競技プログラミングのソース置場   WEB+DB 115   AOJ本   PAST本   けんちょん本   E8本(数学)   アリ本   ライブラリ   AOJ   ABC   ARC   PAST


002-D 派閥
003-C AtCoderプログラミング講座
004-D マーブル
005-D おいしいたこ焼きの焼き方
006-C スフィンクスのなぞなぞ
006-D トランプ挿入ソート
007-C 幅優先探索
010-D 浮気予防
011-D 大ジャンプ
012-D バスと避けられない運命
013-C 節制
014-D 閉路
015-C 高橋くんのバグ探し
017-C ハイスコア
017-D サプリメント
018-D バレンタインデー
020-C 壁抜け
021-C 正直者の高橋くん
021-D 多重ループ
022-C Blue Bird
023-C 収集王
023-D 射撃王
024-B 自動ドア
024-C 民族大移動
026-C 高橋君の給料
026-D 高橋君ボール1号
027-C 倍々ゲーム
027-D ロボット
031-D 語呂合わせ
032-C 列
032-D ナップサック問題
033-D 三角形の分類
034-C 経路
034-D 食塩水
035-D トレジャーハント
036-D 塗り絵
038-D プレゼント
040-D 道路の老朽化対策について
042-D いろはちゃんとマス目
044-D 桁和
045-C たくさんの数式
047-D 高橋君と見えざる手
048-D An Ordinary Game
049-D 連結
051-B Sum of Three Integers
051-D Candidates of No Shortest Paths
052-D Walk and Teleport
053-D Card Eater
061-D Score Attack
063-D Widespread
065-D Built?
068-C Cat Snuke and a Voyage
074-C Sugar Water
075-C Bridge
076-B Addition and Multiplication
076-D AtCoder Express
077-C Snuke Festival
078-C HSI
078-D ABS
080-C Shopping Street
080-D Recording
081-B Shift only
082-D FT Robot
083-D Wide Flip
085-C Otoshidama
086-D Checker
087-D People on a Line
088-C Takahashi's Information
090-D Remainder Reminder
091-C 2D Plane 2N Points
091-D Two Sequences
092-D Grid Components
093-C Same Integers
094-C Many Medians
094-D Binomial Coefficients
095-D Static Sushi
096-C Grid Repainting 2
096-D Five, Five Everywhere
097-C K-th Substring
097-D Equals
098-C Attention
098-D Xor Sum 2
099-D Good Grid
100-D Patisserie ABC
101-D Snuke Numbers
102-C Linear Approximation
103-D Islands War
104-C All Green
104-D We Love ABC
105-C Base -2 Number
105-D Candy Distribution
106-C To Infinity
106-D AtCoder Express 2
107-C Candles
108-C Triangular Relationship
110-C String Transformation
110-D Factorization
111-C /\/\/\/
112-C Pyramid
112-D Partition
113-D Number of Amidakuji
114-C 755
114-D 756
115-D Christmas
116-C Grand Garden
116-D Various Sushi
117-C Streamline
117-D XXOR
119-C Synthetic Kadomatsu
119-D Lazy Faith
120-C Unification
120-D Decayed Bridges
121-C Energy Drink Collector
121-D XOR World
122-C GeT AC
122-D We Like AGC
125-D Flipping Signs
126-D Even Relation
126-E 1 or 2
127-D Integer Cards
127-E Cell Distance
128-D equeue
128-E Roadwork
129-C Typical Stairs
129-D Lamp
129-E Sum Equals Xor
130-D Enough Array
130-E Common Subsequence
131-D Megalomania
131-E Friendships
132-D Blue and Red Balls
132-E Hopscotch Addict
133-D Rain Flows into Dams
133-E Virus Tree 2
134-D Preparing Boxes
134-E Sequence Decomposing
135-D Digits Parade
136-D Gathering Children
136-E Max GCD
137-C Green Bin
137-D Summer Vacation
137-E Coins Respawn
138-D Ki
138-E Strings of Impurity
139-D ModSum
139-E League
140-D Face Produces Unhappiness
140-E Second Sum
141-D Powerful Discount Tickets
141-E Who Says a Pun?
