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PostgreSQL8.4新機能 window関数


PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japanで、講演させていただきまして、そのまとめページです。

Oracle10gとDB2 V9.5の分析関数をPostgreSQLで模倣するSQLを紹介しながら、


第1部 window関数の使用例
 1. window関数とは
 2. select文の件数取得
 3. except allとcount(*) over()
 4. 最大値の行の取得
 5. 順位を付ける
 6. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)
 7. 前後の行の値
 8. 累計
 9. First_ValueとLast_Valueとnth_Value
10. array_agg関数で配列型にまとめる
11. 移動累計(2行前からカレント行までの累計)
12. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定
13. 最頻値(モード)
14. 最小の空き番号の取得 (2人旅人算)
15. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)
16. 次の入社日を求める

第2部 Oracle10gとDB2 V9.5の分析関数をPostgreSQL8.4で模倣
17. count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID)
18. count(distinct Val) over(order by sortKey)
19. sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID)
20. sum(Val) over(order by sortKey range between current row and unbounded following)
21. Rows  2 Precedingなcount(*)とminとmax
22. Range 2 Precedingなcount(*)とmax
23. Last_Value関数のignore nulls(entire)
24. Last_Value関数のignore nulls(until)
25. Lag関数とLead関数のignore nulls
26. update文でwindow関数の値に更新

第3部 window関数の参考リソース

1. window関数とは

select句とorder by句で使うことができる。order by句で使うことは、ほとんどない。

DB2 Express





count   max   min   sum   Row_Number   Lag   Lead

Rank   dense_rank   array_agg   bool_or   bool_and

First_Value   Last_Value   nth_Value   avg

NTile   regr_count

2. select文の件数取得


create table TestTable(ID,Val) as
select 1,10 union all
select 1,20 union all
select 2,10 union all
select 2,30 union all
select 2,50;

-- OLAPSample1
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable;

-- OLAPSample1のサブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(*) from TestTable b) as recordCount
  from TestTable a;

 ID | Val | recordCount
  1 |  10 |           5
  1 |  20 |           5
  2 |  10 |           5
  2 |  30 |           5
  2 |  50 |           5


where句や、group by句や、having句があっても、select文の結果の件数が求まります。

-- OLAPSample2
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
 where Val in(10,20);

 ID | Val | recordCount
  1 |  10 |           3
  1 |  20 |           3
  2 |  10 |           3

-- OLAPSample3
select ID,max(Val),
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
group by ID
having max(Val) = 20;

 ID | max | recordCount
  1 |  20 |           1


distinctもしくはdistinct on指定があるselect文の結果の件数を求めるには、
インラインビューを使うか、count(*) over()の代わりにdense_rank関数と逆ソートを使う必要があります。

・group by句
・order by句
・distinctもしくはdistinct on
PostgreSQLのマニュアル SELECT

-- OLAPSample4
select ID,count(*) over() as recordCount
  from TestTable
order by ID Limit 2;

 id | recordcount
  1 |           5
  1 |           5

-- OLAPSample5
select ID,Least(2,count(*) over()) as recordCount
  from TestTable
order by ID Limit 2;

 id | recordcount
  1 |           2
  1 |           2

create table disT(ColA,ColB) as
select 1,null union all
select 1,   3 union all
select 1,   3 union all
select 2,null union all
select 2,null;

-- OLAPSample6
select distinct ColA,ColB,
-1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
  +dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc) as recordCount
 from disT
order by ColA,ColB;

 cola | colb | recordcount
    1 |    3 |           3
    1 | null |           3
    2 | null |           3

-- OLAPSample7
select distinct ColA,ColB,
Least(2,-1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
          +dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc)) as recordCount
 from disT
order by ColA,ColB Limit 2;

 cola | colb | recordcount
    1 |    3 |           2
    1 | null |           2

-- OLAPSample8
select ColA,ColB,count(*) over() as recordCount
from (select distinct ColA,ColB
        from disT
      order by ColA,ColB Limit 2) a
order by ColA,ColB;

 cola | colb | recordcount
    1 |    3 |           2
    1 | null |           2

3. except allとcount(*) over()

except allとcount(*) over() の組み合わせです。

create table tableA(ColA integer,ColB integer);
create table tableB(ColA integer,ColB integer);
insert into tableA values(1,2);
insert into tableA values(3,4);

-- case1
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2);

-- case2
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2);
insert into tableB values(3,4);
insert into tableB values(5,6);

-- case3
truncate table tableB;

-- case4
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(2,2);
insert into tableB values(3,3);

-- case5
truncate table tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2);
insert into tableB values(3,4);

-- tableAとtableBのデータが同じか確認するselect文
select *,count(*) over() from tableA
except all
select *,count(*) over() from tableB;




(A ⊆ B ) かつ (A ⊇ B) ⇔ (A = B)

(集合Aと集合Bの要素数が等しい) かつ (A ⊆ B) ⇔ (A = B)


4. 最大値の行の取得


create table TestTable2(ID,Val,extraCol) as
select 1,10,'A' union all
select 1,20,'B' union all
select 2,10,'C' union all
select 2,30,'D' union all
select 2,50,'E' union all
select 3,70,'F' union all
select 3,70,'G';

-- 単純に、IDごとのValの最大値が欲しいなら、これで可
select ID,max(Val)
  from TestTable2
group by ID;

-- IDごとのValが最大値の行が必ず1行しかないなら、これで可
select distinct on(ID) ID,Val,extraCol
  from TestTable2
order by ID,Val desc;

-- OLAPSample9
select ID,Val,extraCol
from (select ID,Val,extraCol,
      max(Val) over(partition by ID) as maxVal
        from TestTable2) a
 where Val = maxVal;

