 4  DVD Player       2  Weight     20
 5  Radio            3  Color      Blue
 6  VCR              3  Weight     25
                     4  Color      Blue
                     4  Weight     20
                     4  Height     10
                     5  Color      Blue
                     5  Weight     20
                     6  Color      Blue
                     6  Weight     20
                     6  Height     10


NAME1       NAME2
----------  ---------
TV          Cellphone
TV          Radio
Cellphone   Radio
DVD Player  VCR



create table products(ID,Name) as
select 1,'TV'         from dual union all
select 2,'Cellphone'  from dual union all
select 3,'Laptop'     from dual union all
select 4,'DVD Player' from dual union all
select 5,'Radio'      from dual union all
select 6,'VCR'        from dual;

create table specifications(ID,spec_type,spec_detail) as
select 1, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 1, 'Weight', '20'   from dual union all
select 2, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 2, 'Weight', '20'   from dual union all
select 3, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 3, 'Weight', '25'   from dual union all
select 4, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 4, 'Weight', '20'   from dual union all
select 4, 'Height', '10'   from dual union all
select 5, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 5, 'Weight', '20'   from dual union all
select 6, 'Color' , 'Blue' from dual union all
select 6, 'Weight', '20'   from dual union all
select 6, 'Height', '10'   from dual;


--■■■Dense_Rank within groupを使う方法■■■
with work as(
select a.id,a.name,b.spec_type,b.spec_detail
  from products a,specifications b
 where a.id = b.ID)
select a.name as name1,b.name as name2
  from work a,work b
 where a.id < b.id
group by a.id,a.name,b.ID,b.name
having count(case when a.spec_type   = b.spec_type
                   and a.spec_detail = b.spec_detail
                  then 1 end)
= all(-1+Dense_Rank(null,null) within group(order by a.spec_type,a.spec_detail),
      -1+Dense_Rank(null,null) within group(order by b.spec_type,b.spec_detail));

with work as(
select a.id,a.name,b.spec_type,b.spec_detail,
count(*) over(partition by a.id) as cnt
  from products a,specifications b
 where a.id = b.ID)
select a.name as name1,b.name as name2
  from work a,work b
 where a.id < b.id
group by a.id,a.name,b.ID,b.name,a.cnt,b.cnt
having count(case when a.spec_type   = b.spec_type
                   and a.spec_detail = b.spec_detail
                  then 1 end) = all(a.cnt,b.cnt)
order by a.id,b.ID;

with work as(
select a.id,a.name,b.spec_type,b.spec_detail,
count(*) over(partition by a.id) as cnt
  from products a,specifications b
 where a.id = b.ID)
select a.name as name1,b.name as name2
  from work a,work b
 where a.id < b.id
   and a.cnt = b.cnt
   and a.spec_type   = b.spec_type
   and a.spec_detail = b.spec_detail
group by a.id,a.name,b.ID,b.name,a.cnt
having count(*) = a.cnt
order by a.ID,b.ID;



9-56 集合が等しい組み合わせを求める
9-57 集合が等しい組み合わせを求める(複数列版)