DB2 SQLパズル
Club DB2の「第98回 【SQL上級編】 DB2の分析関数の使用例」で、
分析関数とmodel句や、PostgreSQL8.4新機能 window関数や、分析関数の衝撃の内容をふまえつつ、
Oracleコミュニティでよく見かけるSQLの問題を、DB2 V9.7で分析関数を使用して解いたり、
Oracle11gR2の分析関数をDB2 V9.7で模倣するSQLを紹介しながら、私のSQLの思考法と脳内のイメージを解説しました。
1. 分析関数とは
select句とorder by句で使うことができる。order by句で使うことは、ほとんどない。
DB2 V6あたりから使用可能
最頻出 count max min sum Row_Number
頻出 Lag Lead Rank dense_rank
たまに First_Value Last_Value avg
2. select文の件数取得
create table TestTable(ID integer,Val integer);
insert into TestTable values(1,10),
-- OLAPSample1
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
from TestTable;
-- OLAPSample1のサブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(*) from TestTable b) as recordCount
from TestTable a;
ID Val recordCount
-- --- -----------
1 10 5
1 20 5
2 10 5
2 30 5
2 50 5
where句や、group by句や、having句があっても、select文の結果の件数が求まります。
-- OLAPSample2
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
from TestTable
where Val in(10,20);
ID VAL recordCount
-- --- -----------
1 10 3
1 20 3
2 10 3
-- OLAPSample3
select ID,max(Val) as maxVal,
count(*) over() as recordCount
from TestTable
group by ID
having max(Val) = 20;
ID maxVal recordCount
-- ------ -----------
1 20 1
fetch first句があるselect文の結果の件数を求めるには、
インラインビューを使うか、count(*) over()の代わりにdense_rank関数と逆ソートを使う必要があります。
DB2の使い方 SQL編.pdfの24ページに書いてあるように、
1 from句
2 where句
3 group by句
4 having句
5 select句
6 distinct
7 order by句
8 fetch first句
-- OLAPSample4
select ID,count(*) over() as recordCount
from TestTable
order by ID fetch first 2 rows only;
ID recordCount
-- -----------
1 5
1 5
-- OLAPSample5
select ID,Least(2,count(*) over()) as recordCount
from TestTable
order by ID fetch first 2 rows only;
ID recordCount
-- -----------
1 2
1 2
create table disT(ColA integer,ColB integer);
insert into disT values(1,null),
(1, 3),
(1, 3),
-- OLAPSample6
select distinct ColA,ColB,
-1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
+dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc) as recordCount
from disT
order by ColA,ColB;
ColA ColB recordCount
---- ---- -----------
1 3 3
1 null 3
2 null 3
-- OLAPSample7
select distinct ColA,ColB,
Least(2,-1+dense_rank() over(order by ColA asc ,ColB asc)
+dense_rank() over(order by ColA desc,ColB desc)) as recordCount
from disT
order by ColA,ColB fetch first 2 rows only;
ColA ColB recordCount
---- ---- -----------
1 3 2
1 null 2
-- OLAPSample8
select ColA,ColB,count(*) over() as recordCount
from (select distinct ColA,ColB
from disT
order by ColA,ColB fetch first 2 rows only)
order by ColA,ColB;
ColA ColB recordCount
---- ---- -----------
1 3 2
1 null 2
3. except allとcount(*) over()
except allとcount(*) over() の組み合わせです。
create table tableA(ColA integer,ColB integer);
create table tableB(ColA integer,ColB integer);
insert into tableA values(1,2),
-- case1
delete from tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2);
-- case2
delete from tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2),
-- case3
delete from tableB;
-- case4
delete from tableB;
insert into tableB values(2,2),
-- case5
delete from tableB;
insert into tableB values(1,2),
-- tableAとtableBのデータが同じか確認するselect文
select a.*,count(*) over() from tableA a
except all
select a.*,count(*) over() from tableB a;
(A ⊆ B ) かつ (A ⊇ B) ⇔ (A = B)
(集合Aと集合Bの要素数が等しい) かつ (A ⊆ B) ⇔ (A = B)
4. 最大値の行の取得
create table TestTable2(ID integer,Val integer,extraCol char(1));
insert into TestTable2 values(1,10,'A'),
-- 単純に、IDごとのValの最大値が欲しいなら、これで可
select ID,max(Val)
from TestTable2
group by ID;
-- OLAPSample9
select ID,Val,extraCol
from (select ID,Val,extraCol,
max(Val) over(partition by ID) as maxVal
from TestTable2)
where Val = maxVal;
-- OLAPSample9の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,extraCol
from TestTable2 a
where Val = (select max(b.Val)
from TestTable2 b
where b.ID = a.ID);
ID Val extraCol
-- --- --------
1 20 B
2 50 E
3 70 F
3 70 G
分析関数が使えるのは、select句かorder by句です。
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
5. 順位を付ける
create table TestTable3(ID integer,score integer);
insert into TestTable3 values(1,100),
(1, 90),
(1, 80),
(2, 70),
(2, 70);
-- OLAPSample10
select ID,score,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "Row_Number",
rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "rank",
dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "dense_rank"
from TestTable3
order by ID,score desc;
ID score Row_Number rank dense_rank
-- ----- ---------- ---- ----------
1 100 1 1 1
1 100 2 1 1
1 90 3 3 2
1 80 4 4 3
2 100 1 1 1
2 70 2 2 2
2 70 3 2 2
-- OLAPSample10の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法 (Row_Number関数以外)
select ID,score,
(select count(*)+1 from TestTable3 b
where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "rank",
(select count(distinct b.score)+1 from TestTable3 b
where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "dense_rank"
from TestTable3 a
order by ID,"rank";
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
6. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)
4. 最大値の行の取得では、
create table multiSortKey(ID integer,sortKey1 integer,sortKey2 integer,extraCol char(3));
insert into multiSortKey values(1,10, 2,'AAA'),
(1,10, 3,'BBB'),
(1,30, 1,'CCC'),
(2,20, 1,'DDD'),
(2,50, 2,'EEE'),