-- OLAPSample9の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,extraCol
  from TestTable2 a
 where Val = (select max(b.Val)
                from TestTable2 b
               where b.ID = a.ID);

 ID | Val | extraCol
  1 |  20 | B
  2 |  50 | E
  3 |  70 | F
  3 |  70 | G

window関数が使えるのは、select句かorder by句です。

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

5. 順位を付ける


create table TestTable3(ID,score) as
select 1,100 union all
select 1,100 union all
select 1, 90 union all
select 1, 80 union all
select 2,100 union all
select 2, 70 union all
select 2, 70;

-- OLAPSample10
select ID,score,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "Row_Number",
      rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "rank",
dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "dense_rank"
  from TestTable3
order by ID,score desc;

 ID | score | Row_Number | rank | dense_rank
  1 |   100 |          1 |    1 |          1
  1 |   100 |          2 |    1 |          1
  1 |    90 |          3 |    3 |          2
  1 |    80 |          4 |    4 |          3
  2 |   100 |          1 |    1 |          1
  2 |    70 |          2 |    2 |          2
  2 |    70 |          3 |    2 |          2


-- OLAPSample10の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,score,
(select count(*)+1 from TestTable3 b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and (b.score > a.score
      or b.score = a.score and b.ctid > a.ctid)) as "Row_Number",
(select count(*)+1 from TestTable3 b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "rank",
(select count(distinct b.score)+1 from TestTable3 b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "dense_rank"
from TestTable3 a
order by ID,"Row_Number";

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

6. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)

4. 最大値の行の取得では、


create table multiSortKey(ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol) as
select 1,10, 2,'AAA' union all
select 1,10, 3,'BBB' union all
select 1,30, 1,'CCC' union all
select 2,20, 1,'DDD' union all
select 2,50, 2,'EEE' union all
select 2,50, 2,'FFF' union all
select 3,60, 1,'GGG' union all
select 3,60, 2,'HHH' union all
select 3,60, 3,'III' union all
select 4,10,20,'JJJ';

-- IDごとで、sortKey1が最大の行の中でsortKey2が最大の行が必ず1行しかないなら、これで可
select distinct on(ID) ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKey
order by ID,sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc;

-- OLAPSample11
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol,
      rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
        from multiSortKey) a
 where rn = 1
order by ID,extraCol;

 ID | sortKey1 | sortKey2 | extraCol
  1 |       30 |        1 | CCC
  2 |       50 |        2 | EEE
  2 |       50 |        2 | FFF
  3 |       60 |        3 | III
  4 |       10 |       20 | JJJ

-- OLAPSample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKey a
 where (sortKey1,sortKey2) = (select b.sortKey1,b.sortKey2
                                from multiSortKey b
                               where b.ID = a.ID
                              order by b.sortKey1 desc,b.sortKey2 desc Limit 1)
order by ID,extraCol;

-- OLAPSample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法2
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKey a
 where not exists(select 1 from multiSortKey b
                   where b.ID = a.ID
                     and (b.sortKey1 > a.sortKey1
                       or b.sortKey1 = a.sortKey1 and b.sortKey2 > a.sortKey2))
order by ID,extraCol;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

7. 前後の行の値


create table TestTable4(ID,sortKey,Val) as
select 'AA',1,10 union all
select 'AA',3,20 union all
select 'AA',5,60 union all
select 'AA',7,30 union all
select 'BB',2,40 union all
select 'BB',4,80 union all
select 'BB',6,50;

-- OLAPSample12
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag(Val)  over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Prev,
Lead(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Next
  from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;

 ID | sortKey | Val | Prev | Next
 AA |       1 |  10 | null |   20
 AA |       3 |  20 |   10 |   60
 AA |       5 |  60 |   20 |   30
 AA |       7 |  30 |   60 | null
 BB |       2 |  40 | null |   80
 BB |       4 |  80 |   40 |   50
 BB |       6 |  50 |   80 | null

-- OLAPSample12の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val from TestTable4 b
  where b.ID=a.ID and b.sortKey < a.sortKey
 order by b.sortKey desc Limit 1) as Prev,
(select b.Val from TestTable4 b
  where b.ID=a.ID and b.sortKey > a.sortKey
 order by b.sortKey Limit 1) as Next
  from TestTable4 a
order by ID,sortKey;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。



-- case式を使う定番の方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
case when ID = Lag(ID)  over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as IsKeyBreaked,
case when ID = Lead(ID) over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as willKeyBreak
  from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;

-- OLAPSample13
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag (0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as IsKeyBreaked,
Lead(0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as willKeyBreak
  from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;

 ID | sortKey | Val | IsKeyBreaked | willKeyBreak
 AA |       1 |  10 |            1 |            0
 AA |       3 |  20 |            0 |            0
 AA |       5 |  60 |            0 |            0
 AA |       7 |  30 |            0 |            1
 BB |       2 |  40 |            1 |            0
 BB |       4 |  80 |            0 |            0
 BB |       6 |  50 |            0 |            1

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

8. 累計

帳票で累計を求めたい時に使うのが、order byを指定した、window関数のsum関数です。

create table ValT(ID,sortKey,Val) as
select 'AA',1,10 union all
select 'AA',2,20 union all
select 'AA',3,40 union all
select 'AA',4,80 union all
select 'BB',1,10 union all
select 'BB',2,30 union all
select 'BB',3,90 union all
select 'CC',1,50 union all
select 'CC',2,60 union all
select 'CC',2,60;

-- OLAPSample14
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as runSum
  from ValT
order by ID,sortKey;

