CodeZineのMySQLの記事(シーズン2)の元原稿   第2回 再帰With句のサンプル集

第1回 MySQL8.0のWindow関数のサンプル集




MySQL 8.0.15


01. Window関数とは
02. Select文の件数取得
03. 最大値の行の取得
04. 順位を付ける
05. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)
06. 前後の行の値
07. 累計
08. 移動累計
09. First_ValueとLast_Valueとnth_Value
10. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定
11. 最頻値(モード)
12. Range指定で2分前の値を求める
13. PostgreSQLのstring_aggを模倣
14. PostgreSQLのgroups指定を模倣
15. OracleのCountでのdistinct指定を模倣
16. Oracleのnth_Valueでのfrom Lastを模倣
17. OracleのLast_Valueでのignore nullsを模倣(entire)
18. OracleのLast_Valueでのignore nullsを模倣(until)
19. OracleのLag,Leadでのignore nullsを模倣
20. 参考資料

01. Window関数とは

select句とorder by句で使うことができます。order by句で使うことは、ほとんどないです。

また、Update文とDelete文のorder by句でも、Window関数は、使用不可です。




最頻出  count max   min    sum  Row_Number
頻出    Lag   Lead  Rank   dense_rank
たまに  avg   First_Value  Last_Value  nth_Value  JSON_ArrayAgg
レア    NTile

02. Select文の件数取得


create table CountT(ID int,Val int);
insert into CountT values(1,10),

-- Sample01
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from CountT;

| ID   | Val  | recordCount |
|    1 |   10 |           5 |
|    1 |   20 |           5 |
|    2 |   10 |           5 |
|    2 |   30 |           5 |
|    2 |   50 |           5 |

-- Sample01のサブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(*) from CountT) as recordCount
  from CountT;


where句や、group by句や、having句があっても、select文の結果の件数が求まります。

-- Sample02
select ID,Val,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from CountT
 where Val in(10,20);

-- Sample03
select ID,max(Val) as maxVal,
count(*) over() as recordCount
  from CountT
group by ID
having max(Val) = 20;


1 from句
2 where句
3 group by句
4 having句
5 select句
6 order by句
7 distinct
8 Limit句

create table disT(ColA int,ColB int);
insert into disT values(1,null),
                       (1,   3),
                       (1,   3),

-- Sample04
select ColA,ColB,count(*) over() as recordCount
from (select distinct ColA,ColB
        from disT
      order by ColA,ColB Limit 2) tmp
order by ColA,ColB;

03. 最大値の行の取得


create table MaxT(ID int,Val int,extraCol char(1));
insert into MaxT values(1,10,'A'),

-- 単純に、IDごとのValの最大値が欲しいなら、これで可
select ID,max(Val)
  from MaxT
group by ID;

-- Sample05
select ID,Val,extraCol
from (select ID,Val,extraCol,
      max(Val) over(partition by ID) as maxVal
        from MaxT) tmp
 where Val = maxVal;

| ID   | Val  | extraCol |
|    1 |   20 | B        |
|    2 |   50 | E        |
|    3 |   70 | F        |
|    3 |   70 | G        |

-- Sample05の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,extraCol
  from MaxT a
 where Val = (select max(b.Val)
                from MaxT b
               where b.ID = a.ID);

Window関数が使えるのは、select句かorder by句です。なので、

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

04. 順位を付ける


create table rnT(ID int,score int);
insert into rnT values(1,100),
                      (1, 90),
                      (1, 80),
                      (2, 70),
                      (2, 70);

-- Sample06
select ID,score,
Row_Number() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "Row_Number",
      rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "rank",
dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by score desc) as "dense_rank"
  from rnT
order by ID,score desc;

| ID   | score | Row_Number | rank | dense_rank |
|    1 |   100 |          1 |    1 |          1 |
|    1 |   100 |          2 |    1 |          1 |
|    1 |    90 |          3 |    3 |          2 |
|    1 |    80 |          4 |    4 |          3 |
|    2 |   100 |          1 |    1 |          1 |
|    2 |    70 |          2 |    2 |          2 |
|    2 |    70 |          3 |    2 |          2 |


