create table amountTable as
select 'AAAA' as Code,20070101 as yyyymmdd,100 as amount,'AName1' as Name from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070105,200,'AName1' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070106,400,'AName1' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070206,500,'AName1' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070208,600,'AName1' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070209,700,'AName1' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070306,800,'AName9' from dual
union select 'AAAA',20070307,900,'AName3' from dual
union select 'BBBB',20070101,111,'BName6' from dual
union select 'BBBB',20070105,222,'BName6' from dual
union select 'BBBB',20070106,333,'BName6' from dual
union select 'BBBB',20070307,444,'BName6' from dual;
select Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100) as yyyymm,
sum(amount) as amount,
(select b.Name from amountTable b
where b.Code = a.Code
and b.yyyymmdd = (select max(c.yyyymmdd)
from amountTable c
where c.Code = b.Code)) as Name
from amountTable a
group by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100)
order by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100);
select Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100) as yyyymm,
sum(amount) as amount,Name
from (select Code,yyyymmdd,amount,
over(partition by Code order by yyyymmdd
Rows between Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following) as Name
from amountTable)
group by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100),Name
order by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100);
select Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100) as yyyymm,
sum(amount) as amount,
Last_Value(max(Name) Keep (Dense_Rank Last order by yyyymmdd))
over(partition by Code order by trunc(yyyymmdd/100)
Rows between Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following) as Name
from amountTable
group by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100)
order by Code,trunc(yyyymmdd/100);