 ID | sortKey | Val | runSum
 AA |       1 |  10 |     10
 AA |       2 |  20 |     30
 AA |       3 |  40 |     70
 AA |       4 |  80 |    150
 BB |       1 |  10 |     10
 BB |       2 |  30 |     40
 BB |       3 |  90 |    130
 CC |       1 |  50 |     50
 CC |       2 |  60 |    170
 CC |       2 |  60 |    170

-- OLAPSample14の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val) from ValT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey) as runSum
from ValT a
order by ID,sortKey;

order byを指定して、frame_clause(フレームクロウズ)を省略すると、
これは、Range between unbounded preceding and current rowと同じ意味です。


order by sortKey    -- sortKeyの昇順で、
Range between       -- 値の範囲は、
unbounded preceding -- 前方は、際限なく、
and current row     -- 後方は、カレント行まで

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

9. First_ValueとLast_Valueとnth_Value


create table nthT(ID,SortKey,Val) as
select 1,10,666 union all
select 1,30,333 union all
select 1,40,222 union all
select 1,50,444 union all
select 2,20,777 union all
select 2,25,111 union all
select 2,27,555 union all
select 3,60,999 union all
select 3,61,888;

-- OLAPSample15
select ID,SortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as FirVal,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as LastVal,
nth_Value(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal,
nth_Value(Val,3) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as thirdVal
  from nthT
order by ID,SortKey;

 ID | SortKey | Val | FirVal | LastVal | SecondVal | thirdVal
  1 |      10 | 666 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222
  1 |      30 | 333 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222
  1 |      40 | 222 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222
  1 |      50 | 444 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222
  2 |      20 | 777 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555
  2 |      25 | 111 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555
  2 |      27 | 555 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555
  3 |      60 | 999 |    999 |     888 |       888 |     null
  3 |      61 | 888 |    999 |     888 |       888 |     null

-- OLAPSample15の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1) as FirVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1 offset 1) as SecondVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1 offset 2) as thirdVal
from nthT a
order by ID,SortKey;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

10. array_agg関数で配列型にまとめる


create table ConCatVal(ID,Val) as
select 1,'a' union all
select 1,'b' union all
select 1,'c' union all
select 2,'d' union all
select 2,'e' union all
select 3,'f';

-- OLAPSample16
select ID,Val,
array_to_string(array_agg(Val) over(partition by ID),',') as strAgg
  from ConCatVal
order by ID,Val;

 ID | Val | strAgg
  1 | a   | a,b,c
  1 | b   | a,b,c
  1 | c   | a,b,c
  2 | d   | d,e
  2 | e   | d,e
  3 | f   | f

-- OLAPSample16の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(array(select b.Val
         from ConCatVal b
        where b.ID = a.ID
       order by b.Val),',') as strAgg
  from ConCatVal a
order by ID,Val;


array_agg関数は、配列型を返しますので、列が1つしかない集合同士の包含関係を調べることもできます。 Relational Division(英語)や、
SQLパズル 第2版にも掲載されている有名な問題。
第21問 飛行機と飛行士をarray_agg関数を使って解いてみましょう。(工場が空集合のケースは考えません)

create table PilotSkills
(pilot text,
 plane text,
primary key (pilot, plane));
insert into PilotSkills values('Celko'  ,'A');
insert into PilotSkills values('Higgins','A');
insert into PilotSkills values('Higgins','B');
insert into PilotSkills values('Higgins','C');
insert into PilotSkills values('Jones'  ,'B');
insert into PilotSkills values('Jones'  ,'D');
insert into PilotSkills values('Smith'  ,'B');
insert into PilotSkills values('Smith'  ,'C');
insert into PilotSkills values('Smith'  ,'E');
insert into PilotSkills values('Wilson' ,'B');
insert into PilotSkills values('Wilson' ,'C');
insert into PilotSkills values('Wilson' ,'E');
insert into PilotSkills values('Wilson' ,'F');

create table Hangar(plane text primary key);
insert into Hangar values('B');
insert into Hangar values('C');
insert into Hangar values('E');


select pilot
  from PilotSkills a
group by pilot
having exists(select 1 from Hangar b
              having array_agg(a.plane) @> array_agg(b.plane));



select pilot
  from PilotSkills a
group by pilot
having (select array_agg(a.plane) @> array_agg(b.plane)
          from Hangar b);


select pilot,plane
from (select pilot,plane,
      array_agg(plane) over(partition by pilot) as planeAgg
        from PilotSkills) a
 where (select a.planeAgg @> array_agg(b.plane)
          from Hangar b);

 pilot  | plane
 Smith  | B
 Smith  | C
 Smith  | E
 Wilson | B
 Wilson | C
 Wilson | E
 Wilson | F


11. 移動累計(2行前からカレント行までの累計)


create table idouT(day1,Val) as
select date '2009-04-16', 1 union all
select date '2009-04-17', 2 union all
select date '2009-04-20', 4 union all
select date '2009-04-21', 8 union all
select date '2009-04-22',20 union all
select date '2009-04-23',40 union all
select date '2009-04-24',90;

-- OLAPSample17
select day1,Val,
Val+Lag(Val,1,0) over(order by day1)
   +Lag(Val,2,0) over(order by day1) as moveSum
  from idouT
order by day1;

    day1    | Val | moveSum
 2009-04-16 |   1 |       1
 2009-04-17 |   2 |       3
 2009-04-20 |   4 |       7
 2009-04-21 |   8 |      14
 2009-04-22 |  20 |      32
 2009-04-23 |  40 |      68
 2009-04-24 |  90 |     150

