max(Node1) over(partition by root order by LV) as Node1,
max(Node2) over(partition by root order by LV) as Node2,
max(Node3) over(partition by root order by LV) as Node3
from (select connect_by_root ko as root,Level as LV,
decode(Level,1,ko) as Node1,
decode(Level,2,ko) as Node2,
decode(Level,3,ko) as Node3
from treeLevelT
start with oya is null
connect by prior ko=oya)
order by Node1,LV desc;
col strNode1 for a10
col strNode2 for a10
col strNode3 for a10
RegExp_Substr(path,'[^,]+',1,1) as strNode1,
RegExp_Substr(path,'[^,]+',1,2) as strNode2,
RegExp_Substr(path,'[^,]+',1,3) as strNode3
from (select sys_connect_by_path(to_char(ko),',') as path
from treeLevelT
start with oya is null
connect by prior ko=oya)
order by strNode1,strNode2,strNode3;
with rec(oya,ko,LV,Node1,Node2,Node3) as(
select oya,ko,1,ko,to_number(null),to_number(null)
from treeLevelT
where oya is null
union all
select b.oya,b.ko,a.LV+1,a.Node1,
case a.LV when 1 then b.ko else a.Node2 end,
case a.LV when 2 then b.ko else a.Node3 end
from rec a,treeLevelT b
where a.ko = b.oya)
select Node1,Node2,Node3 from rec order by Node1,LV desc;