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4-17 最大値の行の値を、他テーブルの最大値の行の値で更新


TABLE_A                             TABLE_B
key1   key2  key3  seq  countA      key1   key2  key3  seq  countB
-----  ----  ----  ---  ------      -----  ----  ----  ---  ------
AAAAA  BB    CC    1       888      AAAAA  BB    CC      1     123
AAAAA  BB    CC    2       222      AAAAA  BB    CC      2     456
AAAAA  BB    CC    3       777      AAAAA  BB    CC      3     789
DDDDD  EE    FF    1       555      AAAAA  BB    CC      4     123
DDDDD  EE    FF    2       666      AAAAA  BB    CC      5     456
DDDDD  EE    FF    3       444      AAAAA  BB    CC      6     789
DDDDD  EE    FF    4       333      DDDDD  EE    FF      1     123
                                    DDDDD  EE    FF      2     456


key1   key2  key3  seq  countB
-----  ----  ----  ---  ------
AAAAA  BB    CC      1     123
AAAAA  BB    CC      2     456
AAAAA  BB    CC      3     789
AAAAA  BB    CC      4     123
AAAAA  BB    CC      5     456
AAAAA  BB    CC      6     777
DDDDD  EE    FF      1     123
DDDDD  EE    FF      2     333



create table TABLE_A (key1,key2,key3,seq,countA) as
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',1,888 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',2,222 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',3,777 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',1,555 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',2,666 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',3,444 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',4,333 from dual;

alter table TABLE_A add primary key(key1,key2,key3,seq);

create table TABLE_B (key1,key2,key3,seq,countB) as
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',1,123 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',2,456 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',3,789 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',4,123 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',5,456 from dual union
select 'AAAAA','BB','CC',6,789 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',1,123 from dual union
select 'DDDDD','EE','FF',2,456 from dual;

alter table TABLE_B add primary key(key1,key2,key3,seq);


(select /*+ BYPASS_UJVC */
 a.countA as NewValue,b.countB as oldValue
   from TABLE_A a join TABLE_B b
     on (a.key1 = b.key1
     and a.key2 = b.key2
     and a.key3 = b.key3)
 where a.seq = (select max(c.seq) from TABLE_A c
                 where c.key1 = a.key1
                   and c.key2 = a.key2
                   and c.key3 = a.key3)
   and b.seq = (select max(c.seq) from TABLE_B c
                 where c.key1 = a.key1
                   and c.key2 = a.key2
                   and c.key3 = a.key3))
set oldValue = NewValue;

update TABLE_B b
   set countB = (select distinct
                 over(order by seq Rows between Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following)
                   from TABLE_A a
                  where a.key1 = b.key1
                    and a.key2 = b.key2
                    and a.key3 = b.key3)
 where seq = (select max(c.seq) from TABLE_B c
               where c.key1 = b.key1
                 and c.key2 = b.key2
                 and c.key3 = b.key3)
   and exists(select 1 from TABLE_A c
               where c.key1 = b.key1
                 and c.key2 = b.key2
                 and c.key3 = b.key3);

update TABLE_B b
   set countB = (select countA
                   from TABLE_A a
                  where a.key1 = b.key1
                    and a.key2 = b.key2
                    and a.key3 = b.key3
                    and a.seq = (select max(c.seq) from TABLE_A c
                                  where c.key1 = a.key1
                                    and c.key2 = a.key2
                                    and c.key3 = a.key3))
 where seq = (select max(c.seq) from TABLE_B c
               where c.key1 = b.key1
                 and c.key2 = b.key2
                 and c.key3 = b.key3)
   and exists(select 1 from TABLE_A c
               where c.key1 = b.key1
                 and c.key2 = b.key2
                 and c.key3 = b.key3);

merge into TABLE_B aa
using (select b.Row_ID,a.countA
         from (select key1,key2,key3,countA,
               seq,max(seq) over(partition by key1,key2,key3) as maxSeq
                 from TABLE_A) a Join
              (select key1,key2,key3,RowID as Row_ID,
               seq,max(seq) over(partition by key1,key2,key3) as maxSeq
                 from TABLE_B) b
         using (key1,key2,key3)
         where a.seq = a.maxSeq
           and b.seq = b.maxSeq) bb
   on (aa.RowID=bb.Row_ID)
when matched then
update set aa.countB= bb.countA;



10-107 UpdatableViewで更新