OracleやDB2では、Sum(Val) over(order by day1 Rows 2 preceding)が使えますが、PostgreSQL8.4では、使えません。

-- OLAPSample17の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
select day1,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from idouT b
  where (select count(*)
           from idouT c
          where c.day1 between b.day1 and a.day1)
         between 1 and 3) as moveSum
from idouT a
order by day1;

-- OLAPSample17の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法2
select day1,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from (select c.Val
           from idouT c
          where c.Val <= a.Val
         order by c.day1 desc Limit 3) b) as moveSum
from idouT a
order by day1;



-- OLAPSample18
select day1,Val,
runSum - Lag(runSum,3,0::bigInt) over(order by day1) as moveSum
from (select day1,Val,
      sum(Val) over(order by day1) as runSum
        from idouT) a
order by day1;

12. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定




create table TestTable8(
ID  text,
Val integer not null);

insert into TestTable8 values('AA',10);
insert into TestTable8 values('AA',20);
insert into TestTable8 values('BB',10);
insert into TestTable8 values('BB',30);
insert into TestTable8 values('BB',50);
insert into TestTable8 values('CC',80);
insert into TestTable8 values('CC',90);
insert into TestTable8 values('DD',20);
insert into TestTable8 values('DD',70);

・check1 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check2 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たさないか?
・check3 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check4 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たさないか?


-- OLAPSample19
select ID,Val,
min(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk1,
min(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk2,
max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk3,
max(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk4
  from TestTable8
order by ID,Val;

 ID | Val | chk1 | chk2 | chk3 | chk4
 AA |  10 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0
 AA |  20 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0
 BB |  10 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1
 BB |  30 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1
 BB |  50 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1
 CC |  80 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    1
 CC |  90 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    1
 DD |  20 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1
 DD |  70 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1

応用例であるPostgreSQLパズル 9-22 存在有無のブール値で論理演算を御覧になって下さい。


-- OLAPSample20
select ID,Val,
bool_and(Val<40)            over(partition by ID) as chk1,
bool_and((Val<40) is false) over(partition by ID) as chk2,
bool_or (Val<40)            over(partition by ID) as chk3,
bool_or ((Val<40) is false) over(partition by ID) as chk4
  from TestTable8
order by ID,Val;



全称 → min
存在 → max

肯定 → (case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end)
否定 → (case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end)

全称肯定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
全称否定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1
存在肯定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
存在否定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1



全称 → bool_and
存在 → bool_or

肯定 → 条件
否定 → (条件) is false  もしくは、Not述語を使って、Not(条件)

全称肯定命題なら bool_and(条件)
全称否定命題なら bool_and((条件) is false)
存在肯定命題なら bool_or (条件)
存在否定命題なら bool_or ((条件) is false)

ちなみに、否定をfalseかunknownとしたいのであれば、is not true述語を使うといいです。

13. 最頻値(モード)

create table DayWeather(day1,weather) as
select date '2008-01-02','sunny'  union all
select date '2008-01-15','snowy'  union all
select date '2008-01-30','snowy'  union all
select date '2008-06-01','cloudy' union all
select date '2008-06-13','cloudy' union all
select date '2008-06-24','rainy'  union all
select date '2008-06-30','rainy'  union all
select date '2008-07-02','sunny'  union all
select date '2008-07-14','sunny'  union all
select date '2008-07-23','sunny'  union all
select date '2008-07-31','sunny'  union all
select date '2008-11-10','cloudy';


-- 最頻値が必ず1つだけなら、これでも可
select weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather
group by weather
order by count(*) desc Limit 1;

-- OLAPSample21
select weather,cnt
from (select weather,count(*) as cnt,max(count(*)) over() as maxCnt
        from DayWeather
      group by weather) a
 where cnt = maxCnt;

 weather | cnt
 sunny   |   5

-- OLAPSample21のサブクエリを使った代替方法(all述語を使用)
select weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather
group by weather
having count(*) >= all(select count(*)
                         from DayWeather
                       group by weather);

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。group by weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。



-- monthごとに最頻値が必ず1つだけなら、これでも可
select distinct on(month1)
       extract(month from day1) as month1,weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeather
group by month1,weather
order by month1,cnt desc;

-- OLAPSample22
select month1,weather,cnt
from (select extract(month from day1) as month1,weather,
      count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over(partition by extract(month from day1)) as maxCnt
        from DayWeather
      group by month1,weather) a
 where cnt = maxCnt
order by month1,weather;

 month1 | weather | cnt
      1 | snowy   |   2
      6 | cloudy  |   2
      6 | rainy   |   2
      7 | sunny   |   4
     11 | cloudy  |   1

下記のように、group by句の他に、WINDOW句でも、列別名(month1)が使えるようです。

-- OLAPSample23
select month1,weather,cnt
from (select extract(month from day1) as month1,weather,
      count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over W1 as maxCnt
        from DayWeather
      group by month1,weather
      WINDOW w1 AS (PARTITION BY month1)) a
 where cnt = maxCnt
order by month1,weather;

-- OLAPSample23の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法(Limit句を使用)
select month1,weather,count(*) as cnt
from (select extract(month from day1) as month1,weather
        from DayWeather) a
group by month1,weather
having count(*) = (select count(*)
                     from DayWeather b
                    where extract(month from b.day1) = a.month1
                   group by weather
                   order by count(*) desc Limit 1)
order by month1,weather;

group by extract(month from day1),weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。

partition by extract(month from day1)に対応する超極太赤線を引いてます。

14. 最小の空き番号の取得 (2人旅人算)


create table SeqTbl(seq smallInt primary key);