142-D Disjoint Set of Common Divisors
142-E Get Everything
143-E Travel by Car
144-D Water Bottle
145-D Knight
145-E ll-you-can-eat
146-C Buy an Integer
146-D Coloring Edges on Tree
146-E Rem of Sum is Num
146-F Sugoroku
147-C HonestOrUnkind2
147-D Xor Sum 4
147-E Balanced Path
148-D Brick Break
148-E Double Factorial
148-F Playing Tag on Tree
149-D Prediction and Restriction
149-E Handshake
150-D Semi Common Multiple
150-E Change a Little Bit
151-E Max-Min Sums
152-D Handstand 2
152-E Flatten
153-D Caracal vs Monster
153-E Crested Ibis vs Monster
153-F Silver Fox vs Monster
154-E Almost Everywhere Zero
155-C Poll
155-D Pairs
155-E Payment
156-D Bouquet
156-E Roaming
157-B Bingo
157-D Friend Suggestions
157-E Simple String Queries
158-D String Formation
158-E Divisible Substring
159-D Banned K
159-E Dividing Chocolate
160-D Line++
160-E Red and Green Apples
160-F Distributing Integers
161-D Lunlun Number
161-E Yutori
161-F Division or Subtraction
162-D RGB Triplets
162-E Sum of gcd of Tuples (Hard)
163-D Sum of Large Numbers
163-E Active Infants
164-D Multiple of 2019
164-E Two Currencies
165-D Floor Function
165-E Rotation Matching
166-D I hate Factorization
166-E This Message Will Self-Destruct in 5s
167-D Teleporter
167-E Colorful Blocks
168-C : (Colon)
168-D .. (Double Dots)
168-E ・(Bullet)
169-D Div Game
169-E Count Median
170-D Not Divisible
170-E Smart Infants
171-C One Quadrillion and One Dalmatians
171-E Red Scarf
172-C Tsundoku
172-D Sum of Divisors
172-E NEQ
173-C H and V
173-D Chat in a Circle
173-E Multiplication 4
174-C Repsept
174-D Alter Altar
174-E Logs
174-F Range Set Query
175-C Walking Takahashi
175-D Moving Piece
175-E Picking Goods
176-D Wizard in Maze
176-E Bomber
177-C Sum of product of pairs
177-D Friends
177-E Coprime
178-C Ubiquity
178-D Redistribution
178-E Dist Max
179-C A x B + C
179-D Leaping Tak
179-E Sequence Sum
180-D Takahashi Unevolved
180-E Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities
181-C Collinearity
181-D Hachi
181-E Transformable Teacher
182-C To 3
182-D Wandering
182-E Akari
183-B Billiards
183-C Travel
183-D Water Heater
183-E Queen on Grid
183-F Confluence
184-C Super Ryuma
184-D increment of coins
184-E Third Avenue
184-F Programming Contest
185-C Duodecim Ferra
185-D Stamp
185-E Sequence Matching
185-F Range Xor Query
186-E Throne
186-F Rook on Grid
187-D Choose Me
187-E Through Path
188-D Snuke Prime
188-E Peddler
189-C Mandarin Orange
189-D Logical Expression
189-E Rotate and Flip
190-C Bowls and Dishes
190-D Staircase Sequences
190-E Magical Ornament
190-F Shift and Inversions
191-B Remove It
191-C Digital Graffiti
191-D Circle Lattice Points
191-E Come Back Quickly
192-D Base n
192-E Train
193-C Unexpressed
193-D Poker
193-E Oversleeping
194-C Squared Error
194-D Journey
194-E Mex Min
195-C Comma
195-D Shipping Center
195-E Lucky 7 Battle
196-D Hanjo
