バックトラック法 ナイト巡回問題は、与えられたマスを、ナイトが連続して飛び続けることで、 全てのマスを1回ずつ訪れる経路を求める問題である。 行儀の良くないナイト巡回問題を解いてみます。
create table ban(X,Y) as select 1,1 from dual union select 1,2 from dual union select 1,3 from dual union select 1,4 from dual union select 1,5 from dual union select 2,1 from dual union select 2,2 from dual union select 2,3 from dual union select 2,4 from dual union select 2,5 from dual union select 3,1 from dual union select 3,2 from dual union select 3,3 from dual union select 3,4 from dual union select 3,5 from dual union select 4,1 from dual union select 4,2 from dual union select 4,3 from dual union select 4,4 from dual union select 4,5 from dual union select 5,1 from dual union select 5,2 from dual union select 5,3 from dual union select 5,4 from dual union select 5,5 from dual;
select sys_connect_by_path(to_char(X) || to_char(Y),'-') as path from ban where connect_by_IsLeaf = 1 and Level = 25 and RowNum <=10 start with 1 = all(X,Y) connect by nocycle (prior X,prior Y) in ((X+2,Y-1),(X+2,Y+1), (X-2,Y+1),(X-2,Y-1), (X+1,Y+2),(X+1,Y-2), (X-1,Y+2),(X-1,Y-2));
declare masu constant pls_Integer := 5; type InfoDef is record( X pls_Integer, Y pls_Integer, LV pls_Integer, Path varchar2(1000) ); stackP pls_Integer := 0; type StackClass is table of InfoDef index by binary_integer; st StackClass; StaInfo InfoDef; priInfo InfoDef; willPush InfoDef; work varchar2(20); LoopChk pls_Integer :=0; isOK boolean; procedure push(pInfoDef InfoDef) is begin st(stackP) := pInfoDef; stackP := stackP+1; end; function pop return InfoDef is begin stackP := stackP-1; return st(stackP); end; function isEmpty return boolean is begin return stackP = 0; end; begin StaInfo.X := 1; StaInfo.Y := 1; StaInfo.LV := 1; StaInfo.Path := '(1,1)'; push(StaInfo); while (isEmpty = false) loop priInfo := pop(); for X in 1..masu Loop for Y in 1..masu Loop if (((priInfo.X+2 = X and priInfo.Y+1 = Y) or (priInfo.X+2 = X and priInfo.Y-1 = Y) or (priInfo.X+1 = X and priInfo.Y+2 = Y) or (priInfo.X+1 = X and priInfo.Y-2 = Y) or (priInfo.X-2 = X and priInfo.Y+1 = Y) or (priInfo.X-2 = X and priInfo.Y-1 = Y) or (priInfo.X-1 = X and priInfo.Y+2 = Y) or (priInfo.X-1 = X and priInfo.Y-2 = Y)) and priInfo.LV < masu*masu) then work := '(' || to_char(X) || ',' || to_char(Y) || ')'; --未到着ノードならpush if (instr(priInfo.Path,work) = 0) then willPush.Path:= priInfo.Path || '-' || work; willPush.X := X; willPush.Y := Y; willPush.LV := priInfo.LV+1; push(willPush); end if; end if; end Loop; end Loop; --合格経路なら表示 if (priInfo.LV = masu*masu) then isOK := true; for X in 1..masu Loop for Y in 1..masu Loop work := '(' || to_char(X) || ',' || to_char(Y) || ')'; if (instr(priInfo.Path,work) = 0) then isOK := false; end if; end Loop; end Loop; if (isOK) then DBMS_Output.Put_Line(priInfo.Path); end if; end if; LoopChk := LoopChk+1; if (LoopChk=99999) then DBMS_Output.Put_Line('CountStop!!!'); exit; end if; end Loop; end; / 実行結果
(1,1)-(3,2)-(5,3)-(4,5)-(2,4)-(1,2)-(3,3)-(4,1)-(2,2)-(1,4)-(3,5)-(5,4)-(4,2)-(2,1)-(1,3)-(2,5)-(4,4)-(5,2)-(3,1)-(2,3)-(1,5)-(3,4)-(5,5)-(4,3)-(5,1) (1,1)-(3,2)-(5,3)-(4,5)-(2,4)-(1,2)-(3,1)-(5,2)-(4,4)-(2,5)-(1,3)-(2,1)-(4,2)-(5,4)-(3,3)-(4,1)-(2,2)-(1,4)-(3,5)-(2,3)-(1,5)-(3,4)-(5,5)-(4,3)-(5,1) (1,1)-(3,2)-(5,3)-(4,5)-(2,4)-(1,2)-(3,1)-(5,2)-(4,4)-(2,5)-(1,3)-(2,1)-(3,3)-(4,1)-(2,2)-(1,4)-(3,5)-(5,4)-(4,2)-(2,3)-(1,5)-(3,4)-(5,5)-(4,3)-(5,1) (1,1)-(3,2)-(5,3)-(4,5)-(2,4)-(1,2)-(3,1)-(5,2)-(3,3)-(4,1)-(2,2)-(1,4)-(3,5)-(5,4)-(4,2)-(2,1)-(1,3)-(2,5)-(4,4)-(2,3)-(1,5)-(3,4)-(5,5)-(4,3)-(5,1) CountStop!!!