-- case1
truncate table SeqTbl;
insert into SeqTbl values(1);
insert into SeqTbl values(2);
insert into SeqTbl values(3);
insert into SeqTbl values(5);
insert into SeqTbl values(6);

-- case2
truncate table SeqTbl;
insert into SeqTbl values(1);
insert into SeqTbl values(2);
insert into SeqTbl values(3);
insert into SeqTbl values(4);
insert into SeqTbl values(6);

-- case3
truncate table SeqTbl;
insert into SeqTbl values(2);
insert into SeqTbl values(3);
insert into SeqTbl values(4);

-- case4
truncate table SeqTbl;
insert into SeqTbl values(1);
insert into SeqTbl values(2);
insert into SeqTbl values(3);
insert into SeqTbl values(4);
insert into SeqTbl values(5);

-- case5
truncate table SeqTbl;



-- OLAPSample24
select coalesce(max(seq),0)+1 as gap
  from (select seq,Row_Number() over(order by seq) as rn
          from SeqTbl) a
 where seq = rn;

-- OLAPSample24の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select coalesce(max(seq),0)+1 as gap
  from (select seq,
        (select count(*)+1
           from SeqTbl b where b.seq < a.seq) as rn
        from SeqTbl a) c
 where seq = rn;



15. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)

US-OTNでよく見かけて、SQLパズル 第2版にも掲載されている問題。
第63問 連続的なグルーピングを旅人算の感覚を使って解いてみましょう。

create table Tabibito(sortKey,Val) as
select  1,'aaa' union all
select  2,'aaa' union all
select  3,'bbb' union all
select  6,'bbb' union all
select  8,'aaa' union all
select 20,'bbb' union all
select 22,'ccc' union all
select 23,'ccc' union all
select 31,'ddd' union all
select 33,'ddd';

-- OLAPSample25
select min(sortKey) as low,max(sortKey) as high,Val
from (select sortKey,Val,
       Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)
      -Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey) as distance
      from Tabibito) a
group by Val,distance
order by min(sortKey);

 low | high | Val
   1 |    2 | aaa
   3 |    6 | bbb
   8 |    8 | aaa
  20 |   20 | bbb
  22 |   23 | ccc
  31 |   33 | ddd


Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)に対応する1人の旅人と、
Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey)に対応する4人の旅人をイメージし、
group by Val,distanceに対応する赤線を引いてます。

SQLクックブックの「レシピ10.3 連続する値の範囲の最初と最後を求める」で紹介されている考え方を使って、

-- OLAPSample26
select min(sortKey) as low,max(sortKey) as high,Val
from (select sortKey,Val,
      sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as GID
      from (select sortKey,Val,
            case when Val = Lag(Val) over(order by sortKey)
                 then 0 else 1 end as willSum
            from Tabibito) a) a
group by GID,Val
order by GID;


sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as GIDに対応する黄緑線と、
group by GID,Valに対応する赤線を引いてます。

16. 次の入社日を求める

SQLクックブックの「レシピ8.7 現在のレコードと次のレコードの日付の差を算出する」で扱われている、

create table emp2(ename,hireDate) as
select 'CLARK' ,date '1981-06-09' union all
select 'ant'   ,date '1981-11-17' union all
select 'choi'  ,date '1981-11-17' union all
select 'jim'   ,date '1981-11-17' union all
select 'joe'   ,date '1981-11-17' union all
select 'MILLER',date '1982-01-23' union all
select 'SCOTT' ,date '1999-10-30' union all
select 'TIGER' ,date '1999-10-30' union all
select 'JANE'  ,date '2005-12-31';

-- OLAPSample27
select ename,hireDate,
Lead(hireDate,RevRank::integer) over(order by hireDate,ename) as nextHireDate
from (select ename,hireDate,
      Row_Number() over(partition by hireDate order by ename desc) as RevRank
        from emp2) a
order by hireDate,ename;

 ename  |  hireDate  | nextHireDate
 CLARK  | 1981-06-09 | 1981-11-17
 ant    | 1981-11-17 | 1982-01-23
 choi   | 1981-11-17 | 1982-01-23
 jim    | 1981-11-17 | 1982-01-23
 joe    | 1981-11-17 | 1982-01-23
 MILLER | 1982-01-23 | 1999-10-30
 SCOTT  | 1999-10-30 | 2005-12-31
 TIGER  | 1999-10-30 | 2005-12-31
 JANE   | 2005-12-31 | null

-- OLAPSample27の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ename,hireDate,
(select min(b.hireDate)
   from emp2 b where a.hiredate < b.hiredate) as nextHireDate
from emp2 a
order by hireDate,ename;

min(hireDate) over(order by hireDate range between 1 following and unbounded following)

件数 - 正順位 + 1 を指定してますが、

正順位 + 逆順位 = 件数 + 1 を移項すると
逆順位 = 件数 - 正順位 + 1 なので、同じ意味となります。
OracleSQLパズル 2-3-26 正順位と逆順位

Row_Number() over(partition by hireDate order by ename desc)に対応する赤線と黄緑線と、

第2部 Oracle10gとDB2 V9.5の分析関数をPostgreSQL8.4で模倣

17. count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID)

create table OracleDistinct(
ID  integer,
Val integer not null);

insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,333);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(4,333);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct;

ID  Val  disCnt
--  ---  ------
 1  111       3
 1  111       3
 1  222       3
 1  222       3
 1  333       3
 2  111       1
 2  111       1
 3  111       2
 3  222       2
 4  333       1

-- OLAPSample28
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
  +dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;

-- OLAPSample28の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(distinct b.Val)
   from OracleDistinct b where b.ID = a.ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct a
order by ID,Val;

