create table minTree(
ID char(3),
nextID char(3),
cost integer);
insert into minTree values
insert into minTree
select nextID,ID,cost from minTree;
with recursive W(Level,ID,nextID,cost,Path) as(
select 1,ID,nextID,cost,array[ID || nextID]
from minTree
where ID = 'A'
union all
select W.Level+1,b.ID,b.nextID,
case when b.ID || b.nextID = any(Path)
or b.nextID || b.ID = any(Path)
then W.cost else W.cost+b.cost end,
W.path || (b.ID || b.nextID)
from W,minTree b
where W.nextID = b.ID
and W.cost < 5+2+4+2+3+2+6+6+4
and W.Level <= 10)
select cost,path
from (select cost,path,rank() over(order by cost,Level) as rn
from W
where array_to_string(path,',') ~ '^(?=.*A)(?=.*B)(?=.*C)(?=.*D)(?=.*E)(?=.*F)') d
where rn=1;