196-E Filters
197-B Visibility
197-D Opposite
197-E Traveler
198-C Compass Walking
198-D Send More Money
198-E Unique Color
199-D RGB Coloring 2
199-E Permutation
200-C Ringo's Favorite Numbers 2
200-D Happy Birthday! 2
200-E Patisserie ABC 2
201-C Secret Number
201-D Game in Momotetsu World
201-E Xor Distances
202-D aab aba baa
202-E Count Descendants
203-D Pond
203-E White Pawn
204-D Cooking
204-E Rush Hour 2
205-C POW
205-D Kth Excluded
205-E White and Black Balls
205-F Grid and Tokens
206-C Swappable
206-D KAIBUNsyo
206-E Divide Both
207-B Hydrate
207-C Many Segments
207-D Congruence Points
207-E Mod i
208-B Factorial Yen Coin
208-C Fair Candy Distribution
208-D Shortest Path Queries 2
208-E Digit Products
210-D National Railway
210-E Ring MST
211-D Number of Shortest paths
211-E Red Polyomino
212-C Min Difference
212-D Querying Multiset
212-E Safety Journey
213-D Takahashi Tour
213-E Stronger Takahashi
214-C Distribution
214-D Sum of Maximum Weights
214-E Packing Under Range Regulations
214-F Substrings
215-E Chain Contestant
215-F Dist Max 2
216-D Pair of Balls
216-E Amusement Park
216-F Max Sum Counting
217-D Cutting Woods
217-E Sorting Queries
217-F Make Pair
218-C Shapes
218-D Rectangles
218-E Destruction
218-F Blocked Roads
219-E Moat
220-E Distance on Large Perfect Binary Tree
220-F Distance Sums 2
221-D Online games
221-E LEQ
222-D Between Two Arrays
222-E Red and Blue Tree
222-F Expensive Expense
223-D Restricted Permutation
223-E Placing Rectangles
223-F Parenthesis Checking
224-C Triangle?
224-D 8 Puzzle on Graph
224-E Integers on Grid
224-F Problem where +s Separate Digits
225-E フ
225-F String Cards
226-E Just one
227-D Project Planning
228-E Integer Sequence Fair
229-D Longest X
229-E Graph Destruction
229-F Make Bipartite
230-D Destroyer Takahashi
230-E Fraction Floor Sum
231-D Neighbors
231-E Minimal payments
231-F Jealous Two
232-B Caesar Cipher
232-C Graph Isomorphism
232-D Weak Takahashi
232-E Rook Path
232-F Simple Operations on Sequence
233-F Swap and Sort
234-F Reordering
235-F Variety of Digits
236-D Dance
236-E Average and Median
236-F Spices
237-C kasaka
237-D LR insertion
237-E Skiing
237-F |LIS| = 3
238-C digitnum
238-D AND and SUM
238-E Range Sums
239-E Subtree K-th Max
239-F Construct Highway
241-C Connect 6
241-D Sequence Query
241-E Putting Candies
241-F Skate
242-D ABC Transform
242-E (∀x∀)
243-E Edge Deletion
244-C Yamanote Line Game
244-D Swap Hats
244-E King Bombee
244-F Shortest Good Path
245-D Polynomial division
245-E Wrapping Chocolate
245-F Endless Walk
246-D 2-variable Function
246-E Bishop 2
246-F typewriter
247-B Unique Nicknames
247-C 1 2 1 3 1 2 1
247-D Cylinder
247-E Max Min
247-F Cards
248-D Range Count Query
248-E K-colinear Line
248-F Keep Connect
249-E RLE
249-F Ignore Operations
250-D 250-like Number
250-E Prefix Equality
251-D At Most 3 (Contestant ver.)