(2,50, 2,'FFF'),
(3,60, 1,'GGG'),
(3,60, 2,'HHH'),
(3,60, 3,'III'),
-- OLAPSample11
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol,
rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
from multiSortKey)
where rn = 1
order by ID,extraCol;
ID sortKey1 sortKey2 extraCol
-- -------- -------- --------
1 30 1 CCC
2 50 2 EEE
2 50 2 FFF
3 60 3 III
4 10 20 JJJ
-- OLAPSample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
from multiSortKey a
where (sortKey1,sortKey2) in(select b.sortKey1,b.sortKey2
from multiSortKey b
where b.ID = a.ID
order by b.sortKey1 desc,b.sortKey2 desc
fetch first 1 rows only)
order by ID,extraCol;
-- OLAPSample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法2
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,extraCol
from multiSortKey a
where not exists(select 1 from multiSortKey b
where b.ID = a.ID
and (b.sortKey1 > a.sortKey1
or b.sortKey1 = a.sortKey1 and b.sortKey2 > a.sortKey2))
order by ID,extraCol;
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
7. 前後の値
create table TestTable4(ID char(2),sortKey integer,Val integer);
insert into TestTable4 values('AA',1,10),
-- OLAPSample12
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Prev,
Lead(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as Next
from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val Prev Next
-- ------- --- ---- ----
AA 1 10 null 20
AA 3 20 10 60
AA 5 60 20 30
AA 7 30 60 null
BB 2 40 null 80
BB 4 80 40 50
BB 6 50 80 null
Lag関数とLead関数は、DB2 V9.5からの機能なので、古いDB2では、
Oracle開発者のためのDB2 UDB SQLリファレンスの92ページと95ページのサンプルのように、
-- OLAPSample12のRows指定での代用方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
max(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey
Rows between 1 Preceding
and 1 Preceding) as Prev,
max(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey
Rows between 1 Following
and 1 Following) as Next
from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;
-- OLAPSample12の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val from TestTable4 b
where b.ID=a.ID and b.sortKey < a.sortKey
order by b.sortKey desc fetch first 1 rows only) as Prev,
(select b.Val from TestTable4 b
where b.ID=a.ID and b.sortKey > a.sortKey
order by b.sortKey fetch first 1 rows only) as Next
from TestTable4 a
order by ID,sortKey;
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
-- case式を使う定番の方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
case when ID = Lag(ID) over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as IsKeyBreaked,
case when ID = Lead(ID) over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as willKeyBreak
from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;
-- OLAPSample13
select ID,sortKey,Val,
Lag (0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as IsKeyBreaked,
Lead(0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as willKeyBreak
from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val IsKeyBreaked willKeyBreak
-- ------- --- ------------ ------------
AA 1 10 1 0
AA 3 20 0 0
AA 5 60 0 0
AA 7 30 0 1
BB 2 40 1 0
BB 4 80 0 0
BB 6 50 0 1
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
-- OLAPSample14
select ID,sortKey,Val,
count(*) over(partition by ID order by sortKey
Rows between 1 preceding
and 1 preceding) as IsNotKeyBreaked,
count(*) over(partition by ID order by sortKey
Rows between 1 following
and 1 following) as willNotKeyBreak
from TestTable4
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val IsNotKeyBreaked willNotKeyBreak
-- ------- --- --------------- ---------------
AA 1 10 0 1
AA 3 20 1 1
AA 5 60 1 1
AA 7 30 1 0
BB 2 40 0 1
BB 4 80 1 1
BB 6 50 1 0
分析関数のorder by以降は、下記のように解釈すると分かりやすいと思います。
order by sortKey -- sortKeyの昇順で、
Rows between -- 行の範囲は、
1 preceding -- 1行前から
and 1 preceding -- 1行前まで
order by sortKey -- sortKeyの昇順で、
Rows between -- 行の範囲は、
1 following -- 1行先から
and 1 following -- 1行先まで
8. 累計
帳票で累計を求めたい時に使うのが、order byを指定した、分析関数のsum関数です。
create table ValT(ID char(2),sortKey integer,Val integer);
insert into ValT values('AA',1,10),
-- OLAPSample15
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as runSum
from ValT
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val runSum
-- ------- --- ------
AA 1 10 10
AA 2 20 30
AA 3 40 70
AA 4 80 150
BB 1 10 10
BB 2 30 40
BB 3 90 130
CC 1 50 50
CC 2 60 170
CC 2 60 170
-- OLAPSample15の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val) from ValT b
where b.ID = a.ID and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey) as runSum
from ValT a
order by ID,sortKey;
Range between unbounded preceding and current rowとなるようです。
order by sortKey -- sortKeyの昇順で、
Range between -- 値の範囲は、
unbounded preceding -- 前方は、際限なく、
and current row -- 後方は、カレント行まで
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
9. 移動累計
create table idouT(day1 date,Val integer);
insert into idouT values(date '2010-01-16', 10),
(date '2010-01-17', 20),
(date '2010-01-20', 60),
(date '2010-01-21', 100),
(date '2010-01-22', 200),
(date '2010-01-23', 600),
(date '2010-01-24',1000),
(date '2010-01-30',2000);
-- OLAPSample16
select day1,Val,
sum(Val) over(order by day1 rows 2 preceding) as moveSum1,
sum(Val) over(order by days(day1) range 2 preceding) as moveSum2
