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2-3-30 グループごとのメジアン(中央値)を取得


key  seq  Val
---  ---  ---
  1    1   50
  1    2  100
  1    3  150
  1    4  200
  1    5  250
  2    1  300
  2    2  350
  2    3  400
  2    4  450
  3    1  500
  3    2  550
  4    1  600
  4    2  650
  4    3  700


key  MedianVal
---  ---------
  1        150
  2        375
  3        525
  4        650


create table MedianTable as
select 1 as Key,1 as seq,50 as Val from dual
union select 1,2,100 from dual
union select 1,3,150 from dual
union select 1,4,200 from dual
union select 1,5,250 from dual
union select 2,1,300 from dual
union select 2,2,350 from dual
union select 2,3,400 from dual
union select 2,4,450 from dual
union select 3,1,500 from dual
union select 3,2,550 from dual
union select 4,1,600 from dual
union select 4,2,650 from dual
union select 4,3,700 from dual;


select Key,Median(Val) as MedianVal
  from MedianTable
group by Key
order by Key;

select Key,percentile_cont(0.5) within group(order by Val) as MedianVal
  from MedianTable
group by Key
order by Key;

select key,avg(Val) as MedianVal
  from (select key,Val,
        count(*) over(partition by key) as RecordCount,
        Row_Number() over(partition by key order by Val) as Rank
          from MedianTable)
 where (mod(RecordCount,2) = 0 and Rank in(RecordCount/2,RecordCount/2+1))
    or (mod(RecordCount,2) = 1 and Rank = Ceil(RecordCount/2))
group by key
order by key;



2-3-6 メジアン(中央値)を取得
2-3-31 標準SQLでメジアン(中央値)を取得