251-E Tahakashi and Animals
251-F Two Spanning Trees
252-D Distinct Trio
252-E Road Reduction
252-F Bread
253-D FizzBuzz Sum Hard
253-E Distance Sequence
253-F Operations on a Matrix
254-C K Swap
254-D Together Square
254-E Small d and k
254-F Rectangle GCD
255-B Light It Up
255-C ±1 Operation 1
255-D ±1 Operation 2
255-E Lucky Numbers
255-F Pre-order and In-order
256-C Filling 3x3 array
256-D Union of Interval
256-E Takahashi's Anguish
257-C Robot Takahashi
257-D Jumping Takahashi 2
257-E Addition and Multiplication 2
257-F Teleporter Setting
258-C Rotation
258-D Trophy
258-E Packing Potatoes
259-B Counterclockwise Rotation
259-C XX to XXX
259-D Circumferences
259-E LCM on Whiteboard
259-F Select Edges
260-D Draw Your Cards
260-E At Least One
260-F Find 4-cycle
261-F Sorting Color Balls
262-D I Hate Non-integer Number
262-E Red and Blue Graph
263-C Monotonically Increasing
263-D Left Right Operation
263-E Sugoroku 3
264-C Matrix Reducing
264-D "redocta".swap(i,i+1)
264-E Blackout 2
264-F Monochromatic Path
265-D Iroha and Haiku (New ABC Edition)
265-E Warp
266-B Modulo Number
266-C Convex Quadrilateral
266-D Snuke Panic (1D)
266-E Throwing the Die
266-F Well-defined Path Queries on a Namori
267-E Erasing Vertices 2
267-F Exactly K Steps
268-C Chinese Restaurant
268-D Unique Username
268-E Chinese Restaurant (Three-Star Version)
268-F Best Concatenation
269-D Do use hexagon grid
269-E Last Rook
269-F Numbered Checker
270-B Hammer
270-C Simple path
270-D Stones
270-E Apple Baskets on Circle
270-F Transportation
271-D Flip and Adjust
271-E Subsequence Path
271-F XOR on Grid Path
272-E Add and Mex
273-E Notebook
274-E Booster
274-F Fishing
275-C Counting Squares
275-D Yet Another Recursive Function
275-E Sugoroku 4
275-F Erase Subarrays
276-E Round Trip
276-F Double Chance
277-D Takahashi's Solitaire
277-E Crystal Switches
278-E Grid Filling
279-D Freefall
279-F BOX
280-D Factorial and Multiple
280-E Critical Hit
281-D Max Multiple
281-E Least Elements
282-D Make Bipartite 2
282-E Choose Two and Eat One
284-D Happy New Year 2023
284-E Count Simple Paths
286-E Souvenir
287-E Karuta
288-D Range Add Query
289-E Swap Places
290-D Marking
291-E Find Permutation
291-F Teleporter and Closed off
292-D Unicyclic Components
292-E Transitivity
292-F Regular Triangle Inside a Rectangle
293-C Make Takahashi Happy
293-D Tying Rope
293-E Geometric Progression
298-F Rook Score
299-D Find by Query
301-E Pac-Takahashi
302-E Isolation
302-F Merge Set
303-E A Gift From the Stars
305-E Art Gallery on Graph
307-C Ideal Sheet
307-D Mismatched Parentheses
307-E Distinct Adjacent
308-C Standings
308-D Snuke Maze
308-E MEX
308-F Vouchers
309-E Family and Insurance
312-F Cans and Openers
314-E Roulettes
315-D Magical Cookies
317-C Remembering the Days
317-D President
317-E Avoid Eye Contact
318-E Sandwiches
319-E Bus Stops
320-C Slot Strategy 2 (Easy)
320-D Relative Position
320-E Somen Nagashi
321-E Complete Binary Tree
322-D Polyomino
322-E Product Development
323-D Merge Slimes
323-E Playlist
324-C Error Correction
324-D Square Permutation
324-E Joint Two Strings
325-B World Meeting
325-D Printing Machine
325-E Our clients, please wait a moment
326-D ABC Puzzle
326-E Revenge of "The Salary of AtCoder Inc."
