create table ban(
X integer,
Y integer);
insert into ban values
with recursive W(X,Y,Level,Path) as(
select X,Y,1,array['(' || X::text || Y::text || ')']
from ban
where X=1 and Y=1
union all
select b.X,b.Y,W.Level+1,
W.Path || ('(' || b.X::text || b.Y::text || ')')
from W,ban b
where ((b.X = W.X+2 and b.Y = W.Y+1)
or (b.X = W.X+2 and b.Y = W.Y-1)
or (b.X = W.X-2 and b.Y = W.Y+1)
or (b.X = W.X-2 and b.Y = W.Y-1)
or (b.X = W.X+1 and b.Y = W.Y+2)
or (b.X = W.X+1 and b.Y = W.Y-2)
or (b.X = W.X-1 and b.Y = W.Y+2)
or (b.X = W.X-1 and b.Y = W.Y-2))
and '(' || b.X::text || b.Y::text || ')' != all(W.Path)
and Level <= 25)
select array_to_string(path,'-') as path
from W
where Level = 25;