from idouT
order by day1;
day1 Val moveSum1 moveSum2
---------- ---- -------- --------
2010-01-16 10 10 10
2010-01-17 20 30 30
2010-01-20 60 90 60
2010-01-21 100 180 160
2010-01-22 200 360 360
2010-01-23 600 900 900
2010-01-24 1000 1800 1800
2010-01-30 2000 3600 2000
-- OLAPSample16の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select day1,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
from idouT b
where (select count(*)
from idouT c
where c.day1 between b.day1 and a.day1)
between 1 and 2+1) as moveSum1,
(select sum(b.Val)
from idouT b
where days(b.day1) between days(a.day1)-2 and days(a.day1)) as moveSum2
from idouT a
order by day1;
分析関数のorder by以降の、省略時の仕様として、
order by day1 rows 3 precedingは、
order by day1 rows between 3 preceding
and current row
order by days(day1) range 3 precedingは、
order by days(day1) range between 3 preceding
and current row
order by day1 -- day1の昇順で、
rows between -- 行の範囲は、
3 preceding -- 3行前から
and current row -- カレント行まで
order by days(day1) -- days(day1)の昇順で、
range between -- 値の範囲は、
3 preceding -- 3日前から
and current row -- カレント行まで
10. First_ValueとLast_Value
create table FirstLast(ID integer,SortKey integer,Val integer);
insert into FirstLast values(1,10,666),
-- OLAPSample17
select ID,SortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as FirVal,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as LastVal
from FirstLast
order by ID,SortKey;
ID SortKey Val FirVal LastVal
-- ------- --- ------ -------
1 10 666 666 444
1 30 333 666 444
1 40 222 666 444
1 50 444 666 444
2 20 777 777 555
2 25 111 777 555
2 27 555 777 555
3 60 999 999 888
3 61 888 999 888
-- OLAPSample17の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select b.Val from FirstLast b
where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey fetch first 1 rows only) as FirVal,
(select b.Val from FirstLast b
where b.ID=a.ID order by b.SortKey desc fetch first 1 rows only) as LastVal
from FirstLast a
order by ID,SortKey;
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。
11. First_ValueとLast_Value(IGNORE NULLS)
create table IgnoreNull(ID char(2),sortKey integer,Val integer);
insert into IgnoreNull values('aa',1,null),
('aa',2, 555),
('aa',3, 111),
('bb',1, 888),
('bb',2, 222),
('bb',4, 444),
('cc',1, 777),
('cc',4, 333),
First_Value関数やLast_Value関数の第2引数に、'IGNORE NULLS'を指定できます。
Last_Value(値,'IGNORE NULLS') over句 が基本的な使い方ですが、
Last_Value(case when 条件 then 値 end,'IGNORE NULLS') over句 というふうに、
-- OLAPSample18
select ID,sortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val,'IGNORE NULLS')
over(partition by ID
order by sortKey Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as FirstVal1,
Last_Value(Val,'IGNORE NULLS')
over(partition by ID
order by sortKey Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as LastVal1
from IgnoreNull
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val FirstVal1 LastVal1
-- ------- ---- --------- --------
aa 1 null 555 111
aa 2 555 555 111
aa 3 111 555 111
aa 4 null 555 111
bb 1 888 888 444
bb 2 222 888 444
bb 3 null 888 444
bb 4 444 888 444
cc 1 777 777 333
cc 2 null 777 333
cc 3 null 777 333
cc 4 333 777 333
dd 1 null null null
dd 2 null null null
-- OLAPSample18の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
from IgnoreNull b
where b.ID = a.ID
and b.Val is not null
order by b.sortKey fetch first 1 rows only) as FirstVal1,
(select b.Val
from IgnoreNull b
where b.ID = a.ID
and b.Val is not null
order by b.sortKey desc fetch first 1 rows only) as LastVal1
from IgnoreNull a
order by ID,sortKey;
IDごとで、その行以降で最初のNULLでないVal (FirstVal2)と
その行までで最後のNULLでないVal (LastVal2)を求めてみます。
-- OLAPSample19
select ID,sortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val,'IGNORE NULLS')
over(partition by ID order by sortKey Range Unbounded Following) as FirstVal2,
Last_Value(Val,'IGNORE NULLS')
over(partition by ID order by sortKey) as LastVal2
from IgnoreNull
order by ID,sortKey;
ID sortKey Val FirstVal2 LastVal2
-- ------- ---- --------- --------
aa 1 null 555 null
aa 2 555 555 555
aa 3 111 111 111
aa 4 null null 111
bb 1 888 888 888
bb 2 222 222 222
bb 3 null 444 222
bb 4 444 444 444
cc 1 777 777 777
cc 2 null 333 777
cc 3 null 333 777
cc 4 333 333 333
dd 1 null null null
dd 2 null null null
-- OLAPSample19の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,sortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
from IgnoreNull b
where b.ID = a.ID
and b.sortKey >= a.sortKey
and b.Val is not null
order by b.sortKey fetch first 1 rows only) as FirstVal2,
(select b.Val
from IgnoreNull b
where b.ID = a.ID
and b.sortKey <= a.sortKey
and b.Val is not null
order by b.sortKey desc fetch first 1 rows only) as LastVal2
from IgnoreNull a
order by ID,sortKey;
12. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定
create table boolCheckT(ID char(2),Val integer);
insert into boolCheckT values('AA',10),
・check1 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check2 IDごとで、全ての行が Val<40 を満たさないか?
・check3 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たすか?
・check4 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val<40 を満たさないか?
・check5 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val=10 を満たし、
かつ、少なくとも1つの行が Val=50 を満たすか?