-- Sample06の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法 (Row_Number関数以外)
select ID,score,
(select count(*)+1 from rnT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "rank",
(select count(distinct b.score)+1 from rnT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.score > a.score) as "dense_rank"
from rnT a
order by ID,"rank";

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

05. 最大値の行の取得(ソートキーが複数)

「03 最大値の行の取得」では、ソートキーが1つだったので、Window関数のmax関数を使いましたが、

create table multiSortKeyT(ID int,SortKey1 int,SortKey2 int,extraCol char(3));
insert into multiSortKeyT values(1,10, 2,'AAA'),
                                (1,10, 3,'BBB'),
                                (1,30, 1,'CCC'),
                                (2,20, 1,'DDD'),
                                (2,50, 2,'EEE'),
                                (2,50, 2,'FFF'),
                                (3,60, 1,'GGG'),
                                (3,60, 2,'HHH'),
                                (3,60, 3,'III'),

-- Sample07
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,extraCol
from (select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,extraCol,
      rank() over(partition by ID order by SortKey1 desc,SortKey2 desc) as rn
        from multiSortKeyT) a
 where rn = 1
order by ID,extraCol;

| ID   | SortKey1 | SortKey2 | extraCol |
|    1 |       30 |        1 | CCC      |
|    2 |       50 |        2 | EEE      |
|    2 |       50 |        2 | FFF      |
|    3 |       60 |        3 | III      |
|    4 |       10 |       20 | JJJ      |

-- Sample07の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法1
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKeyT a
 where (SortKey1,SortKey2) = (select b.SortKey1,b.SortKey2
                                from multiSortKeyT b
                               where b.ID = a.ID
                              order by b.SortKey1 desc,b.SortKey2 desc Limit 1)
order by ID,extraCol;

-- Sample07の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法2
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,extraCol
  from multiSortKeyT a
 where not exists(select 1 from multiSortKeyT b
                   where b.ID = a.ID
                     and (b.SortKey1 > a.SortKey1
                       or b.SortKey1 = a.SortKey1 and b.SortKey2 > a.SortKey2))
order by ID,extraCol;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

06. 前後の行の値


create table LagLeadT(ID char(2),SortKey int,Val int);
insert into LagLeadT values('AA',1,10),

-- Sample08
select ID,SortKey,
Lag(Val)  over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as Prev,Val,
Lead(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as Next
  from LagLeadT
order by ID,SortKey;

| ID   | SortKey | Prev | Val  | Next |
| AA   |       1 | NULL |   10 |   20 |
| AA   |       3 |   10 |   20 |   60 |
| AA   |       5 |   20 |   60 |   30 |
| AA   |       7 |   60 |   30 | NULL |
| BB   |       2 | NULL |   40 |   80 |
| BB   |       4 |   40 |   80 |   50 |
| BB   |       6 |   80 |   50 | NULL |

-- Sample08の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,
(select b.Val from LagLeadT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.SortKey < a.SortKey
 order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1) as Prev,
(select b.Val from LagLeadT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.SortKey > a.SortKey
 order by b.SortKey Limit 1) as Next
  from LagLeadT a
order by ID,SortKey;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

ID列,SortKey列をソートキー、ID列をブレークキーとして、 キーブレイクを検知してみます。

-- case式を使う定番の方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
case when ID = Lag(ID)  over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as IsKeyBreaked,
case when ID = Lead(ID) over(order by ID,SortKey) then 0 else 1 end as WillKeyBreak
  from LagLeadT
order by ID,SortKey;

-- Sample09
select ID,SortKey,Val,
Lag (0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as IsKeyBreaked,
Lead(0,1,1) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as WillKeyBreak
  from LagLeadT
order by ID,SortKey;

07. 累計

帳票で累計を求めたい時に使うのが、order byを指定した、Window関数のsum関数です。

create table runSumT(ID char(2),SortKey int,Val int);
insert into runSumT values('AA',1,10),

-- Sample10
select ID,SortKey,Val,
sum(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as runSum
  from runSumT
order by ID,SortKey;

| ID   | SortKey | Val  | runSum |
| AA   |       1 |   10 |     10 |
| AA   |       2 |   20 |     30 |
| AA   |       3 |   40 |     70 |
| AA   |       4 |   80 |    150 |
| BB   |       1 |   10 |     10 |
| BB   |       2 |   30 |     40 |
| BB   |       3 |   90 |    130 |
| CC   |       1 |   50 |     50 |
| CC   |       2 |   60 |    170 |
| CC   |       2 |   60 |    170 |