正順位 + 逆順位 = 件数 + 1 を移項すると
件数 = -1 + 正順位 + 逆順位 になることをふまえてます。


-- OLAPSample29
select ID,Val,max(rn) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from (select ID,Val,dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
      from OracleDistinct) a
order by ID,Val;

ちなみに、count(distinct Val) は、Valがnullだとカウントしませんので、

-- OLAPSample30
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
  +dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc)
  -max(case when Val is null then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;

18. count(distinct Val) over(order by sortKey)

Oracle10gでも文法エラーとなるのですが、count(distinct Val) over(order by sortKey) を模倣してみます。

create table VisiterT(sortKey,Visit) as
select 10,'AAAA' union all
select 20,'BBBB' union all
select 30,'AAAA' union all
select 40,'BBBB' union all
select 50,'CCCC' union all
select 60,'CCCC' union all
select 70,'DDDD' union all
select 80,'AAAA';

-- 模倣対象のSQL
select sortKey,Visit,
count(distinct Visit) over(order by sortKey) as disVisit
  from VisiterT
order by sortKey;

sortKey  Visit   disVisit
-------  -----   --------
     10  AAAA           1  ← AAAAで1
     20  BBBB           2  ← AAAA,BBBBで2
     30  AAAA           2  ← AAAA,BBBBで2
     40  BBBB           2  ← AAAA,BBBBで2
     50  CCCC           3  ← AAAA,BBBB,CCCCで3
     60  CCCC           3  ← AAAA,BBBB,CCCCで3
     70  DDDD           4  ← AAAA,BBBB,CCCC,DDDDで4
     80  AAAA           4  ← AAAA,BBBB,CCCC,DDDDで4

-- OLAPSample31
select sortKey,Visit,sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as disVisit
from (select sortKey,Visit,
      case Row_Number() over(partition by Visit order by sortKey)
      when 1 then 1 else 0 end as willSum
        from VisiterT) a
order by sortKey;

-- OLAPSample31の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select sortKey,Visit,
(select count(distinct b.Visit)
   from VisiterT b where b.sortKey <= a.sortKey) as disVisit
from VisiterT a
order by sortKey;

sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey)に対応する黄緑線を引いてます。

19. sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID)


create table OracleKeepDense1(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,1, 100);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,2, 200);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 400);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 500);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 600);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,5, 700);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,8, 800);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9, 900);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9,1000);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(4,6,1100);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID) as sum2
  from OracleKeepDense1
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

ID  sortKey   Val  sum1  sum2
--  -------  ----  ----  ----
 1        1   100  1800  1500  ←400+500+600
 1        2   200  1800  1500
 1        3   400  1800  1500
 1        3   500  1800  1500
 1        3   600  1800  1500
 2        5   700  1500   800
 2        8   800  1500   800
 3        9   900  1900  1900  ←900+1000
 3        9  1000  1900  1900
 4        6  1100  1100  1100

-- OLAPSample32
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(case when sortKey = maxSortKey
         then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum2
from (select ID,sortKey,Val,
      max(sortKey) over(partition by ID) as maxSortKey
        from OracleKeepDense1) a
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。


create table OracleKeepDense2(
ID       integer,
sortKey1 integer,
sortKey2 integer,
Val      integer);

insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,1,10,100);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,2,20,200);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,30,300);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,400);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,500);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,1,60,600);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,2,80,700);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,800);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,900);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(3,1,20,100);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey1,sortKey2) over(partition by ID) as sum3
  from OracleKeepDense2
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;

ID  sortKey1  sortKey2  Val  sum3
--  --------  --------  ---  ----
 1         1        10  100   900  ←400+500
 1         2        20  200   900
 1         3        30  300   900
 1         3        40  400   900
 1         3        40  500   900
 2         1        60  600  1700  ←800+900
 2         2        80  700  1700
 2         3        50  800  1700
 2         3        50  900  1700
 3         1        20  100   100

-- OLAPSample33
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(case when rn=1 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum3
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
      dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
        from OracleKeepDense2) a
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;

order by sortKey1 asc ,sortKey2 asc  の逆ソートである
order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc を使ってます。

partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。

20. sum(Val) over(order by sortKey range between current row and unbounded following)

create table RowsFollowing(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into RowsFollowing values(1,1, 10);
insert into RowsFollowing values(1,2, 20);
insert into RowsFollowing values(1,3, 40);
insert into RowsFollowing values(1,3, 80);
insert into RowsFollowing values(1,3,160);
insert into RowsFollowing values(1,4,900);
insert into RowsFollowing values(2,5,320);
insert into RowsFollowing values(2,8,640);
insert into RowsFollowing values(3,9,100);
insert into RowsFollowing values(3,9,100);
insert into RowsFollowing values(4,6,300);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID
              order by sortKey Range between current row
                                         and unbounded following) as FollowingSum
  from RowsFollowing
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

ID  sortKey  Val  FollowingSum
--  -------  ---  ------------
 1        1   10          1210  ←10+20+40+80+160+900
 1        2   20          1200  ←20+40+80+160+900
 1        3   40          1180  ←40+80+160+900
 1        3   80          1180  ←40+80+160+900
 1        3  160          1180  ←40+80+160+900
 1        4  900           900
 2        5  320           960  ←320+640
 2        8  640           640
 3        9  100           200  ←100+100
 3        9  100           200
 4        6  300           300

-- OLAPSample34
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey desc) as FollowingSum
  from RowsFollowing
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

