with recursive work(val) as(
|| '002040900'
|| '930000074'
|| '800104006'
|| '006000100'
|| '700903008'
|| '240000015'
|| '007050300'
|| '050807040')),
rec(LV,Val) as(
select 1,Val from work
union all
select LV+1,
case when substr(Val,LV,1) = '0'
then overLay(Val placing cnt::text from LV)
else Val end
from rec a,generate_series(1,9) as b(cnt)
where LV <= 81
and (substr(Val,LV,1) = '0' or b.cnt=1)
and (substr(Val,LV,1) !='0'
or (position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)/9*9+1 ,9)) = 0 /*横チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1 ,1)) = 0 /*縦チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+ 9,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+18,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+27,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+36,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+45,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+54,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+63,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+72,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3) ,3)) = 0 /*正方形チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3)+ 9,3)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3)+18,3)) = 0)))
select * from rec
where LV = 82;
C#のサンプル集 8-8 数独
Javaアルゴリズムパズル 3-7 数独
DB2 SQLパズル 再帰with句10 数独を解く
where LV <= 81
and ((substr(Val,LV,1) != '0' and b.cnt=1)
or (substr(Val,LV,1) = '0'
and (position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)/9*9+1 ,9)) = 0 /*横チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1 ,1)) = 0 /*縦チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+ 9,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+18,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+27,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+36,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+45,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+54,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+63,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,(LV-1)%9+1+72,1)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3) ,3)) = 0 /*正方形チェック*/
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3)+ 9,3)) = 0
and position(cnt::text in substr(Val,((LV-1)%9)/3*3+1+9*(((LV-1)/9)/3*3)+18,3)) = 0)))