-- Sample10の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select sum(b.Val) from runSumT b
  where b.ID = a.ID and b.SortKey <= a.SortKey) as runSum
from runSumT a
order by ID,SortKey;

order byを指定して、frame句を省略すると、
デフォルトの、Range Between Unbounded Preceding and Current rowになります。

order by SortKey    -- SortKeyの昇順で、
Range Between       -- 値の範囲は、
Unbounded Preceding -- 前方は、際限なく、
and Current row     -- 後方は、カレント行まで

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

08. 移動累計


create table idouT(DayCol date,Val int);
insert into idouT values(date '2019-05-11',  10),
                        (date '2019-05-12',  20),
                        (date '2019-05-15',  60),
                        (date '2019-05-16', 100),
                        (date '2019-05-17', 200),
                        (date '2019-05-18', 600),
                        (date '2019-05-19',1000),
                        (date '2019-05-25',2000);

-- Sample11
select DayCol,Val,
sum(Val) over(order by DayCol rows  2 preceding) as moveSum1,
sum(Val) over(order by DayCol range InterVal 2 day preceding) as moveSum2
  from idouT
order by DayCol;

| DayCol     | Val  | moveSum1 | moveSum2 |
| 2019-05-11 |   10 |       10 |       10 |
| 2019-05-12 |   20 |       30 |       30 |
| 2019-05-15 |   60 |       90 |       60 |
| 2019-05-16 |  100 |      180 |      160 |
| 2019-05-17 |  200 |      360 |      360 |
| 2019-05-18 |  600 |      900 |      900 |
| 2019-05-19 | 1000 |     1800 |     1800 |
| 2019-05-25 | 2000 |     3600 |     2000 |

-- Sample11の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select DayCol,Val,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from idouT b
  where (select count(*)
           from idouT c
          where c.DayCol between b.DayCol and a.DayCol)
 between 1 and 2 + 1) as moveSum1,
(select sum(b.Val)
   from idouT b
  where b.DayCol between a.DayCol - 2 and a.DayCol) as moveSum2
  from idouT a
order by DayCol;

Window関数のorder by以降の、省略時の仕様として、
order by DayCol rows 2 precedingは、
order by DayCol rows between 2 preceding and current row

order by DayCol range InterVal 2 day precedingは、
order by DayCol range between InterVal 2 day preceding and current row


order by DayCol -- DayColの昇順で、
rows between    -- 行の範囲は、
2 preceding     -- 2行前から
and current row -- カレント行まで

order by DayCol -- DayColの昇順で、
range between   -- 値の範囲は、
InterVal 2 day preceding -- 2日前から
and current row -- カレント行まで


09. First_ValueとLast_Valueとnth_Value

指定したソートキーでの、(Row_Numberな順位が) n番目の行の値を求めるのが、nth_Valueとなります。

create table nthT(ID int,SortKey int,Val int);
insert into nthT values(1,10,666),

-- Sample12
select ID,SortKey,Val,
First_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as FirVal,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as LastVal,
nth_Value(Val,2) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal,
nth_Value(Val,3) over(partition by ID order by SortKey
                      Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as ThirdVal
  from nthT
order by ID,SortKey;

| ID   | SortKey | Val  | FirVal | LastVal | SecondVal | ThirdVal |
|    1 |      10 |  666 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222 |
|    1 |      30 |  333 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222 |
|    1 |      40 |  222 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222 |
|    1 |      50 |  444 |    666 |     444 |       333 |      222 |
|    2 |      20 |  777 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555 |
|    2 |      25 |  111 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555 |
|    2 |      27 |  555 |    777 |     555 |       111 |      555 |
|    3 |      60 |  999 |    999 |     888 |       888 |     NULL |
|    3 |      61 |  888 |    999 |     888 |       888 |     NULL |

