ID nextID
-- ------
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1
5 6
select ID,nextID,sys_connect_by_path(to_char(ID),',') as Path,
connect_by_iscycle as IsCycle
from noCycleT
start with ID = 1
connect by nocycle prior nextID = ID;
ID nextID Path IsCycle
-- ------ -------- -------
1 2 ,1 0
2 3 ,1,2 0
3 4 ,1,2,3 0
4 1 ,1,2,3,4 1
with recursive W(ID,nextID) as(
select ID,nextID
from noCycleT
where ID = 1
select b.ID,b.nextID
from W,noCycleT b
where W.nextID = b.ID)
select ID,nextID
from W;
with recursive W(ID,nextID,arrID) as(
select ID,nextID,array[ID]
from noCycleT
where ID = 1
union all
select b.ID,b.nextID,w.arrID || b.ID
from W,noCycleT b
where W.nextID = b.ID
and b.ID != all(W.arrID))
select ID,nextID,
',' || array_to_string(arrID,',') as path
from W;
with recursive W(ID,nextID,arrID) as(
select ID,nextID,array[ID]
from noCycleT
where ID = 1
union all
select b.ID,b.nextID,w.arrID || b.ID
from W,noCycleT b
where W.nextID = b.ID
and b.ID != all(W.arrID))
select ID,nextID,
',' || array_to_string(arrID,',') as path,
case when nextID = any(arrID)
then 1 else 0 end as IsCycle
from W;
with recursive W(ID,nextID,arrID) as(
select ID,nextID,array[ID]
from noCycleT
where ID = 1
union all
select b.ID,b.nextID,w.arrID || b.ID
from W,noCycleT b
where W.nextID = b.ID
and b.ID != all(W.arrID))
select ID,nextID,
',' || array_to_string(arrID,',') as path,
case when exists(select 1 from W c
where d.arrID[1] = c.arrID[1]
and d.nextID = c.ID
and c.ID = any(d.arrID))
then 1 else 0 end as IsCycle
from W d;