-- OLAPSample20
select ID,Val,
min(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk1,
min(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk2,
max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk3,
max(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) over(partition by ID) as chk4,
max(case when Val=10 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID)
*max(case when Val=50 then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as chk5
from boolCheckT
order by ID,Val;
ID Val chk1 chk2 chk3 chk4 chk5
-- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
AA 10 1 0 1 0 0
AA 20 1 0 1 0 0
BB 10 0 0 1 1 1
BB 30 0 0 1 1 1
BB 50 0 0 1 1 1
CC 80 0 1 0 1 0
CC 90 0 1 0 1 0
DD 20 0 0 1 1 0
DD 70 0 0 1 1 0
全称 → min
存在 → max
肯定 → (case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end)
否定 → (case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end)
全称肯定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
全称否定命題なら min(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1
存在肯定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
存在否定命題なら max(case when 条件 then 0 else 1 end) = 1
存在肯定命題の論理積なら max(case when 条件A then 1 else 0 end)
*max(case when 条件B then 1 else 0 end) = 1
-- 集約関数での全称肯定命題など
select ID,
substr(XMLCast(XMLGroup(',' || Val as wk) as varchar(10)),2) as ListVal,
min(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) as chk1,
min(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) as chk2,
max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) as chk3,
max(case when Val<40 then 0 else 1 end) as chk4,
max(case when Val=10 then 1 else 0 end)
*max(case when Val=50 then 1 else 0 end) as chk5
from boolCheckT
group by ID
order by ID;
ID ListVal chk1 chk2 chk3 chk4 chk5
-- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
AA 10,20 1 0 1 0 0
BB 10,30,50 0 0 1 1 1
CC 80,90 0 1 0 1 0
DD 20,70 0 0 1 1 0
-- having句での存在肯定命題
select ID,
substr(XMLCast(XMLGroup(',' || Val as wk) as varchar(10)),2) as ListVal
from boolCheckT
group by ID
having max(case when Val<40 then 1 else 0 end) = 1
order by ID;
ID ListVal
-- --------
AA 10,20
BB 10,30,50
DD 20,70
13. 最頻値(モード)
create table DayWeather(day1 date,weather char(6));
insert into DayWeather values(date '2008-01-02','sunny' ),
(date '2008-01-15','snowy' ),
(date '2008-01-30','snowy' ),
(date '2008-06-01','cloudy'),
(date '2008-06-13','cloudy'),
(date '2008-06-24','rainy' ),
(date '2008-06-30','rainy' ),
(date '2008-07-02','sunny' ),
(date '2008-07-14','sunny' ),
(date '2008-07-23','sunny' ),
(date '2008-07-31','sunny' ),
(date '2008-11-10','cloudy');
-- 最頻値が必ず1つだけなら、これでも可
select weather,count(*) as cnt
from DayWeather
group by weather
order by count(*) desc fetch first 1 rows only;
-- OLAPSample21
select weather,cnt
from (select weather,count(*) as cnt,
max(count(*)) over() as maxCnt
from DayWeather
group by weather)
where cnt = maxCnt;
weather cnt
------- ---
sunny 5
-- OLAPSample21のサブクエリを使った代替方法(all述語を使用)
select weather,count(*) as cnt
from DayWeather
group by weather
having count(*) >= all(select count(*)
from DayWeather
group by weather);
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。group by weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。
-- OLAPSample22
select month1,weather,cnt
from (select month(day1) as month1,weather,
count(*) as cnt,
max(count(*)) over(partition by month(day1)) as maxCnt
from DayWeather
group by month(day1),weather)
where cnt = maxCnt
order by month1,weather;
month1 weather cnt
------ ------- ---
1 snowy 2
6 cloudy 2
6 rainy 2
7 sunny 4
11 cloudy 1
-- OLAPSample22の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法(fetch first句を使用)
select month1,weather,count(*) as cnt
from (select month(day1) as month1,weather
from DayWeather) a
group by month1,weather
having count(*) = (select count(*)
from DayWeather b
where month(b.day1) = a.month1
group by weather
order by count(*) desc fetch first 1 rows only)
order by month1,weather;
group by month(day1),weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。
partition by month(day1)に対応する超極太赤線を引いてます。
14. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (2人旅人算)
create table NumTable(
NumVal integer not null primary key);
insert into NumTable values( 1),
( 2),
( 3),
( 5),
( 6),
( 7),
-- OLAPSample23 旅人算の感覚を使う
select min(NumVal) as StaVal,
max(NumVal) as EndVal,count(*) as cnt
from (select NumVal,
NumVal-Row_Number() over(order by NumVal) as distance
from NumTable)
group by distance
order by StaVal;
StaVal EndVal cnt
------ ------ ---
1 3 3
5 7 3
10 12 3
20 21 2
旅人Xは、速度が1です。(Row_Number() over(order by NumVal))
そして、旅人Xと旅人Aの距離でグループ化してます。 (group by distance)
今月は旅人算 - 学びの場.com
SQLクックブックの「レシピ10.3 連続する値の範囲の最初と最後を求める」で紹介されている考え方を使って、
-- OLAPSample24 Lag関数でシーケンス開始を検知
select min(NumVal) as StaVal,
max(NumVal) as EndVal,count(*) as cnt
from (select NumVal,sum(willSum) over(order by NumVal) as GID
from (select NumVal,
case when Lag(NumVal) over(order by NumVal) = NumVal-1
then 0 else 1 end as willSum
from NumTable))
group by GID
order by StaVal;
15. 連続範囲の最小値と最大値 (3人旅人算)
前問の応用であり、US-OTNでよく見かけて、SQLパズル 第2版にも掲載されている問題。
第63問 連続的なグルーピングを旅人算の感覚を使って解いてみましょう。
create table Tabibito(
sortKey integer not null,
Val char(3),
primary key(sortKey));
insert into Tabibito values( 1,'aaa'),
( 2,'aaa'),
( 3,'bbb'),
( 6,'bbb'),
( 8,'aaa'),
-- OLAPSample25
select min(sortKey) as low,max(sortKey) as high,Val
from (select sortKey,Val,
Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)
-Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey) as distance
from Tabibito)
group by Val,distance
order by min(sortKey);
low high Val
--- ---- ---
1 2 aaa
3 6 bbb
8 8 aaa
20 20 bbb
22 23 ccc
31 33 ddd
旅人Xは、必ず1進みます。(Row_Number() over(order by sortKey))
旅人Aは、Val='aaa'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Bは、Val='bbb'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Cは、Val='ccc'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
