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10-182 コードごとの、Top2の行の値を出力


Code  DateX       Value
----  ----------  -----
 ABD  2007/09/15     23
 ABD  2007/09/16     54
 ABD  2007/09/17     22
 KLO  2007/01/01     72
 KLO  2007/04/20     89
 KLO  2007/04/21     91
 XYZ  2007/01/11     30
 XYZ  2007/01/22     20
 XYZ  2007/01/30     10
 YYY  2007/12/12     11
 ZZZ  2007/11/21     66
 ZZZ  2007/11/23     22
 ZZZ  2007/11/25     33


Code  latestData  secondLatestData
----  ----------  ----------------
 ABD          22                54
 KLO          91                89
 XYZ          10                20
 YYY          11              null
 ZZZ          33                22



create table deriveTop2 as
select 'ABD' as Code,to_date('2007/09/15','yyyy/mm/dd') as DateX,23 as Value from dual
union select 'ABD',to_date('2007/09/16','yyyy/mm/dd'),54 from dual
union select 'ABD',to_date('2007/09/17','yyyy/mm/dd'),22 from dual
union select 'KLO',to_date('2007/01/01','yyyy/mm/dd'),72 from dual
union select 'KLO',to_date('2007/04/20','yyyy/mm/dd'),89 from dual
union select 'KLO',to_date('2007/04/21','yyyy/mm/dd'),91 from dual
union select 'XYZ',to_date('2007/01/11','yyyy/mm/dd'),30 from dual
union select 'XYZ',to_date('2007/01/22','yyyy/mm/dd'),20 from dual
union select 'XYZ',to_date('2007/01/30','yyyy/mm/dd'),10 from dual
union select 'YYY',to_date('2007/12/12','yyyy/mm/dd'),11 from dual
union select 'ZZZ',to_date('2007/11/21','yyyy/mm/dd'),66 from dual
union select 'ZZZ',to_date('2007/11/23','yyyy/mm/dd'),22 from dual
union select 'ZZZ',to_date('2007/11/25','yyyy/mm/dd'),33 from dual;


select Code,
max(decode(Rank,1,Value)) as "latestData",
max(decode(Rank,2,Value)) as "secondLatestData"
from (select Code,Value,
      Row_Number() over(partition by Code order by DateX desc) as Rank
        from deriveTop2)
where Rank <= 2
group by Code
order by Code;

select distinct Code,
Last_Value(Value) over(partition by Code order by DateX
Rows between Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following) as "latestData",
Last_Value(LagValue) over(partition by Code order by DateX
Rows between Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following) as "secondLatestData"
from (select Code,DateX,Value,
      Lag(Value) over(partition by Code order by DateX) as LagValue
        from deriveTop2)
order by Code;

select Code,
Value as "latestData",
LagValue as "secondLatestData"
from (select Code,DateX,Value,
      Lag(Value) over(partition by Code order by DateX) as LagValue,
      max(DateX) over(partition by Code) as MaxDateX
        from deriveTop2)
where DateX=MaxDateX
order by Code;

select Code,
Value as "latestData",
(select b.Value
   from deriveTop2 b
  where b.Code = a.Code
    and b.DateX = (select max(c.DateX)
                     from deriveTop2 c
                    where c.Code = b.Code
                      and c.DateX < a.DateX)) as "secondLatestData"
  from deriveTop2 a
 where DateX = (select max(b.DateX)
                  from deriveTop2 b
                 where b.Code = a.Code)
 order by Code;

select Code,latestData,secondLatestData
  from deriveTop2
 partition by (Code)
 dimension by (Row_Number() over(partition by Code order by DateX desc) as rn)
 measures(Value as latestData,Value as secondLatestData)
 rules(secondLatestData[1] = secondLatestData[2])
order by Code;