-- Sample12の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1) as FirVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1 OffSet 1) as SecondVal,
(select b.Val from nthT b
  where b.ID = a.ID order by b.SortKey Limit 1 OffSet 2) as ThirdVal
from nthT a
order by ID,SortKey;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。

10. 全称肯定,全称否定,存在肯定,存在否定



create table boolCheckT(ID char(2),Val int);
insert into boolCheckT values('AA',10),


・check1 IDごとで、全ての行が Val < 40 を満たすか?
・check2 IDごとで、全ての行が Val < 40 を満たさないか?
・check3 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val < 40 を満たすか?
・check4 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val < 40 を満たさないか?
・check5 IDごとで、少なくとも1つの行が Val = 10 を満たし、
             かつ、少なくとも1つの行が Val = 50 を満たすか?

-- Sample13
select ID,Val,
min(Val < 40)           over(partition by ID) as chk1,
min((Val < 40) = false) over(partition by ID) as chk2,
max(Val < 40)           over(partition by ID) as chk3,
max((Val < 40) = false) over(partition by ID) as chk4,
max(Val = 10) over(partition by ID) and
max(Val = 50) over(partition by ID) as chk5
  from boolCheckT
order by ID,Val;

| ID   | Val  | chk1 | chk2 | chk3 | chk4 | chk5 |
| AA   |   10 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |
| AA   |   20 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |
| BB   |   10 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    1 |
| BB   |   30 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    1 |
| BB   |   50 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    1 |
| CC   |   80 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |
| CC   |   90 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |
| DD   |   20 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    0 |
| DD   |   70 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    0 |


脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition byで、脳内で赤線を引くと分かりやすいです。


全称肯定命題なら min(条件)
全称否定命題なら min(条件 = false)
存在肯定命題なら max(条件)
存在否定命題なら max(条件 = false)
存在肯定命題の論理積なら max(条件A) and max(条件B)


-- Sample14
select ID,Val,
sum((Val < 40) = false) over(partition by ID) as chk1,
sum(Val < 40)           over(partition by ID) as chk2,
sum(Val < 40)           over(partition by ID) as chk3,
sum((Val < 40) = false) over(partition by ID) as chk4,
sum(Val = 10) over(partition by ID) and
sum(Val = 50) over(partition by ID) as chk5
  from boolCheckT
order by ID,Val;

| ID   | Val  | chk1 | chk2 | chk3 | chk4 | chk5 |
| AA   |   10 |    0 |    2 |    2 |    0 |    0 |
| AA   |   20 |    0 |    2 |    2 |    0 |    0 |
| BB   |   10 |    1 |    2 |    2 |    1 |    1 |
| BB   |   30 |    1 |    2 |    2 |    1 |    1 |
| BB   |   50 |    1 |    2 |    2 |    1 |    1 |
| CC   |   80 |    2 |    0 |    0 |    2 |    0 |
| CC   |   90 |    2 |    0 |    0 |    2 |    0 |
| DD   |   20 |    1 |    1 |    1 |    1 |    0 |
| DD   |   70 |    1 |    1 |    1 |    1 |    0 |


-- 集約関数での全称肯定命題など
select ID,group_concat(cast(Val as char(2))) as ConcatVal,
min(Val < 40) as chk1,
min((Val < 40) = false) as chk2,
max(Val < 40) as chk3,
max((Val < 40) = false) as chk4,
max(Val = 10) and max(Val = 50) as chk5
  from boolCheckT
group by ID
order by ID;

| ID   | ConcatVal | chk1 | chk2 | chk3 | chk4 | chk5 |
| AA   | 10,20     |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |    0 |
| BB   | 10,30,50  |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    1 |
| CC   | 80,90     |    0 |    1 |    0 |    1 |    0 |
| DD   | 20,70     |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |    0 |


-- having句での存在肯定命題
select ID,group_concat(cast(Val as char(2))) as ConcatVal
  from boolCheckT
group by ID
having max(Val < 40)
order by ID;

| ID   | ConcatVal |
| AA   | 10,20     |
| BB   | 10,30,50  |
| DD   | 20,70     |