328-D Take ABC
328-E Modulo MST
329-E Stamp
329-F Colored Ball
331-D Tile Pattern
331-E Set Meal
333-B Pentagon
333-E Takahashi Quest
334-B Christmas Trees
334-C Socks 2
334-D Reindeer and Sleigh
334-E Christmas Color Grid 1
335-E Non-Decreasing Colorful Path
336-D Pyramid
336-E Digit Sum Divisible
337-E Bad Juice
338-C Leftover Recipes
338-D Island Tour
338-E Chords
339-B Langton's Takahashi
339-D Synchronized Players
339-E Smooth Subsequence
340-D Super Takahashi Bros.
340-E Mancala 2
341-D Only one of two
341-E Alternating String
342-D Square Pair
342-E Last Train
343-F Second Largest Query
344-D String Bags
344-E Insert or Erase
344-F Earn to Advance
345-C One Time Swap
345-D Tiling
346-D Gomamayo Sequence
346-E Paint
346-F SSttrriinngg in StringString
347-C Ideal Holidays
347-D Popcount and XOR
347-E Set Add Query
348-C Colorful Beans
348-D Medicines on Grid
348-E Minimize Sum of Distances
349-C Airport Code
349-D Divide Interval
349-E Weighted Tic-Tac-Toe
350-C Sort
350-D New Friends
350-E Toward 0
351-D Grid and Magnet
351-E Jump Distance Sum
351-F Double Sum
352-D Permutation Subsequence
352-E Clique Connect
353-C Sigma Problem
353-D Another Sigma Problem
353-E Yet Another Sigma Problem
354-D AtCoder Wallpaper
354-E Remove Pairs
355-C Bingo 2
355-D Intersecting Intervals
356-C Keys
356-D Masked Popcount
357-C Sierpinski carpet
357-D 88888888
357-E Reachability in Functional Graph
358-D Souvenirs
358-E Alphabet Tiles
359-C Tile Distance 2
359-D Avoid K Palindrome
359-E Water Tank
360-D Ghost Ants
360-E Random Swaps of Balls
361-B Intersection of Cuboids
361-C Make Them Narrow
361-D Go Stone Puzzle
361-E Tree and Hamilton Path 2
362-E Count Arithmetic Subsequences
363-C Avoid K Palindrome 2
363-D Palindromic Number
363-E Sinking Land
363-F Palindromic Expression
364-C Minimum Glutton
364-D K-th Nearest
364-E Maximum Glutton
365-E Xor Sigma Problem
366-E Manhattan Multifocal Ellipse
367-E Permute K times
367-F Rearrange Query
369-C Count Arithmetic Subarrays
369-D Bonus EXP
369-E Sightseeing Tour
369-F Gather Coins
370-C Word Ladder
370-D Cross Explosion
370-E Avoid K Partition
371-C Make Isomorphic
371-D 1D Country
371-E I Hate Sigma Problems
372-C Count ABC Again
372-D Buildings
372-E K-th Largest Connected Components
373-D Hidden Weights
373-E How to Win the Election
374-C Separated Lunch
374-D Laser Marking
374-E Sensor Optimization Dilemma 2
375-C Spiral Rotation
375-D ABA
375-E 3 Team Division
376-C Prepare Another Box
376-D 3 Cycle
377-D 3 Many Segments 2
378-D Count Simple Paths
381-D 1122 Substring
385-D Santa Claus 2
386-C Operate 1
386-D Diagonal Separation
387-C Snake Numbers
387-D Snaky Walk
388-D Coming of Age Celebration
388-E Simultaneous Kagamimochi
389-C Snake Queue
389-D Squares in Circle
389-F Rated Range
390-D Stone XOR
390-E Vitamin Balance
392-E Cables and Servers
392-F Insert
393-D Swap to Gather
393-E GCD of Subset
393-F Prefix LIS Query