8. 累計で扱ったように、
order byを指定して、frame_clause(フレームクロウズ)を省略すると、
これは、Range between unbounded preceding and current rowと同じ意味です。

order by sortKey の逆ソートである
order by sortKey desc を使っているのです。


21. Rows 2 Precedingなcount(*)とminとmax

11. 移動累計(2行前からカレント行までの累計)では、
PostgreSQL8.4で使えないRows 2 precedingなsumを代用する方法を扱いました。
今度は、Rows 2 Precedingなcount(*)とminとmaxを代用してみます。

create table Rows2Preceding(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,1, 10);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,2, 90);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,3, 50);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(1,4, 70);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,1, 80);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,2, 20);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,3, 40);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(2,4, 50);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(3,1,  0);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(3,2, 30);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(3,3, 50);
insert into Rows2Preceding values(4,1, 60);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
count(*) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Rows 2 Preceding) as cnt,
min(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Rows 2 Preceding) as minVal,
max(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Rows 2 Preceding) as maxVal
  from Rows2Preceding
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

ID  sortKey  Val  cnt  minVal  maxVal
--  -------  ---  ---  ------  ------
 1        1   10    1      10      10
 1        2   90    2      10      90
 1        3   50    3      10      90
 1        4   70    3      50      90
 2        1   80    1      80      80
 2        2   20    2      20      80
 2        3   40    3      20      80
 2        4   50    3      20      50
 3        1    0    1       0       0
 3        2   30    2       0      30
 3        3   50    3       0      50
 4        1   60    1      60      60

-- OLAPSample35
select ID,sortKey,Val,
1+case when Lag1 is null then 0 else 1 end
 +case when Lag2 is null then 0 else 1 end as cnt,
   Least(Val,Lag1,Lag2) as minVal,
Greatest(Val,Lag1,Lag2) as maxVal
from (select ID,sortKey,Val,
      Lag(Val,1) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Lag1,
      Lag(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Lag2
        from Rows2Preceding) a
order by ID,sortKey,Val;



22. Range 2 Precedingなcount(*)とmax

Rows  2 Precedingなcount(*)とminとmaxに続いて、
Range 2 Precedingなcount(*)とmaxを求めてみます。

create table Range2Preceding(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into Range2Preceding values(1,1,10);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,2,50);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,2,60);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,2,90);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,3,70);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,4,80);
insert into Range2Preceding values(1,5,20);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,1, 0);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,1,50);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,4,30);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,4,90);
insert into Range2Preceding values(2,8,20);
insert into Range2Preceding values(3,1,60);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
count(*) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Range 2 Preceding) as cnt,
max(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey Range 2 Preceding) as maxVal
  from Range2Preceding
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

ID  sortKey  Val  cnt  maxVal
--  -------  ---  ---  ------
 1        1   10    1      10
 1        2   50    4      90
 1        2   60    4      90
 1        2   90    4      90
 1        3   70    5      90
 1        4   80    5      90
 1        5   20    3      80
 2        1    0    2      50
 2        1   50    2      50
 2        4   30    2      90
 2        4   90    2      90
 2        8   20    1      20
 3        1   60    1      60

-- 相関サブクエリを使う方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select count(*)
   from Range2Preceding b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                      and a.sortKey) as cnt,
(select max(b.Val)
   from Range2Preceding b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                      and a.sortKey) as maxVal
  from Range2Preceding a
order by ID,sortKey,Val;

-- 自己結合を使う方法
select a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val,count(*) as cnt,max(b.Val) as maxVal
  from Range2Preceding a Join Range2Preceding b
    on a.ID=b.ID
   and b.sortKey between a.sortKey-2
                     and a.sortKey
group by a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val
order by a.ID,a.sortKey,a.Val;


また、16. 次の入社日を求めるのような特殊な代用パターンもあります。


23. Last_Value関数のignore nulls(entire)

create table IgnoreNull(
ID      integer,
sortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into IgnoreNull values(1,1, 555);
insert into IgnoreNull values(1,2,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(1,3, 111);
insert into IgnoreNull values(1,4,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(2,1, 888);
insert into IgnoreNull values(2,2, 222);
insert into IgnoreNull values(2,3,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(2,4, 444);
insert into IgnoreNull values(3,1, 777);
insert into IgnoreNull values(3,2,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(3,3,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(3,4,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(3,5, 333);
insert into IgnoreNull values(4,1,null);
insert into IgnoreNull values(4,2,null);

Oracle10gやDB2 V9.5の分析関数では、First_Value関数やLast_Value関数でignore nullsを指定できます。
Last_Value(値 ignore nulls) over句 が基本的な使い方ですが、
Last_Value(case when 条件 then 値 end ignore nulls) over句 というふうに、

下記の、ignore nullsを指定したOracleのSQLと同じ結果を、PostgreSQL8.4で取得してみます。

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val ignore nulls)
over(partition by ID
     order by sortKey Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as LastVal1
  from IgnoreNull
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey   Val  LastVal1
--  -------  ----  --------
 1        1   555       111
 1        2  null       111
 1        3   111       111
 1        4  null       111
 2        1   888       444
 2        2   222       444
 2        3  null       444
 2        4   444       444
 3        1   777       333
 3        2  null       333
 3        3  null       333
 3        4  null       333
 3        5   333       333
 4        1  null      null
 4        2  null      null

-- OLAPSample36
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID
                     order by case when Val is not null
                                   then sortKey end nulls first
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as LastVal1
  from IgnoreNull
order by ID,sortKey;

case式とnulls first指定で、Valがnullな行が最後にならないようにしてます。

-- OLAPSample36の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from IgnoreNull b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.Val is not null
 order by b.sortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal1
  from IgnoreNull a
order by ID,sortKey;