11. 最頻値(モード)

create table DayWeatherT(DayCol date,weather char(6));
insert into DayWeatherT values(date '2018-01-02','sunny' ),
                              (date '2018-01-15','snowy' ),
                              (date '2018-01-30','snowy' ),
                              (date '2018-06-01','cloudy'),
                              (date '2018-06-13','cloudy'),
                              (date '2018-06-24','rainy' ),
                              (date '2018-06-30','rainy' ),
                              (date '2018-07-02','sunny' ),
                              (date '2018-07-14','sunny' ),
                              (date '2018-07-23','sunny' ),
                              (date '2018-07-31','sunny' ),
                              (date '2018-11-10','cloudy');


-- 最頻値が必ず1つだけなら、これでも可
select weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeatherT
group by weather
order by count(*) desc Limit 1;

-- Sample15
select weather,cnt
from (select weather,count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over() as maxCnt
        from DayWeatherT
      group by weather) tmp
 where cnt = maxCnt;

| weather | cnt |
| sunny   |   5 |

-- Sample15のサブクエリを使った代替方法
select weather,count(*) as cnt
  from DayWeatherT
group by weather
having count(*) >= all(select count(*)
                         from DayWeatherT
                       group by weather);

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。group by weatherに対応する赤線を引いてます。


-- Sample16
select monthCol,weather,cnt
from (select Date_Format(DayCol,'%m') as monthCol,weather,
      count(*) as cnt,
      max(count(*)) over(partition by Date_Format(DayCol,'%m')) as maxCnt
        from DayWeatherT
      group by monthCol,weather) a
 where cnt = maxCnt
order by monthCol,weather;

| monthCol | weather | cnt |
| 01       | snowy   |   2 |
| 06       | cloudy  |   2 |
| 06       | rainy   |   2 |
| 07       | sunny   |   4 |
| 11       | cloudy  |   1 |

-- Sample16の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select monthCol,weather,count(*) as cnt
from (select Date_Format(DayCol,'%m') as monthCol,weather
        from DayWeatherT) a
group by monthCol,weather
having count(*) >= all(select count(*)
                         from DayWeatherT b
                        where Date_Format(b.DayCol,'%m') = a.monthCol
                       group by
order by monthCol,weather;

group by Date_Format(DayCol,'%m'),weather に対応する赤線を引いてます。

partition by Date_Format(DayCol,'%m')に対応する超極太赤線を引いてます。

12. Range指定で2分前の値を求める

「06. 前後の行の値」で説明したように、Lag関数を使えば、


create table WindowRangeT(DateTimeCol DateTime,Val int);
insert into WindowRangeT values(TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:00:00',111),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:02:00',222),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:05:00',333),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:09:00',444),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:10:00',555),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:11:00',666),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:12:00',777),
                               (TimeStamp '2019-05-01 10:15:00',888);


-- Sample17
select DateTimeCol,Val,
max(Val) over(order by DateTimeCol
              range between InterVal 2 minute Preceding
                        and InterVal 2 minute Preceding) as ValBefore2Minute
  from WindowRangeT
order by DateTimeCol;

| DateTimeCol         | Val  | ValBefore2Minute |
| 2019-05-01 10:00:00 |  111 |             NULL |
| 2019-05-01 10:02:00 |  222 |              111 |
| 2019-05-01 10:05:00 |  333 |             NULL |
| 2019-05-01 10:09:00 |  444 |             NULL |
| 2019-05-01 10:10:00 |  555 |             NULL |
| 2019-05-01 10:11:00 |  666 |              444 |
| 2019-05-01 10:12:00 |  777 |              555 |
| 2019-05-01 10:15:00 |  888 |             NULL |

-- Sample17の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select DateTimeCol,Val,
(select max(b.Val)
   from WindowRangeT b
  where b.DateTimeCol = a.DateTimeCol - InterVal 2 minute) as ValBefore2Minute
  from WindowRangeT a
order by DateTimeCol;

Window関数のorder by以降は、下記のように解釈すると分かりやすいでしょう。

order by DateTimeCol            -- DateTimeColの昇順で、
range between                   -- 値の範囲は、
    InterVal 2 minute Preceding -- 小さいほうは、2分前の行から
and InterVal 2 minute Preceding -- 大きいほうは、2分前の行まで


13. PostgreSQLのstring_aggを模倣

create table StringAggT(ID int,Val char(1));
insert into StringAggT values(111,'a'),


