再帰with句04 階層問い合わせのconnect_by_IsLeafを模倣
-- -----
1 null
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 1
6 5
7 2
20 null
21 20
22 21
select ID,OyaID,Level,sys_connect_by_path(to_char(ID),',') as Path,
connect_by_IsLeaf as IsLeaf
from IsLeafT
start with OyaID is null
connect by prior ID = OyaID;
ID OyaID Level Path IsLeaf
-- ----- ----- --------- ------
1 null 1 ,1 0
2 1 2 ,1,2 0
3 2 3 ,1,2,3 0
4 3 4 ,1,2,3,4 1
7 2 3 ,1,2,7 1
5 1 2 ,1,5 0
6 5 3 ,1,5,6 1
20 null 1 ,20 0
21 20 2 ,20,21 0
22 21 3 ,20,21,22 1
create table IsLeafT(
ID number primary key,
OyaID number);
insert into IsLeafT values( 1,null);
insert into IsLeafT values( 2, 1);
insert into IsLeafT values( 3, 2);
insert into IsLeafT values( 4, 3);
insert into IsLeafT values( 5, 1);
insert into IsLeafT values( 6, 5);
insert into IsLeafT values( 7, 2);
insert into IsLeafT values(20,null);
insert into IsLeafT values(21, 20);
insert into IsLeafT values(22, 21);
col path for a10
with rec(ID,OyaID,LV,Path) as(
select ID,OyaID,1,',' || to_char(ID)
from IsLeafT
where OyaID is null
union all
select b.ID,b.OyaID,a.LV+1,a.Path || ',' || to_char(b.ID)
from rec a,IsLeafT b
where a.ID = b.OyaID)
search depth first by ID set SortKey
select ID,OyaID,LV,Path,
case when exists(select 1 from rec b
where a.ID = b.OyaID)
then 0 else 1 end as IsLeaf
from rec a;
with rec(ID,OyaID,LV,Path) as(
select ID,OyaID,1,',' || to_char(ID)
from IsLeafT
where OyaID is null
union all
select b.ID,b.OyaID,a.LV+1,a.Path || ',' || to_char(b.ID)
from rec a,IsLeafT b
where a.ID = b.OyaID)
search depth first by ID set SortKey
select ID,OyaID,LV,Path,
case when Lead(LV) over(order by SortKey) > LV
then 0 else 1 end as IsLeaf
from rec
order by SortKey;