24. Last_Value関数のignore nulls(until)

前問を少し変更して、今度は、その行までを対象としたLast_Value関数(ignore nulls)を模倣します。

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val ignore nulls)
over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as LastVal2
  from IgnoreNull
order by ID,sortKey;

ID  sortKey   Val  LastVal2
--  -------  ----  --------
 1        1   555       555
 1        2  null       555
 1        3   111       111
 1        4  null       111
 2        1   888       888
 2        2   222       222
 2        3  null       222
 2        4   444       444
 3        1   777       777
 3        2  null       777
 3        3  null       777
 3        4  null       777
 3        5   333       333
 4        1  null      null
 4        2  null      null

-- OLAPSample37
select ID,sortKey,Val,
max(case sortKey when maxSortKey then Val end)
over(partition by ID,maxSortKey) as LastVal2
from (select ID,sortKey,Val,
      max(case when Val is not null then sortKey end)
      over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as maxSortKey
      from IgnoreNull) a
order by ID,sortKey;


-- OLAPSample37の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from IgnoreNull b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey
    and b.Val is not null
 order by b.sortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal2
from IgnoreNull a
order by ID,sortKey;

脳内のイメージ(第1段階)は、こうなります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。

脳内のイメージ(最終段階)は、こうなります。partition by ID,maxSortKeyに対応する紫線を引いてます。

25. Lag関数とLead関数のignore nulls

DB2 V9.5では、Lag関数とLead関数でignore nullsを指定することができます。

create table ignLagLead(
SortKey integer,
Val     integer);

insert into ignLagLead values
( 1,null),
( 2,   2),
( 3,null),
( 5,   4),
( 9,null),
(11,   6),
(16,   5),
(25,   3),
(27,   4),

-- 模倣対象のDB2のSQL
select SortKey,Val,
Lag (Val,2,999,'IGNORE NULLS') over(order by SortKey) as Lag2,
Lead(Val,2,999,'IGNORE NULLS') over(order by SortKey) as Lead2
  from ignLagLead;

SortKey   Val  Lag2  Lead2
-------  ----  ----  -----
      1  null   999      4
      2     2   999      6
      3  null   999      6
      5     4   999      5
      9  null     2      5
     11     6     2      3
     12  null     4      3
     14  null     4      3
     16     5     4      4
     17  null     6      4
     25     3     6    999
     26  null     5    999
     27     4     5    999
     30  null     3    999

-- OLAPSample38
with tmp as(
select SortKey,Val,
case when Val is not null
     then Lag (Val,1,999) over(partition by Val is null order by SortKey) end as Lag1WK,
case when Val is not null
     then Lag (Val,2,999) over(partition by Val is null order by SortKey) end as Lag2WK,
case when Val is not null
     then Lead(Val,1,999) over(partition by Val is null order by SortKey) end as Lead1WK,
case when Val is not null
     then Lead(Val,2,999) over(partition by Val is null order by SortKey) end as Lead2WK,
max(case when Val is not null then SortKey end) over(order by SortKey) as lasKey,
min(case when Val is not null then SortKey end) over(order by SortKey desc) as firKey
  from ignLagLead)
select SortKey,Val,
case when Val is not null then Lag2WK
     when lasKey is null then 999
     else max(Lag1WK) over(partition by lasKey) end as Lag2,
case when Val is not null then Lead2WK
     when firKey is null then 999
     else max(Lead1WK) over(partition by firKey) end as Lead2
  from tmp
order by SortKey;



-- OLAPSample38の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select SortKey,Val,
coalesce((select b.Val
            from ignLagLead b
           where b.Val is not null
             and b.SortKey < a.SortKey
          order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1 offset 1),999) as Lag2,
coalesce((select b.Val
            from ignLagLead b
           where b.Val is not null
             and b.SortKey > a.SortKey
          order by b.SortKey Limit 1 offset 1),999) as Lead2
from ignLagLead a
order by SortKey;

26. update文でwindow関数の値に更新

DB2 V9.5では、update文のset句で、分析関数の値を使えます。PostgreSQL8.4で、同じ更新を行ってみます。

create table updTes(
ID  integer not null,
Val integer not null,
seq integer,
primary key(ID,Val));

insert into updTes values
(1,   1,null),
(1,   2,null),
(1,   4,null),
(1,   8,null),
(2,  16,null),
(2,  32,null),
(2,  64,null),
(2, 128,null),
(3,   1,null),
(3,  20,null),
(3,  30,null),
(4, 100,null),
(4, 123,null),
(4, 150,null);

-- 模倣対象のDB2のSQL
update updTes
set seq = Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val);

select ID,Val,seq from updTes;

ID  Val  seq
--  ---  ---
1     1    1
1     2    2
1     4    3
1     8    4
2    16    1
2    32    2
2    64    3
2   128    4
3     1    1
3    20    2
3    30    3
4   100    1
4   123    2
4   150    3

-- OLAPSample39
update updTes a
set seq = b.rn
from (select ID,Val,
      Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
        from updtes) b
where a.ID=b.ID
  and a.Val=b.Val;

PostgreSQLのマニュアル UPDATE

-- OLAPSample39の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
update updtes a
set seq = (select count(*)+1
             from updtes b
            where b.ID = a.ID
              and b.Val < a.Val);



-- OLAPSample40
update updTes a
set seq = 200
from (select ID,Val,
      Row_Number() over(order by Val) as rn
        from updtes) b
where a.ID=b.ID
  and a.Val=b.Val
  and b.rn <= 2;

第3部 window関数の参考リソース

達人に学ぶ SQL徹底指南書

Window関数 Let's Postgres
PostgreSQLのマニュアル 3.5. ウィンドウ関数