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7-38 連続した範囲の最大最小を取得


ColA  ColB
----  ----
   1     1
   1     2
   2     1
   2     2
   2     5
   3     1
   3     5
   4     1
   4     2
   4     3
   4     5


ColA  Min  Max
----  ---  ---
   1    1    2
   2    1    2
   2    5    5
   3    1    1
   3    5    5
   4    1    3
   4    5    5


create table TableA(
ColA number(1),
ColB number(1));

insert into TableA values(1,1);
insert into TableA values(1,2);
insert into TableA values(2,1);
insert into TableA values(2,2);
insert into TableA values(2,5);
insert into TableA values(3,1);
insert into TableA values(3,5);
insert into TableA values(4,1);
insert into TableA values(4,2);
insert into TableA values(4,3);
insert into TableA values(4,5);


select distinct ColA,
(select max(b.ColB) from TableA b
  where b.ColA  = a.ColA
    and b.ColB <= a.ColB
    and not exists(select 1 from TableA c
                    where c.ColA = b.ColA
                      and c.ColB = b.ColB-1)) as min,
(select min(b.ColB) from TableA b
  where b.ColA  = a.ColA
    and b.ColB >= a.ColB
    and not exists(select 1 from TableA c
                    where c.ColA = b.ColA
                      and c.ColB = b.ColB+1)) as max
from TableA a
order by ColA,min;

select ColA,Connect_by_Root ColB as min,ColB as max
from TableA a
where Connect_by_IsLeaf = 1
start with not exists(select 1 from TableA b
                       where b.ColA = a.ColA
                         and b.ColB = a.ColB-1)
connect by prior ColA = ColA
       and prior ColB = ColB-1
order by ColA,min;

■■■分析関数とignore nullsを使う方法(10g以降)■■■
select distinct ColA,
Last_Value( case when ExistPrev = 0 then ColB end ignore nulls)
over(order by ColA,ColB) as Min,
First_Value(case when ExistNext = 0 then ColB end ignore nulls)
over(order by ColA,ColB Rows between Current Row and Unbounded Following) as Max
from (select ColA,ColB,LagColA,LeadColA,LagColB,LeadColB,
      case when ColA = LagColA  and ColB -1 = LagColB
           then 1 else 0 end as ExistPrev,
      case when ColA = LeadColA and ColB +1 = LeadColB
           then 1 else 0 end as ExistNext
      from (select ColA,ColB,
            Lag(ColA)  over(order by ColA,ColB) as LagColA,
            Lead(ColA) over(order by ColA,ColB) as LeadColA,
            Lag(ColB)  over(partition by ColA order by ColB) as LagColB,
            Lead(ColB) over(partition by ColA order by ColB) as LeadColB
            from TableA))
order by ColA,min;

select ColA,min(ColB) as min,max(ColB) as max
from (select ColA,ColB,
      sum(WillSum) over(partition by ColA order by ColB) as gcode
        from (select ColA,ColB,
              case when Lag(ColB) over(partition by ColA order by ColB) = ColB-1
                   then 0 else 1 end as WillSum
              from TableA))
group by ColA,gcode
order by ColA,gcode;

select ColA,min(ColB) as min,max(ColB) as max
from (select ColA,ColB,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ColA order by ColB) - ColB as willGroup
        from TableA)
group by ColA,willGroup
order by ColA,min;




9-52 最大のリージョンを求める(境界なし)