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7-54 引き当て処理


Code  請求額   入金額  請求残
----  ------  ------  ------
   1      50      50       0
   2     100      80      20
   3     200       0     200
   4     300      10     290
   5     400      90     310


Code  請求額   入金額  請求残
----  ------  ------  ------
   1      50      50       0
   2     100     100       0
   3     200     200       0
   4     300      40     260
   5     400      90     310


create table 請求(
Code   number(1),
請求額 number(3),
入金額 number(3),
請求残 number(3));

insert into 請求 values(1, 50,50,  0);
insert into 請求 values(2,100,80, 20);
insert into 請求 values(3,200, 0,200);
insert into 請求 values(4,300,10,290);
insert into 請求 values(5,400,90,310);


with WorkView as (
select Code,請求額,入金額,請求残,
sum(請求残) over(order by Code) as 請求残累計
from 請求)
select Code,請求額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 請求額
     when Code = (select min(Code) from WorkView b
                   where b.請求残累計 > 250) then 入金額+250-(請求残累計-請求残)
     else 入金額 end as 入金額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 0
     when Code = (select min(Code) from WorkView b
                   where b.請求残累計 > 250) then 請求残累計-250
     else 請求残 end as 請求残
from WorkView;

select Code,請求額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 請求額
     when Code = min(case when 請求残累計 > 250 then Code end) over()
     then 入金額+250-(請求残累計-請求残) else 入金額 end as 入金額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 0
     when Code = min(case when 請求残累計 > 250 then Code end) over()
     then 請求残累計-250 else 請求残 end as 請求残
from (select Code,請求額,入金額,請求残,
      sum(請求残) over(order by Code) as 請求残累計
      from 請求);

--■■■First_Value関数とignore nullsを使う方法(10g以降)■■■
select Code,請求額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 請求額
     when Code = First_Value(case when 請求残累計 > 250 then Code end ignore nulls)
                 over(order by Code)
     then 入金額+250-(請求残累計-請求残) else 入金額 end as 入金額,
case when 請求残累計 <= 250 then 0
     when Code = First_Value(case when 請求残累計 > 250 then Code end ignore nulls)
                 over(order by Code)
     then 請求残累計-250 else 請求残 end as 請求残
from (select Code,請求額,入金額,請求残,
      sum(請求残) over(order by Code) as 請求残累計
      from 請求);

create or replace Package Pack07_54 Is
    type PrintType is record(
    Code   請求.Code%type,
    請求額 請求.請求額%type,
    入金額 請求.入金額%type,
    請求残 請求.請求残%type);

    type PrintTypeSet is table of PrintType;

create or replace function 請求Record(hiki入金 number) return Pack07_54.PrintTypeSet PipeLined is
    out_rec Pack07_54.PrintType;
    引当額  number(3);
    入金    number(3) := hiki入金;
    for rec in (select Code,請求額,入金額,請求残
                  from 請求
                order by Code) Loop
        out_rec.Code := rec.Code;
        out_rec.請求額 := rec.請求額;

        if 入金 > 0 and rec.請求残 > 0 then
            if rec.請求残 < 入金 then
                引当額 := rec.請求残;
                入金 := 入金 - rec.請求残;
                引当額 := 入金;
                入金 := 0;
            end if;
            out_rec.入金額 := rec.入金額+引当額;
            out_rec.請求残 := rec.請求残-引当額;
            out_rec.入金額 := rec.入金額;
            out_rec.請求残 := rec.請求残;
        end if;
        pipe row(out_rec);
    end Loop;

sho err

select * from table(請求Record(250));



10-19 FIFOで在庫単価の計算
10-20 LIFOで在庫単価の計算