col ソート後 for a20
with CounterView as (
select RowNum as Counter
from all_catalog
where RowNum <= (select max(Length(Val)) from strTable))
select Val,replace(sys_connect_by_path("1文字",','),',') as ソート後
from (select a.Val,
substr(a.Val,b.Counter,1) as "1文字",
Row_Number() over(partition by a.Val order by substr(a.Val,b.Counter,1)) as rn
from strTable a,CounterView b
where b.Counter <= Length(a.Val))
where Connect_by_IsLeaf = 1
start with rn = 1
connect by prior Val = Val
and prior rn = rn - 1
order by Val;
select a.Val,
within group (order by substr(a.Val,b.cnt,1)) as ソート後
from strTable a
Join (select RowNum as cnt from dict) b
on length(a.Val) >= cnt
group by a.Val;