旅人Dは、Val='ddd'の時のみ1進みます。(Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey))
そして、旅人の種類と、旅人Xとの距離でグループ化してます。 (group by Val,distance)
Row_Number() over(order by sortKey)に対応する1人の旅人と、
Row_Number() over(partition by Val order by sortKey)に対応する4人の旅人をイメージし、
group by Val,distanceに対応する赤線を引いてます。
SQLクックブックの「レシピ10.3 連続する値の範囲の最初と最後を求める」で紹介されている考え方を使って、
-- OLAPSample26
select min(sortKey) as low,max(sortKey) as high,Val
from (select sortKey,Val,
sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as GID
from (select sortKey,Val,
case when Val = Lag(Val) over(order by sortKey)
then 0 else 1 end as willSum
from Tabibito))
group by GID,Val
order by GID;
sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as GIDに対応する黄緑線と、
group by GID,Valに対応する赤線を引いてます。
16. 次の入社日を求める
SQLクックブックの「レシピ8.7 現在のレコードと次のレコードの日付の差を算出する」で扱われている、
create table emp2(
ename char(6) not null primary key,
hireDate date);
insert into emp2 values('CLARK' ,date '1981-06-09'),
('ant' ,date '1981-11-17'),
('choi' ,date '1981-11-17'),
('jim' ,date '1981-11-17'),
('joe' ,date '1981-11-17'),
('MILLER',date '1982-01-23'),
('SCOTT' ,date '1999-10-30'),
('TIGER' ,date '1999-10-30'),
('JANE' ,date '2005-12-31');
-- OLAPSample27
select ename,hireDate,
over(order by days(hireDate)
range between 1 following
and Unbounded Following) as nextHireDate
from emp2
order by hireDate,ename;
ename hireDate nextHireDate
------ ---------- ------------
CLARK 1981-06-09 1981-11-17
ant 1981-11-17 1982-01-23
choi 1981-11-17 1982-01-23
jim 1981-11-17 1982-01-23
joe 1981-11-17 1982-01-23
MILLER 1982-01-23 1999-10-30
SCOTT 1999-10-30 2005-12-31
TIGER 1999-10-30 2005-12-31
JANE 2005-12-31 null
-- OLAPSample27の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ename,hireDate,
(select min(b.hireDate)
from emp2 b where a.hiredate < b.hiredate) as nextHireDate
from emp2 a
order by hireDate,ename;
17. 次の次の入社日を求める
下記のようにRow_Number関数とLead関数の'IGNORE NULLS'を組み合わせて求めてみます。
-- OLAPSample28
select ename,rn,hireDate,
Lead(case rn when 1 then hireDate end,2,cast(null as date),'IGNORE NULLS')
over(order by hireDate,ename) as next2HireDate
from (select ename,hireDate,
Row_Number() over(partition by hireDate order by ename) as rn
from emp2)
order by hireDate,ename;
ename rn hireDate next2HireDate
------ -- ---------- -------------
CLARK 1 1981-06-09 1982-01-23
ant 1 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
choi 2 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
jim 3 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
joe 4 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
MILLER 1 1982-01-23 2005-12-31
SCOTT 1 1999-10-30 null
TIGER 2 1999-10-30 null
JANE 1 2005-12-31 null
-- OLAPSample28の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ename,hireDate,
(select min(b.hireDate)
from emp2 b
where b.hireDate > (select min(c.hireDate)
from emp2 c
where c.hireDate > a.hireDate)) as next2HireDate
from emp2 a
order by hireDate,ename;
-- OLAPSample29
select ename,rn,hireDate,
over(order by rn range between 2 following
and 2 following) as next2HireDate
from (select ename,hireDate,
dense_rank() over(order by hireDate) as rn
from emp2)
order by hireDate,ename;
ename rn hireDate next2HireDate
------ -- ---------- -------------
CLARK 1 1981-06-09 1982-01-23
ant 2 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
choi 2 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
jim 2 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
joe 2 1981-11-17 1999-10-30
MILLER 3 1982-01-23 2005-12-31
SCOTT 4 1999-10-30 null
TIGER 4 1999-10-30 null
JANE 5 2005-12-31 null
18. 2日前の値を求める
7. 前後の値で説明したように、
create table OLAPRangeT(Day1 date,Val integer);
insert into OLAPRangeT values(date '2010-10-26', 10),
(date '2010-10-28', 20),
(date '2010-10-31', 40),
(date '2010-11-03', 80),
(date '2010-11-04',120),
(date '2010-11-05',250),
(date '2010-11-06',380),
(date '2010-11-11',590);
-- OLAPSample30
select Day1,Val,
max(Val) over(order by days(Day1)
range between 2 Preceding
and 2 Preceding) as ValBefore2day
from OLAPRangeT
order by Day1;
Day1 Val ValBefore2day
---------- --- -------------
2010-10-26 10 null
2010-10-28 20 10
2010-10-31 40 null
2010-11-03 80 null
2010-11-04 120 null
2010-11-05 250 80
2010-11-06 380 120
2010-11-11 590 null
分析関数のorder by以降は、下記のように解釈すると分かりやすいでしょう。
order by days(Day1) --days(Day1)の昇順で、
range between --値の範囲は、
2 Preceding --小さいほうは、2小さい行から
2 Preceding --大きいほうは、2小さい行まで
19. update文で分析関数の値に更新
create table updTes1(ID integer,Val integer,seq integer);
create table updTes2(ID integer,Val integer,seq integer);
create table updTes3(ID integer,Val integer,seq integer);
create table updTes4(ID integer,Val integer,seq integer);
insert into updTes1 values(1, 1,null),
(1, 2,null),
(1, 7,null),
(2, 10,null),
(2, 40,null),
(3, 100,null),
(3, 130,null),
(4, 600,null),
(4, 650,null);
insert into updTes2 select * from updTes1;
insert into updTes3 select * from updTes1;
insert into updTes4 select * from updTes1;
-- OLAPSample31
update updTes1
set seq = Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val);
ID Val seq
-- --- ---
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 7 3
2 10 1
2 40 2
3 100 1
3 130 2
4 600 1
4 650 2
-- OLAPSample32
update updTes2
set seq = Row_Number() over(order by Val)
where ID in(2,4);
ID Val seq
-- --- ----
1 1 null
1 2 null
1 7 null
2 10 1
2 40 2
3 100 null
3 130 null
4 600 3
4 650 4
グレー線がwhere ID in(2,4)のイメージで
黄緑線と青色がRow_Number() over(order by Val)のイメージです。
SQL Reference, Volume 2 (DB2SQLRefVol2-db2s2j971.pdf)の1330ページのサンプルのように、
-- OLAPSample33
update (select ID,seq,
Row_Number() over(order by Val) as rn
from updTes3)
set seq = rn
where ID in(2,4);
ID Val seq
-- --- ----
1 1 null
1 2 null
1 7 null
2 10 4
2 40 5
3 100 null
3 130 null
4 600 8
4 650 9
-- OLAPSample34
update (select seq,
Row_Number() over(order by Val) as rn
