トップページに戻る    次のSQLパズルへ    前のSQLパズルへ

10-96 グループ化して分析関数


Code  ID  Val
----  --  ---
   1   1  A
   1   1  x
   1   1  A
   1   1  x
   1   1  A
   1   1  A
   1   1  A
   1   2  B
   1   2  B
   1   2  B
   1   2  x
   1   2  B
   1   2  x
   1   3  A
   1   3  A
   1   3  K
   1   3  A
   1   3  A
   1   3  A
   1   4  C
   1   4  C
   1   4  x
   1   4  C
   1   4  C
   1   4  x
   1   4  C
   1   5  D
   1   5  B
   1   5  D
   1   5  D
   1   5  D
   1   6  E
   1   6  F
   1   6  E
   1   6  M
   1   6  E
   1   7  L
   1   7  F
   1   7  F
   1   8  G
   1   8  G
   1   8  G
   1   8  G
   1   8  G
   1   8  G
   2   1  R
   2   1  x
   2   1  R
   2   1  x
   2   1  R
   2   1  R
   2   1  R
   2   2  T
   2   2  Z
   2   2  T
   2   2  x
   2   2  T
   2   2  x
   2   3  R
   2   3  R
   2   3  K
   2   3  R
   2   3  R
   2   3  R
   2   4  C
   2   4  C
   2   4  x
   2   4  C
   2   4  C
   2   4  x
   2   4  C
   2   5  W
   2   5  T
   2   5  W
   2   5  W
   2   5  W
   2   6  P
   2   6  P
   2   6  P
   2   6  P
   2   6  P
   2   7  L
   2   7  F
   2   7  F
   2   8  G
   2   8  G
   2   8  G
   2   8  G
   2   8  G
   2   8  G


Code  ID  Val  Var
----  --  ---  -----------
   1   1  A    null
   1   2  B    null
   1   3  Var  5xA,1xK
   1   4  C    null
   1   5  Var  4xD,1xB
   1   6  Var  3xE,1xF,1xM
   1   7  Var  2xF,1xL
   1   8  G    null
   2   1  R    null
   2   2  Var  3xT,1xZ
   2   3  Var  5xR,1xK
   2   4  C    null
   2   5  Var  4xW,1xT
   2   6  P    null
   2   7  Var  2xF,1xL
   2   8  G    null



create Table TestTable as
select 1 as Code,1 as ID,'A' as Val from dual
union all select 1,1,'x' from dual
union all select 1,1,'A' from dual
union all select 1,1,'x' from dual
union all select 1,1,'A' from dual
union all select 1,1,'A' from dual
union all select 1,1,'A' from dual
union all select 1,2,'B' from dual
union all select 1,2,'B' from dual
union all select 1,2,'B' from dual
union all select 1,2,'x' from dual
union all select 1,2,'B' from dual
union all select 1,2,'x' from dual
union all select 1,3,'A' from dual
union all select 1,3,'A' from dual
union all select 1,3,'K' from dual
union all select 1,3,'A' from dual
union all select 1,3,'A' from dual
union all select 1,3,'A' from dual
union all select 1,4,'C' from dual
union all select 1,4,'C' from dual
union all select 1,4,'x' from dual
union all select 1,4,'C' from dual
union all select 1,4,'C' from dual
union all select 1,4,'x' from dual
union all select 1,4,'C' from dual
union all select 1,5,'D' from dual
union all select 1,5,'B' from dual
union all select 1,5,'D' from dual
union all select 1,5,'D' from dual
union all select 1,5,'D' from dual
union all select 1,6,'E' from dual
union all select 1,6,'F' from dual
union all select 1,6,'E' from dual
union all select 1,6,'M' from dual
union all select 1,6,'E' from dual
union all select 1,7,'L' from dual
union all select 1,7,'F' from dual
union all select 1,7,'F' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 1,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,1,'R' from dual
union all select 2,1,'x' from dual
union all select 2,1,'R' from dual
union all select 2,1,'x' from dual
union all select 2,1,'R' from dual
union all select 2,1,'R' from dual
union all select 2,1,'R' from dual
union all select 2,2,'T' from dual
union all select 2,2,'Z' from dual
union all select 2,2,'T' from dual
union all select 2,2,'x' from dual
union all select 2,2,'T' from dual
union all select 2,2,'x' from dual
union all select 2,3,'R' from dual
union all select 2,3,'R' from dual
union all select 2,3,'K' from dual
union all select 2,3,'R' from dual
union all select 2,3,'R' from dual
union all select 2,3,'R' from dual
union all select 2,4,'C' from dual
union all select 2,4,'C' from dual
union all select 2,4,'x' from dual
union all select 2,4,'C' from dual
union all select 2,4,'C' from dual
union all select 2,4,'x' from dual
union all select 2,4,'C' from dual
union all select 2,5,'W' from dual
union all select 2,5,'T' from dual
union all select 2,5,'W' from dual
union all select 2,5,'W' from dual
union all select 2,5,'W' from dual
union all select 2,6,'P' from dual
union all select 2,6,'P' from dual
union all select 2,6,'P' from dual
union all select 2,6,'P' from dual
union all select 2,6,'P' from dual
union all select 2,7,'L' from dual
union all select 2,7,'F' from dual
union all select 2,7,'F' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual
union all select 2,8,'G' from dual;


col Code for 9999
col ID   for 99
col Val  for a4
col Var  for a20

select Code,ID,
decode(Level,1,Val,'Var') as Val,
case when Level >= 2
     then SubStr(sys_connect_by_path(ValCount,','),2) end as Var
from (select Code,ID,Val,
      to_char(count(*)) || 'x' || Val as ValCount,
      Row_Number() over(partition by Code,ID order by count(*) desc,Val) as Rank
        from TestTable
       where Val != 'x'
      group by Code,ID,Val)
where Connect_by_IsLeaf = 1
Start With Rank = 1
connect by prior Code = Code
       and prior ID   = ID
       and prior Rank = Rank-1
order by Code,ID;

select Code,ID,
decode(Level,1,Val,'Var') as Val,
case when Level >= 2
     then SubStr(sys_connect_by_path(ValCount,','),2) end as Var
from (select Code,ID,Val,
      to_char(count(*)) || 'x' || Val as ValCount,
      Row_Number() over(partition by Code,ID order by count(*) desc,Val) as Rank,
      count(*) over(partition by Code,ID) as MaxLevel
        from TestTable
       where Val != 'x'
      group by Code,ID,Val)
where Level = MaxLevel
Start With Rank = 1
connect by prior Code = Code
       and prior ID   = ID
       and prior Rank = Rank-1
order by Code,ID;