-- 模倣対象のPostgreSQLのSQL
select ID,Val,
string_agg(Val,',') over(partition by ID) as strAgg1,
string_agg(Val,',') over(order by Val)    as strAgg2
  from StringAggT
order by ID,Val;

  ID | Val | strAgg1 | strAgg2
 111 |   a |   a,b,c | a
 111 |   b |   a,b,c | a,b
 111 |   c |   a,b,c | a,b,c
 222 |   d |   d,e,f | a,b,c,d
 222 |   e |   d,e,f | a,b,c,d,e
 222 |   f |   d,e,f | a,b,c,d,e,f


-- Sample18
select ID,Val,
JSON_ArrayAgg(Val) over(partition by ID) as strAgg1,
JSON_ArrayAgg(Val) over(order by Val)    as strAgg2
  from StringAggT
order by ID,Val;

| ID   | Val  | strAgg1         | strAgg2                        |
|  111 | a    | ["a", "b", "c"] | ["a"]                          |
|  111 | b    | ["a", "b", "c"] | ["a", "b"]                     |
|  111 | c    | ["a", "b", "c"] | ["a", "b", "c"]                |
|  222 | d    | ["d", "e", "f"] | ["a", "b", "c", "d"]           |
|  222 | e    | ["d", "e", "f"] | ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]      |
|  222 | f    | ["d", "e", "f"] | ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"] |

14. PostgreSQLのgroups指定を模倣

参考サイト そーだいなるらくがき帳

create table groupsT(ID int,Val int);
insert into groupsT values(1, 1),
                          (2, 1),
                          (3, 3),
                          (4, 5),
                          (5, 5),
                          (6, 5),
                          (7, 6);

-- 模倣対象のPostgreSQLのSQL
select id,Val,
array_agg(id) over(order by Val
                   groups between 1 preceding and 1 following) as groups_id,
array_agg(Val) over(order by Val
                    groups between 1 preceding and 1 following) as groups_Val
  from t;

 id | Val | groups_id     | groups_Val
  1 |   1 | {1,2,3}       | {1,1,3}
  2 |   1 | {1,2,3}       | {1,1,3}
  3 |   3 | {1,2,3,4,5,6} | {1,1,3,5,5,5}
  4 |   5 | {3,4,5,6,7}   | {3,5,5,5,6}
  5 |   5 | {3,4,5,6,7}   | {3,5,5,5,6}
  6 |   5 | {3,4,5,6,7}   | {3,5,5,5,6}
  7 |   6 | {4,5,6,7}     | {5,5,5,6}


-- Sample19
with tmp as(
select id,Val,dense_rank() over(order by Val) as rn
  from groupsT)
select id,Val,
JSON_ArrayAgg(id) over(order by rn
                       range between 1 preceding and 1 following) as groups_id,
JSON_ArrayAgg(Val) over(order by rn
                        range between 1 preceding and 1 following) as groups_Val
  from tmp
order by id;

| id   | Val  | groups_id          | groups_Val         |
|    1 |    1 | [1, 2, 3]          | [1, 1, 3]          |
|    2 |    1 | [1, 2, 3]          | [1, 1, 3]          |
|    3 |    3 | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | [1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5] |
|    4 |    5 | [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]    | [3, 5, 5, 5, 6]    |
|    5 |    5 | [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]    | [3, 5, 5, 5, 6]    |
|    6 |    5 | [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]    | [3, 5, 5, 5, 6]    |
|    7 |    6 | [4, 5, 6, 7]       | [5, 5, 5, 6]       |

15. OracleのCountでのdistinct指定を模倣

create table OracleDistinctT(ID int,Val int not null);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(1,111);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(1,222);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(1,333);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(2,111);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(3,111);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(3,222);
insert into OracleDistinctT values(4,333);


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,Val,count(distinct Val) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
  from OracleDistinctT;

ID  Val  disCnt
--  ---  ------
 1  111       3
 1  111       3
 1  222       3
 1  222       3
 1  333       3
 2  111       1
 2  111       1
 3  111       2
 3  222       2
 4  333       1

