create table stringTable(ID,Val) as
select 1,'a' union all
select 1,'b' union all
select 1,'c' union all
select 2,'d' union all
select 2,'e' union all
select 2,'e';
-- マニュアル 4.2.10. 配列コンストラクタ
select ID,
(array(select b.Val
from stringTable b
where b.ID = a.ID
order by b.Val),',') as strAgg
from stringTable a
group by ID;
ID | stragg
1 | a,b,c
2 | d,e,e
-- マニュアル 9.14. XML関数
select ID,
'<val>' ,'') as strAgg
from stringTable
group by ID;
with RECURSIVE RowN(ID,Val,rn,TreeHeight) as(
select ID,Val,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn,
count(*) over(partition by ID) as TreeHeight
from stringTable),
w(ID,Val,rn,TreeHeight,sysConn) as(
select ID,Val,rn,TreeHeight,Val
from RowN
where rn = 1
union all
select w.ID,w.Val,b.rn,w.TreeHeight,
w.sysConn || ',' || b.Val
from w,RowN b
where w.ID = b.ID
and w.rn = b.rn-1)
select ID,sysConn from w
where rn = TreeHeight;
Aggregate Functions
select ID,
array_to_string(array_agg(Val),',') as strAgg
from stringTable a
group by ID;
distinct onの使用例
select distinct on (ColA,ColB) ColA,ColB,Val
from (select 1 as ColA,1 as ColB,100 as Val union
select 1 as ColA,1 as ColB,200 as Val union
select 1 as ColA,1 as ColB,300 as Val union
select 2 as ColA,1 as ColB,400 as Val union
select 2 as ColA,1 as ColB,500 as Val union
select 2 as ColA,2 as ColB,600 as Val) a;
ColA ColB Val
---- ---- ---
1 1 100
2 1 400
2 2 600
select distinct on(ID) Val
from (select 1 as ID,9 as Val union all
select 1 as ID,9 as Val union all
select 1 as ID,6 as Val union all
select 2 as ID,3 as Val union all
select 2 as ID,3 as Val union all
select 2 as ID,5 as Val) a
order by ID,Val;
is not true述語を使えば、全称否定命題と存在否定命題にもなりますね。
bool型を返すので、where句,having句,検索case式のwhen句,order by句で直接使うとよさげだ。
with w(ID,val) as(
select 1,10 union all
select 1,20 union all
select 1,30 union all
select 2,10 union all
select 2,20 union all
select 3,20 union all
select 3,20)
select ID,bool_and(val=20) as IsAll20
from w
group by ID
having bool_or(val=10);
ID | IsAll20
1 | f
2 | f
with w(ID,val) as(
select 1,10 union all
select 1,20 union all
select 1,30 union all
select 2,10 union all
select 2,20 union all
select 3,20 union all
select 3,20 union all
select 4,90)
select ID,val,
case when bool_and(val=20) over(partition by ID) then 'ALL20'
when bool_or(val=20) over(partition by ID) then 'Latest one is 20'
else 'There is no 20' end as res
from w;
ID | val | res
1 | 10 | Latest one is 20
1 | 20 | Latest one is 20
1 | 30 | Latest one is 20
2 | 10 | Latest one is 20
2 | 20 | Latest one is 20
3 | 20 | ALL20
3 | 20 | ALL20
4 | 90 | There is no 20
select count(*),
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS2")) as OL2,
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS3")) as OL3,
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS4")) as OL4,
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS5")) as OL5,
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS6")) as OL6,
count(nullif("OVERLAPS1","OVERLAPS7")) as OL7
from (select d1,d2,d3,d4,
(d1,d2) OVERLAPS (d3,d4) as "OVERLAPS1",
d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 as "OVERLAPS2",
d3 < d2 and d1 <= d4 as "OVERLAPS3",
d3 <= d2 and d1 < d4 as "OVERLAPS4",
d3 <= d2 and d1 <= d4 as "OVERLAPS5",
d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 or
d1=d3 and d1=d4 as "OVERLAPS6",
d3 < d2 and d1 < d4 or
d1=d3 and d1=d4 or
d3=d1 and d3=d2 as "OVERLAPS7"
from (select Least(d1,d2) as d1,
greatest(d1,d2) as d2,
Least(d3,d4) as d3,
greatest(d3,d4) as d4
from (select
date_trunc('day',now()+random()*50 * (interval '1 day')) as d1,
date_trunc('day',now()+random()*50 * (interval '1 day')) as d2,
date_trunc('day',now()+random()*50 * (interval '1 day')) as d3,
date_trunc('day',now()+random()*50 * (interval '1 day')) as d4
from generate_series(1,200000)) a) b) c;
count | ol2 | ol3 | ol4 | ol5 | ol6 | ol7
200000 | 175 | 2612 | 2655 | 5089 | 69 | 0
OracleSQLパズル 10-226 OverLaps述語
9.17. 配列関数と演算子
select array[1,2] <@ array[2,3,1] as tes1,
array[1,2] @> array[2,3,1] as tes2;
tes1 | tes2
t | f
select array[1,2,3] <@ array[2,3,1] as tes3,
array[1,2,3] @> array[2,3,1] as tes4,
array[1,2,3] = array[2,3,1] as tes5,
array[1,2,3] = array[1,2,3] as tes6;
tes3 | tes4 | tes5 | tes6
t | t | f | t
select array[1,2,3] <@ array[1,1,1,2,2,3] as tes7,
array[1,2,3] @> array[1,1,1,2,2,3] as tes8;
tes7 | tes8
t | t
7.7. VALUESリスト
create table valuesT1(ID,Val) as
select 10,100 union
select 10,200 union
select 10,300;
create table valuesT2(ID,Val) as
with W(ID,Val) as(
select*from W;
9.18. 集約関数
select extract(hour from sum(Val)) as hour
from (select interval ' 5 minute' as Val union all
select interval '30 minute' union all
select interval '25 minute') a;
with tmp(ID,Val1,Val2) as(
select ID,count(distinct Row(Val1,Val2)) as disCnt
from tmp
group by ID;
id | discnt
AA | 2
BB | 3
array_agg関数でexists述語での自己結合の代用 (orのケース)
create table PosGra(StaPos,EndPos) as(
values( 1, 2),
( 3, 4),
( 4, 7),
( 6, 7),
( 7, 8),
( 8, 9),
select *
from PosGra a
where not exists(select 1 from PosGra b
where b.StaPos = a.EndPos
or b.EndPos = a.StaPos);
select StaPos,EndPos
from (select StaPos,EndPos,
Not(StaPos = any(array_agg(EndPos) over())
or EndPos = any(array_agg(StaPos) over())) as willOut
from PosGra) a
where willOut;
array_agg関数でexists述語での自己結合の代用 (andのケース)
create table findRev(Key1,Key2,Val) as(
select *
from findRev a
where exists(select 1 from findRev b
where b.Key1 = a.Key2
and b.Key2 = a.Key1);
select Key1,Key2,Val
from (select Key1,Key2,Val,
array_agg(Row(Key1,Key2)) over() as ArrRow
from findRev) a
where Row(Key2,Key1) = any(ArrRow);
with t(Val) as(values('A'))
select *
from t
where exists(select from t);