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9-59 各列の最初の非null値をまとめる


lnl  color  Len   width  hgt
---  -----  ----  -----  ----
  1  RED       8     10    12
  2  null   null   null    20
  3  null      9     25    25
  4  BLUE   null     67  null
  5  GRAY   null   null  null


color  Len   width  hgt
-----  ----  -----  ----
GRAY      9     67    25

SQLパズル 第2版のパズル53 [テーブルを列ごとに折りたたむ] を参考にさせていただきました


create table Foobar(
lnl   number(1) primary key,
color varchar2(4),
Len   number(1),
width number(2),
hgt   number(2));

insert into Foobar values(1,'RED' ,   8,  10,  12);
insert into Foobar values(2,null  ,null,null,  20);
insert into Foobar values(3,null  ,   9,  25,  25);
insert into Foobar values(4,'BLUE',null,  67,null);
insert into Foobar values(5,'GRAY',null,null,null);


max(color) Keep (Dense_Rank Last order by nvl2(color,lnl,null) nulls first) as color,
max(Len)   Keep (Dense_Rank Last order by nvl2(Len  ,lnl,null) nulls first) as Len,
max(width) Keep (Dense_Rank Last order by nvl2(width,lnl,null) nulls first) as width,
max(hgt)   Keep (Dense_Rank Last order by nvl2(hgt  ,lnl,null) nulls first) as hgt
  from Foobar;

--■■■Last_Valueとignore nullsを使う方法(10g以降)■■■
select distinct
Last_Value(color ignore nulls)
over(order by lnl Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                           and Unbounded Following) as color,
Last_Value(Len ignore nulls)
over(order by lnl Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                           and Unbounded Following) as Len,
Last_Value(width ignore nulls)
over(order by lnl Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                           and Unbounded Following) as width,
Last_Value(hgt ignore nulls)
over(order by lnl Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                           and Unbounded Following) as hgt
  from Foobar;

--■■■Last_Valueとignore nullsを模倣する方法■■■
max(decode(lnl,TargetColor,Color)) as Color,
max(decode(lnl,TargetLen,Len))     as Len,
max(decode(lnl,TargetWidth,width)) as width,
max(decode(lnl,TargetHgt,hgt))     as hgt
from (select lnl,color,Len,width,hgt,
      max(nvl2(color,lnl,null)) over() as TargetColor,
      max(nvl2(Len  ,lnl,null)) over() as TargetLen,
      max(nvl2(width,lnl,null)) over() as TargetWidth,
      max(nvl2(hgt  ,lnl,null)) over() as TargetHgt
      from Foobar);


Last_Valueとignore nullsを使う方法が分かりやすいと思います。

8-12 Last_Value関数を模倣(ignore nullsあり)