-- Sample20
select ID,Val,max(rn) over(partition by ID) as disCnt
from (select ID,Val,dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn
      from OracleDistinctT) tmp
order by ID,Val;

-- Sample20の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,Val,
(select count(distinct b.Val)
   from OracleDistinctT b where b.ID = a.ID) as disCnt
from OracleDistinctT a
order by ID,Val;

脳内のイメージは、このようになります。partition by IDで赤線を引いてます。

ちなみに、count(distinct Val)は、Valがnullだとカウントしませんので、

-- Sample21
select ID,Val,max(rn) over(partition by ID) - HasNull as disCnt
from (select ID,Val,dense_rank() over(partition by ID order by Val) as rn,
      max(Val is null) over(partition by ID) as HasNull
      from OracleDistinctT) tmp
order by ID,Val;

16. Oracleのnth_Valueでのfrom Lastを模倣

create table OracleFromLastT(ID char(1),SortKey1 int,SortKey2 int,Val int);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('A',1,1,111);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('A',1,2,222);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('A',3,1,333);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('A',3,2,444);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('B',5,1,555);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('B',5,2,666);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('B',5,3,777);
insert into OracleFromLastT values('B',7,1,888);

Oracleでは、分析関数のnth_Value関数でfrom Lastが使えます。

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,Val,
nth_Value(Val,2) from Last
over(partition by ID order by SortKey1,SortKey2
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal
  from OracleFromLastT
order by SortKey1,SortKey2;

ID  SortKey1  SortKey2  Val  SecondVal
--  --------  --------  ---  ---------
 A         1         1  111        333
 A         1         2  222        333
 A         3         1  333        333
 A         3         2  444        333
 B         5         1  555        777
 B         5         2  666        777
 B         5         3  777        777
 B         7         1  888        777

-- Sample22
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,Val,
over(partition by ID order by SortKey1 desc,SortKey2 desc
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as SecondVal
  from OracleFromLastT
order by SortKey1,SortKey2;

-- Sample22の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey1,SortKey2,Val,
(select b.Val
   from OracleFromLastT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
 order by b.SortKey1 desc,b.SortKey2 desc Limit 1 OffSet 1) as SecondVal
from OracleFromLastT a
order by ID,Val;

order by句のascとdescを入れ替えると、逆ソートができることをふまえてます。

例1 order by X,Y,Zの逆ソートは、
    order by X desc,Y desc,Z desc
例2 order by X desc,Y,Z ascの逆ソートは、
    order by X asc,Y desc,Z desc

17. OracleのLast_Valueでのignore nullsを模倣(entire)

create table ignLastValT(ID int,SortKey int,Val int);
insert into ignLastValT values(1,1, 555);
insert into ignLastValT values(1,2,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(1,3, 111);
insert into ignLastValT values(1,4,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(2,1, 888);
insert into ignLastValT values(2,2, 222);
insert into ignLastValT values(2,3,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(2,4, 444);
insert into ignLastValT values(3,1, 777);
insert into ignLastValT values(3,2,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(3,3,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(3,4,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(3,5, 333);
insert into ignLastValT values(4,1,null);
insert into ignLastValT values(4,2,null);

Oracleの分析関数では、First_Value関数やLast_Value関数やnth_Value関数で、ignore nullsを指定できます。
Last_Value(値 ignore nulls) over句 が基本的な使い方ですが、
Last_Value(case when 条件 then 値 end ignore nulls) over句 というふうに、


-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,SortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val ignore nulls)
over(partition by ID
     order by SortKey Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                               and Unbounded Following) as LastVal1
  from ignLastValT
order by ID,SortKey;

ID  SortKey   Val  LastVal1
--  -------  ----  --------
 1        1   555       111
 1        2  null       111
 1        3   111       111
 1        4  null       111
 2        1   888       444
 2        2   222       444
 2        3  null       444
 2        4   444       444
 3        1   777       333
 3        2  null       333
 3        3  null       333
 3        4  null       333
 3        5   333       333
 4        1  null      null
 4        2  null      null

-- Sample23
select ID,SortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val) over(partition by ID
                     order by if(Val is null,0,1),SortKey
                     Rows between Unbounded Preceding
                              and Unbounded Following) as LastVal1
  from ignLastValT
order by ID,SortKey;