from updTes4)
set seq = 999
where rn <= 2;
ID Val seq
-- --- ----
1 1 999
1 2 999
1 7 null
2 10 null
2 40 null
3 100 null
3 130 null
4 600 null
4 650 null
-- OLAPSample34のfetch firstを使った代替方法
update (select seq
from updTes4
order by seq fetch first 2 rows only)
set seq = 999;
20. delete文で重複行を削除
Oracle開発者のためのDB2 UDB SQLリファレンスの362ページのサンプルのように、
create table OLAPDeleteT(Val1 integer,Val2 integer);
insert into OLAPDeleteT values(1,1),
-- OLAPSample35
delete from (select Row_Number() over(partition by Val1,Val2) as rn
from OLAPDeleteT)
where rn > 1;
Val1 Val2
---- ----
1 1
1 2
2 1
Row_Number関数でorder byを省略すると、テキトーなソートで連番を付与しますが、
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by Val1,Val2で赤線を引いてます。
create table ManyRows(Val integer);
insert into ManyRows
with rec(Val) as(
union all
select Val+1 from rec
where Val+1 <= 100)
select Val from rec;
-- OLAPSample36
delete from (select Row_Number() over(order by Val) as rn
from ManyRows)
where rn <= 90;
-- OLAPSample36のfetch firstを使った代替方法
delete from (select 1
from ManyRows
order by Val fetch first 90 rows only);
第2部 Oracle11gR2の分析関数をDB2 V9.7で模倣
21. count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID)
create table OracleDistinct(
ID integer,
Val integer not null);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(1,333);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,111);
insert into OracleDistinct values(3,222);
insert into OracleDistinct values(4,333);
DB2 V9.7で、下記のOracleのSQLと同じ結果を取得してみます。
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct;
ID Val disCnt
-- --- ------
1 111 3
1 111 3
1 222 3
1 222 3
1 333 3
2 111 1
2 111 1
3 111 2
3 222 2
4 333 1
-- OLAPSample37
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;
-- OLAPSample37の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(distinct b.Val)
from OracleDistinct b where b.ID = a.ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct a
order by ID,Val;
正順位 + 逆順位 = 件数 + 1 を移項すると
件数 = -1 + 正順位 + 逆順位 になることをふまえてます。
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDで赤線を引いてます。
-- OLAPSample38
select ID,Val,max(rn) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from (select ID,Val,dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
from OracleDistinct)
order by ID,Val;
ちなみに、count(distinct Val) は、Valがnullだとカウントしませんので、
-- OLAPSample39
select ID,Val,
-1+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val asc )
+dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val desc)
-max(case when Val is null then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinct
order by ID,Val;
22. count(distinct Val) over(order by sortKey)
Oracle11gR2でも文法エラーになるのですが、count(distinct Val) over(order by sortKey) を模倣してみます。
create table VisiterT(sortKey integer,Visit char(4));
insert into VisiterT values(10,'AAAA'),
-- 模倣対象のSQL
select sortKey,Visit,
count(distinct Visit) over(order by sortKey) as disVisit
from VisiterT
order by sortKey;
sortKey Visit disVisit
------- ----- --------
10 AAAA 1 ← AAAAで1
-- OLAPSample40
select sortKey,Visit,sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey) as disVisit
from (select sortKey,Visit,
case Row_Number() over(partition by Visit order by sortKey)
when 1 then 1 else 0 end as willSum
from VisiterT)
order by sortKey;
-- OLAPSample40の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select sortKey,Visit,
(select count(distinct b.Visit)
from VisiterT b where b.sortKey <= a.sortKey) as disVisit
from VisiterT a
order by sortKey;
sum(willSum) over(order by sortKey)に対応する黄緑線を引いてます。
23. sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID)
DB2 V9.7で、同じ結果を取得してみます。
create table OracleKeepDense1(
ID integer,
sortKey integer,
Val integer);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,1, 100);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,2, 200);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 400);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 500);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(1,3, 600);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,5, 700);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(2,8, 800);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9, 900);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(3,9,1000);
insert into OracleKeepDense1 values(4,6,1100);
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey) over(partition by ID) as sum2
from OracleKeepDense1
order by ID,sortKey,Val;
ID sortKey Val sum1 sum2
-- ------- ---- ---- ----
1 1 100 1800 1500 ←400+500+600
1 2 200 1800 1500
1 3 400 1800 1500
1 3 500 1800 1500
1 3 600 1800 1500
2 5 700 1500 800
2 8 800 1500 800
3 9 900 1900 1900 ←900+1000
3 9 1000 1900 1900
4 6 1100 1100 1100
-- OLAPSample41
select ID,sortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID) as sum1,
sum(case when sortKey = maxSortKey
then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum2
from (select ID,sortKey,Val,
max(sortKey) over(partition by ID) as maxSortKey
from OracleKeepDense1)
order by ID,sortKey,Val;
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。
create table OracleKeepDense2(
ID integer,
sortKey1 integer,
sortKey2 integer,
Val integer);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,1,10,100);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,2,20,200);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,30,300);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,400);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(1,3,40,500);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,1,60,600);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,2,80,700);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,800);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(2,3,50,900);
insert into OracleKeepDense2 values(3,1,20,100);
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(Val) Keep(Dense_Rank Last order by sortKey1,sortKey2) over(partition by ID) as sum3
