create table 売上明細(
売上者 char(4),
月度 char(4),
金額 number(3));
insert into 売上明細 values('佐藤','0512',100);
insert into 売上明細 values('佐藤','0512',200);
insert into 売上明細 values('佐藤','0601',400);
insert into 売上明細 values('佐藤','0603',600);
insert into 売上明細 values('山田','0601',200);
insert into 売上明細 values('山田','0601',300);
insert into 売上明細 values('山田','0602',100);
insert into 売上明細 values('鈴木','0601',200);
select 売上者,月度,金額 as 今月金額,
case when Lag(月度) over(partition by 売上者 order by 月度)
= to_char(add_months(to_date(月度,'yymm'),-1),'yymm')
then Lag(金額) over(partition by 売上者 order by 月度) else 0 end as 前月金額
from (select 売上者,月度,sum(金額) as 金額
from 売上明細
group by 売上者,月度)
order by 売上者,月度;
select 売上者,月度,sum(金額) as 今月金額,
case when Lag(月度) over(partition by 売上者 order by 月度)
= to_char(add_months(to_date(月度,'yymm'),-1),'yymm')
then Lag(sum(金額)) over(partition by 売上者 order by 月度) else 0 end as 前月金額
from 売上明細
group by 売上者,月度
order by 売上者,月度;
select distinct 売上者,月度,
(select sum(b.金額) from 売上明細 b
where b.売上者 = a.売上者
and b.月度 = a.月度) as 今月金額,
(select nvl(sum(b.金額),0) from 売上明細 b
where b.売上者 = a.売上者
and b.月度 = to_char(add_months(to_date(a.月度,'yymm'),-1),'yymm')) as 前月金額
from 売上明細 a
order by 売上者,月度;
select 売上者,月度,sum(金額) as 今月金額,
over(partition by 売上者
order by to_number(substr(月度,1,2))*12
range between 1 preceding
and 1 preceding),0) as 前月金額
from 売上明細
group by 売上者,月度
order by 売上者,月度;