-- Sample23の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from ignLastValT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.Val is not null
 order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal1
  from ignLastValT a
order by ID,SortKey;


18. OracleのLast_Valueでのignore nullsを模倣(until)

今度は、その行までを対象としたLast_Value関数(ignore nulls)を模倣します。

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select ID,SortKey,Val,
Last_Value(Val ignore nulls)
over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as LastVal2
  from ignLastValT
order by ID,SortKey;

ID  SortKey   Val  LastVal2
--  -------  ----  --------
 1        1   555       555
 1        2  null       555
 1        3   111       111
 1        4  null       111
 2        1   888       888
 2        2   222       222
 2        3  null       222
 2        4   444       444
 3        1   777       777
 3        2  null       777
 3        3  null       777
 3        4  null       777
 3        5   333       333
 4        1  null      null
 4        2  null      null

-- Sample24
select ID,SortKey,Val,
max(case SortKey when maxSortKey then Val end)
over(partition by ID,maxSortKey) as LastVal2
from (select ID,SortKey,Val,
      max(case when Val is not null then SortKey end)
      over(partition by ID order by SortKey) as maxSortKey
      from ignLastValT) a
order by ID,SortKey;


-- Sample24の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select ID,SortKey,Val,
(select b.Val
   from ignLastValT b
  where b.ID = a.ID
    and b.SortKey <= a.SortKey
    and b.Val is not null
 order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1) as LastVal2
from ignLastValT a
order by ID,SortKey;

脳内のイメージ(第1段階)は、こうなります。partition by IDに対応する赤線を引いてます。

脳内のイメージ(最終段階)は、こうなります。partition by ID,maxSortKeyに対応する紫線を引いてます。

19. OracleのLag,Leadでのignore nullsを模倣

Oracleでは、Lag関数とLead関数でもignore nullsを指定することができます。

create table ignLagLeadT(SortKey int,Val int);
insert into ignLagLeadT values( 1,   2);
insert into ignLagLeadT values( 2,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values( 5,   4);
insert into ignLagLeadT values( 9,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(11,   6);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(12,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(14,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(16,   5);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(17,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(20,   3);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(21,null);
insert into ignLagLeadT values(22,   4);

-- 模倣対象のOracleのSQL
select SortKey,Val,
Lag (Val,2,999) ignore nulls over(order by SortKey) as Lag2,
Lead(Val,2,999) ignore nulls over(order by SortKey) as Lead2
  from ignLagLeadT;

SortKey   Val  Lag2  Lead2
-------  ----  ----  -----
      1     2   999      6
      2  null   999      6
      5     4   999      5
      9  null     2      5
     11     6     2      3
     12  null     4      3
     14  null     4      3
     16     5     4      4
     17  null     6      4
     20     3     6    999
     21  null     5    999
     22     4     5    999

-- Sample25
select SortKey,Val,
IfNull(max(Val) over(order by NonNullCnt1
                     range between 2 Preceding
                               and 2 Preceding),999) as Lag2,
IfNull(max(Val) over(order by NonNullCnt2
                     range between 2 Preceding
                               and 2 Preceding),999) as Lead2
from (select SortKey,Val,
      count(Val) over(order by SortKey Rows
                      between Unbounded Preceding
                          and 1 Preceding) as NonNullCnt1,
      count(Val) over(order by SortKey Rows
                      between 1 Following
                          and Unbounded Following) as NonNullCnt2
      from ignLagLeadT) a
order by SortKey;

その行数でorder byしてrange指定してます。

-- Sample25の相関サブクエリを使った代替方法
select SortKey,Val,
IfNull((select b.Val
          from ignLagLeadT b
         where b.Val is not null
           and b.SortKey < a.SortKey
        order by b.SortKey desc Limit 1 offset 1),999) as Lag2,
IfNull((select b.Val
          from ignLagLeadT b
         where b.Val is not null
           and b.SortKey > a.SortKey
        order by b.SortKey Limit 1 offset 1),999) as Lead2
from ignLagLeadT a
order by SortKey;


(SlideShare) SQL window functions for MySQL
(SlideShare) Common Table Expressions (CTE) & Window Functions in MySQL 8.0