from OracleKeepDense2
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;
ID sortKey1 sortKey2 Val sum3
-- -------- -------- --- ----
1 1 10 100 900 ←400+500
1 2 20 200 900
1 3 30 300 900
1 3 40 400 900
1 3 40 500 900
2 1 60 600 1700 ←800+900
2 2 80 700 1700
2 3 50 800 1700
2 3 50 900 1700
3 1 20 100 100
-- OLAPSample42
select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
sum(case when rn=1 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as sum3
from (select ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val,
dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc) as rn
from OracleKeepDense2)
order by ID,sortKey1,sortKey2,Val;
order by sortKey1 asc ,sortKey2 asc の逆ソートである
order by sortKey1 desc,sortKey2 desc を使ってます。
脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。
24. Range '10' minute Precedingなcount(*)
create table OracleRangeMinute(KindDay TimeStamp);
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:09:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:20:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:30:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:35:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:36:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:45:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 22:46:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 23:50:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-09 23:55:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-10 00:01:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-10 00:02:00');
insert into OracleRangeMinute values(TimeStamp '2010-01-10 00:12:00');
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select KindDay,
count(*) over(order by KindDay
range interVal '10' minute Preceding) as cnt
from OracleRangeMinute
order by KindDay;
KindDay cnt
-------------- ---
10-01-09 22:09 1 ← 22:09
10-01-09 22:20 1 ← 22:20
10-01-09 22:30 2 ← 22:20と22:30
10-01-09 22:35 2 ← 22:30と22:35
10-01-09 22:36 3 ← 22:30と22:35と22:36
10-01-09 22:45 3 ← 22:35と22:36と22:45
10-01-09 22:46 3 ← 22:36と22:45と22:46
10-01-09 23:50 1 ← 23:50
10-01-09 23:55 2 ← 23:50と23:55
10-01-10 00:01 2 ← 23:55と00:01
10-01-10 00:02 3 ← 23:55と00:01と00:02
10-01-10 00:12 2 ← 00:02と00:12
-- OLAPSample43
select KindDay,
count(*) over(order by days(KindDay)*24*60
range 10 Preceding) as cnt
from OracleRangeMinute
order by KindDay;
-- 参考select文
select KindDay,
+minute(KindDay) as totalMinute
from OracleRangeMinute
order by KindDay;
KindDay totalMinute
---------------- -----------
2010-01-09-22.09 1056645969
2010-01-09-22.20 1056645980
2010-01-09-22.30 1056645990
2010-01-09-22.35 1056645995
2010-01-09-22.36 1056645996
2010-01-09-22.45 1056646005
2010-01-09-22.46 1056646006
2010-01-09-23.50 1056646070
2010-01-09-23.55 1056646075
2010-01-10-00.01 1056646081
2010-01-10-00.02 1056646082
2010-01-10-00.12 1056646092
-- OLAPSample44
select KindDay,
count(*) over(order by cast(days(KindDay) as bigInt)*24*60*60
range 600 Preceding) as cnt
from OracleRangeMinute
order by KindDay;
25. Range '1' month Precedingなcount(*)
Oracleでは分析関数のrange指定で、interVal '1' monthといった使い方もできます。
create table OracleRangeMonth(Val date);
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-01-31');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-02-23');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-02-28');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-03-05');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-03-30');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-03-31');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-04-05');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-04-29');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-04-30');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-05-29');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-05-30');
insert into OracleRangeMonth values(date '2010-05-31');
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select Val,
count(*) over(order by Val
range interVal '1' month Preceding) as cnt
from OracleRangeMonth
order by Val;
Val cnt
-------- ---
10-01-31 1 ← 01-31
10-02-23 2 ← 01-31と02-23
10-02-28 3 ← 01-31と02-23と02-28
10-03-05 3 ← 02-23と02-28と03-05
10-03-30 3 ← 02-28と03-05と03-30
10-03-31 4 ← 02-28と03-05と03-30と03-31
10-04-05 4 ← 03-05と03-30と03-31と04-05
10-04-29 4 ← 03-30と03-31と04-05と04-29
10-04-30 5 ← 03-30と03-31と04-05と04-29と04-30
10-05-29 3 ← 04-29と04-30と05-29
10-05-30 3 ← 04-30と05-29と05-30
10-05-31 4 ← 04-30と05-29と05-30と05-31
-- 相関サブクエリで対応する方法
select Val,Val - 1 month as PrevMonthDay,
(select count(*)
from OracleRangeMonth b
where b.Val between a.Val - 1 month and a.Val) as cnt
from OracleRangeMonth a
order by Val;
Val PrevMonthDay cnt
---------- ------------ ---
2010-01-31 2009-12-31 1
2010-02-23 2010-01-23 2
2010-02-28 2010-01-28 3
2010-03-05 2010-02-05 3
2010-03-30 2010-02-28 3
2010-03-31 2010-02-28 4
2010-04-05 2010-03-05 4
2010-04-29 2010-03-29 4
2010-04-30 2010-03-30 5
2010-05-29 2010-04-29 3
2010-05-30 2010-04-30 3
2010-05-31 2010-04-30 4
5月10日から 6月10日までの日数は、5月の日数に等しい
6月10日から 7月10日までの日数は、6月の日数に等しい
7月10日から 8月10日までの日数は、7月の日数に等しい
8月10日から 9月10日までの日数は、8月の日数に等しい
DB2 V9.7では、range 計算式 precedingといった記述ができないので、
-- OLAPSample45
select Val,
case greatest(day(Val),day(last_day(Val - 1 month)))
when 28 then count(*) over(order by days(Val) range 28 preceding)
when 29 then count(*) over(order by days(Val) range 29 preceding)
when 30 then count(*) over(order by days(Val) range 30 preceding)
when 31 then count(*) over(order by days(Val) range 31 preceding)
end as cnt
from OracleRangeMonth
order by Val;
Oracleのrange interVal '2' month Precedingなども、DB2で模倣することができますが、
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select Val,
count(*) over(order by Val
range interVal '2' month Preceding) as cnt
from OracleRangeMonth
order by Val;
Val cnt
-------- ---
10-01-31 1 ← 01-31
10-02-23 2 ← 01-31,02-23
10-02-28 3 ← 01-31,02-23,02-28
10-03-05 4 ← 01-31,02-23,02-28,03-05
10-03-30 5 ← 01-31,02-23,02-28,03-05,03-30
10-03-31 6 ← 01-31,02-23,02-28,03-05,03-30,03-31
10-04-05 6 ← 02-23,02-28,03-05,03-30,03-31,04-05
10-04-29 6 ← 02-28,03-05,03-30,03-31,04-05,04-29
10-04-30 7 ← 02-28,03-05,03-30,03-31,04-05,04-29,04-30
10-05-29 6 ← 03-30,03-31,04-05,04-29,04-30,05-29
10-05-30 7 ← 03-30,03-31,04-05,04-29,04-30,05-29,05-30
10-05-31 7 ← 03-31,04-05,04-29,04-30,05-29,05-30,05-31
-- OLAPSample46
select Val,
case day(Val) - day(last_day(Val - 2 month))
when 3 then count(*) over(order by 100*(12*year(Val)+month(Val))+Day(Val) range 203 preceding)
when 2 then count(*) over(order by 100*(12*year(Val)+month(Val))+Day(Val) range 202 preceding)
when 1 then count(*) over(order by 100*(12*year(Val)+month(Val))+Day(Val) range 201 preceding)
else count(*) over(order by 100*(12*year(Val)+month(Val))+Day(Val) range 200 preceding)
end as cnt
from OracleRangeMonth
order by Val;
26. nth_Value
分析関数のorder byをソートキーとして、最初の行の値を求めるのが、First_Value
分析関数のorder byをソートキーとして、最後の行の値を求めるのが、Last_Value
分析関数のorder byをソートキーとして、(Row_Numberな順位が)n番目の行の値を求めるのが、nth_Value
create table nthT(ID integer,SortKey integer,Val integer);
insert into nthT values(1,10,666);
insert into nthT values(1,30,333);
insert into nthT values(1,40,222);
insert into nthT values(1,50,444);
insert into nthT values(2,20,777);
insert into nthT values(2,25,111);
insert into nthT values(2,27,555);
insert into nthT values(3,60,999);
insert into nthT values(3,61,888);
-- 模倣対象のPostgreSQL8.4のSQL
select ID,SortKey,Val,
nth_Value(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal,
nth_Value(Val,3) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
Rows between Unbounded Preceding
and Unbounded Following) as thirdVal
from nthT
order by ID,SortKey;
ID | SortKey | Val | SecondVal | thirdVal
1 | 10 | 666 | 333 | 222
1 | 30 | 333 | 333 | 222
1 | 40 | 222 | 333 | 222
1 | 50 | 444 | 333 | 222
2 | 20 | 777 | 111 | 555
2 | 25 | 111 | 111 | 555
2 | 27 | 555 | 111 | 555
3 | 60 | 999 | 888 | null
3 | 61 | 888 | 888 | null
-- OLAPSample47
select ID,SortKey,Val,
max(case rn when 2 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as SecondVal,
max(case rn when 3 then Val end) over(partition by ID) as thirdVal
from (select ID,SortKey,Val,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as rn
from nthT)
order by ID,SortKey;
分析関数のorder byをソートキーとして、
partition byで脳内で赤線を引いて、Row_Number関数を黄緑線でイメージしてます。
27. ListAggとwmsys.wm_concat
create table ListAggT(
ID integer,
Val char(3));
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'aaa');
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'bbb');
insert into ListAggT Values(1,'ccc');
insert into ListAggT Values(2,'ddd');
insert into ListAggT Values(2,'eee');
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL(order by指定)
select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(order by Val) as strAgg1
from ListAggT;
ID Val strAgg1
-- --- -------------------
1 aaa aaa
1 bbb aaa,bbb
1 ccc aaa,bbb,ccc
2 ddd aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd
2 eee aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd,eee
-- 共通表式を使う方法
with tmp(ID,Val,Rn) as(
select ID,Val,Row_Number() over(order by Val)
from ListAggT),
rec(ID,Val,strAgg1,Rn) as(
select ID,Val,cast(Val as varchar(20)),rn
from tmp
where rn=1
union all
select b.ID,b.Val,a.strAgg1 || ',' || b.Val,b.Rn
from rec a,tmp b
where b.rn = a.rn+1)
select ID,Val,strAgg1 from rec;
-- XML関数を使う方法
select ID,Val,
(select substr(XMLCast(XMLGroup(',' || b.Val as wk) as varchar(20)),2)
from ListAggT b
where b.Val <= a.Val) as strAgg1
from ListAggT a;
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL(partition by指定)
select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(partition by ID) as strAgg2
from ListAggT;
ID Val strAgg2
-- --- -----------
1 aaa aaa,bbb,ccc
1 bbb aaa,bbb,ccc
1 ccc aaa,bbb,ccc
2 ddd ddd,eee
2 eee ddd,eee
-- XML関数を使う方法
select ID,Val,
(select substr(XMLCast(XMLGroup(',' || Val as wk) as varchar(20)),2)
from ListAggT b
where b.ID = a.ID) as strAgg2
from ListAggT a;
下記のように、XMLGroup関数にorder byを指定します。
select ID,
substr(XMLCast(XMLGroup(',' || Val as wk ORDER BY Val desc) as varchar(20)),2) as strAgg3
from ListAggT
group by ID;
ID strAgg3
-- -----------
1 ccc,bbb,aaa
2 eee,ddd
28. 中央値(メジアン)を求める
create table MedianT(ID integer,Val integer);
insert into MedianT values(1, 10);
insert into MedianT values(1, 30);
insert into MedianT values(1,300);
insert into MedianT values(2,100);
insert into MedianT values(2,350);
insert into MedianT values(2,400);
insert into MedianT values(2,900);
insert into MedianT values(2,900);
insert into MedianT values(3,200);
insert into MedianT values(3,800);
-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,
Median(Val) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
from MedianT
order by ID,Val;
ID Val MedianVal
-- --- ---------
1 10 30
1 30 30
1 300 30
2 100 400
2 350 400
2 400 400
2 900 400
2 900 400
3 200 500
3 800 500
-- OLAPSample48
select ID,Val,
avg(case when mod(RecCnt,2) = 0 and Rn in(RecCnt/2,RecCnt/2+1)
or mod(RecCnt,2) = 1 and Rn = Ceil(RecCnt/2.0)
then Val end) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
from (select ID,Val,
count(*) over(partition by ID) as RecCnt,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as Rn
from MedianT)
order by ID,Val;
正順位 1 2 3 4 5
逆順位 5 4 3 2 1
差 4 2 0 2 4
正順位 1 2 3 4
逆順位 4 3 2 1
差 3 1 1 3
-- OLAPSample49
select ID,Val,
avg(case when Rn-RevRn in(-1,0,1)
then Val end) over(partition by ID) as MedianVal
from (select ID,Val,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val) as Rn,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by Val desc) as RevRn
from MedianT)
order by ID,Val;
第3部 分析関数の参考リソース